LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Monday's Board Meeting

Monday is a critical crossroads for the District. The Board will convene at 4:45 pm. The closed session may last until 7 or 7:30 pm. It is IMPERATIVE that we show up in force. The Board needs to see that the community is watching its actions. You do not need to say anything. Your presence will be enough. You should arrive around 7 pm.


At 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super Fund Clean Up
“The best leaders are those who empower others to lead.” (Bill Gates) If one concurs with the words of Bill Gates, there can be no doubt that the current school board members and the last two superintendents have failed this school district. When “agendas” are made behind closed doors and in closed session, no one is empowered besides those who sit behind those doors. I have repeatedly heard Ms. Diaz make broad statements to the news media and parents, such as “ ‘We’re’ working on it…” or, “We’re looking at it…” or, “We want to bring in the best professionals…” or , “We have set up focus groups in the different schools to evaluate…” My questions are: Who is the “we” in “we’re”? What is the stated purpose and agenda of these “focus groups”? And, how many parents, students, community members, teachers, and administrators have heard of, let alone been invited to be part of, “focus groups” operating within their local schools? If such “focus groups” are indeed operating within our schools, I would like to inform the school board and Ms. Diaz that they either have failed miserably in communicating this information or done an excellent job of selecting a “few” who are operating in obscurity. Sadly, whatever the case may be, Ms. Diaz and the Board have failed miserably in their ability to “tap into the genius” of the many talented individuals within this community! They have, in essence, “disempowered” those who have a great deal of insight and could be instrumental in bringing forth a plan for positive change in this school district. Sadly, unless we demand more as a community, we will continue to be “led” by a board that operates under a veil of secrecy and “governed” by superintendents who are hired to carry out the Board’s narrow, and some might even say, personal” agendas.

Besides understanding how to empower others, most good leaders understand this simple adage: “If you do not know where you are going, every road will take you nowhere.” As leaders in the classroom, teachers understand that they must identify the goals for any unit of study and state the objectives and devise the teaching strategies for meeting those goals. We know the “road” we are asking the students to travel. Should we expect any less from our school board and superintendent? It is time that we demand a publicly-crafted strategic plan for this school district. No longer should we allow the Board or Superintendent to state one or two “broad generalities” (such as, “improve literacy” or “do God’s work”) as goals for this school district without stating the objectives as to how to achieve those goals. (It would really be a “blessing” to know what Ms. Diaz’s objectives are for her goal “to do God’s work.”) Such practices simply leave too much room for personal agendas, whether they are that of the Board or a Superintendent, to take priority. And, sadly, we are, yet again, suffering the fallout that results from such poor leadership practices: Students are without textbooks, monies for programs have been frozen and then unfrozen, and board members are fighting amongst themselves over the continued tenure of Ms. Diaz. In essence, administrators, teachers, and students are, once again, being held hostage on a “road going nowhere.” Our students and community deserve more!

As a community, we must demand that the current Board “put the wheels in motion” to establish a strategic plan for this district in which all interested members of this community are “empowered” to take part. The talented students, parents, community members, business leaders, teachers, professors, and administrators would have no problem identifying the strengths and areas of weaknesses of our schools. Nor would these groups have difficulty identifying the goals and developing the objectives that would put the District on a road “going somewhere.”

Ms. Diaz has stated that any new CEO or leader meets with resistance and problems during the transitioning process. (kvia interview) I hope she is considering the possibility that the amount of resistance and the number of problems that new CEO experiences during a transitioning period is directly related to his/her ability to be an effective leader. Ms. Diaz has failed to seek community input on crafting a plan for this school district. She has never communicated a plan, unless it is being communicated to the Board behind closed doors, for this school district. Yet, she has she has communicated the need to bring in “the best” from outside the community to help “lead” our district that leaves many of us asking, “Lead us where?” (What a scary road!!) Ms. Diaz and the current Board’s lack of leadership have failed the community, district employees, and most importantly—the children! Until we have a long-term plan in place for this District, we will continue to be bogged down in turmoil. Furthermore, we will have no tool to guide us in the hiring of future superintendents or electing school board members that share “our” district’s vision, nor we will have no tool for evaluating their work. “We” need to define our road and choose leaders who know they will be held accountable for empowering and facilitating us in taking that road.

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a longtime, current employee, I wholeheartedly agree that the morale in this district is, at this time, the worst it's ever been. It is time for the employees and the community to rally together and SAVE OUR SCHOOLS. We have an opportunity to respond to this SOS. Let's show up at the board meeting to SUPPORT OUR SCHOOLS, SUPPORT OUR STAFF, and SERVE OUR STUDENTS. Let's have a series of SOS fund raisers to build morale, show that we're willing to put our money where are mouths are, and SAVE OUR SANITY.

At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd just like to say that as soon as the new super was named, I began a google search of her past employment and what I found was not reassuring. If I could do this, surely the board and headhunter company could have done this as well. Blaming the headhunter company, while legitimate, does still not release the board from the fact that they failed to check this person out. Another clue was her statement about "feeling such a spiritual connection to Las Cruces" and her statements about the test results. She expressed such disappointment--it came off as negative and condescending. How about a statement such as: it gives direction, it shows us what needs to be done, it clarifies the direction we need to take. Third clue: her pin-up picture in front of Sonoma Ranch Elementary. It was totally inappropriate, in my opinion for a professional educator. Add to that, the bowing at LCHS when she first met the faculty and staff and introduced herself. And so the clues have gone on and on and we are now at a decisionmaking point. I truly believe Sonia may be guilty of fiscal mismanagement to the degree of prosecution. I can't believe the board would place her on administrative leave even with the furor she's caused in school and within the community, unless there is more to this story. Remember, it took them a long time to address Louis Martinez's behavior? Regardless of the evidence and reasons for placing her on leave, she simply doesn't "fit" in our community. Her comment about God is a cheap attempt to sway people and she ought to be ashamed. She has cultivated support among the most influential people in our community yet treats her subordinates poorly. She is very crafty and knows exactly what she's doing. This won't change, she needs to go. As to her successor, the board simply can't choose a satisfactory leader. With the exception of Chuck Davis, the board needs to be replaced and a new board installed that will listen to the needs and concerns of the community and to take their recommendations seriously. The fact that this hasn't been done, is the very reason we are at this point. My condolences to the employees, teachers and administrators who must try to meet the needs of our students while riding on this roller coaster. Attend the board meeting, there is power in numbers. The super and board can't possibly discount numbers and discipline everyone in attendance. If we want change, we must act!

At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is also very important to show up at 4:45 for the beginning of the school board meeting in order to school the board that people are watching, interested and will hold them accountable. Please show up at 4:45 and then come back at 7 pm.

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree --- everyone should show up on Monday night! But be prepared for a lot longer meeting than 7:30 --- their last session lasted until 10:30pm. Make arrangements at home so that everyone can stay till the end. It's important to show this community does care about what the Board decides. We can only hope they decide to terminate!


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