School Board Districts

District 1 - Chuck Davis - light pink area
District 2 - Lonnie BriseƱo - blue area
District 3 - Gene Gant- orange area
District 4 - John Schwebke - bright pink area -UP FOR RE-ELECTION FEB. 2007
District 5 - Sharon Wooden - teal area - UP FOR RE-ELECTION FEB 2007
Schwebke and Wooden must be replaced. We need candidates for these two districts. If you are interested in running from District 4 or District 5, you must live in the district and be a registered voter. We are ready to support viable candidates.
Wooden's district is north of Lohman and east of I-25. It includes Sonoma Ranch, High Range, East Mesa. Schools are Desert Hills, Sonoma, Highland, Sunrise, Cesar Chavez, Camino Real and Onate.
Schwebke's district is roughly west of the Rio Grande, north of Main Street and south of Union. It includes Picacho Hills, Mesilla, some of Mesilla Park and the rural area to the west of Las Cruces. Schools are Jornada, Dona Ana, East Picaho,Fairacres, and Mesilla elementary schools.
Are there any names in the bucket?
I was shocked to read the editorial in the Sun News today! Now I fully understand why the paper has not printed the many comments submitted to Soundoff! The Sun News has no interest in finding out the facts about our school board or Sonia Diaz. The editorial just states that there are a few vocal LCPS employees that won't be satisfied with anyone else but Charles White. Hogwash! The REAL issue, of course, is that we have a board and superintendent that have demoralized the district's employees and have broken many board and state regulations pertaining to hiring and fiscal practices! It is amazing to me that the paper refuses to investigate these issues! Is the paper on thier payroll!
The Board has the responsibility of backing what is best for the students in our community. This responsibility, or interest, is not evident this year. Funding meant for items already budgeted should remain intact and high schools should not go without books to bring in a brand new reading series when it isn't even adoption year, and there is no extra money, and when the district has worked so hard to implement and support a literacy focus. A new series in itself is not the answer. Teachers did not ask for new reading books. The board and Diaz are responsible for maintaining budget consistent with what was already planned and consistent with the monies we have in hand.
I am new to Las Cruces, I've been here three months. I preface my comments with the fact I am a mother of three, 24, 15 and 6. My children have been in private schools up until middle school age and then they've attended public schools. My children have been educated all over the country. I've seen lot's of different curriculums, some that work and some that don't.
I prefer going back to the basics of reading, writing, grammar, etc. It worked for me a child of the 70's and prior to that time. This country is producing many illiterate children and this must stop or we lose our edge in business and the sciences.
With that said, I have read this blog from beginning to end. I was told a long time ago not to believe everything you read and only half of what you hear. I prefer to save my opinion until such time that I have heard factual information. Some of what is on this blog won't hold true unless you can back it up with fact. I do agree this school system is in dire need of change. When you rank (I've seen two statistics ranking NM at 49th or 43rd, take your pick they're both pitiful) nearly at the bottom, this fact doesn't lie, change is needed. Now what type of change is needed? Is it personnel or curriculum? This is a subject for the experts to discuss.
I am reserving my opinion until I think I know all the facts. I will keep reading back here to see if any accusations I've read have been backed up with any facts.
I am new to Las Cruces, I've been here three months. I preface my comments with the fact I am a mother of three, 24, 15 and 6. My children have been in private schools up until middle school age and then they've attended public schools. My children have been educated all over the country. I've seen lot's of different curriculums, some that work and some that don't.
I prefer going back to the basics of reading, writing, grammar, etc. It worked for me a child of the 70's and prior to that time. This country is producing many illiterate children and this must stop or we lose our edge in business and the sciences.
With that said, I have read this blog from beginning to end. I was told a long time ago not to believe everything you read and only half of what you hear. I prefer to save my opinion until such time that I have heard factual information. Some of what is on this blog won't hold true unless you can back it up with fact. I do agree this school system is in dire need of change. When you rank (I've seen two statistics ranking NM at 49th or 43rd, take your pick they're both pitiful) nearly at the bottom, this fact doesn't lie, change is needed. Now what type of change is needed? Is it personnel or curriculum? This is a subject for the experts to discuss.
I am reserving my opinion until I think I know all the facts. I will keep reading back here to see if any accusations I've read have been backed up with any facts.
Disheartened to see us moving away from using this resource to learn the "truth/facts" & towards using it as the local soap box (for testifying for/against various LCPS employees without substantiation). We have good people; we are in a bad leadership situation; we need to gather evidence and form a plan to remedy our predicament.
Decent, agenda free individuals that run should be encouraged and understand that they would have a cadre of LCPS employees working to support their election.
Second, this is not about change or pace or length of time. Dr. Diaz has been abusive, and has an incredibly poor track record. We need to stop subjecting employees to her hostility and whim as soon as possible.
Liz Marrufo did not support Dr. Diaz' selection and brought in Joni G. to ask for locals to be considered. Now, Liz, who was PLACED with a higher salary than has ever been given for her position, has asked Joni to support her.
This community and school board need to understand that this is about an abusive individual. The employees of this district need to be protected and supported.
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