LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

How many central office administrators went to Santa Fe at district expense to party and schmooze with legislators? What did that cost taxpayers?
I am getting real irritated with central office administrators who make a decision one day, then change that decision a few months later not realizing how much damage was caused because of the decision. This makes some peoples jobs a lot harder than they should be! Maybe a little more thought needs to be put into these unnecessary decisions in the first place. Blogger Comment: There is no leadership. That is the plain and simple truth.
Well, there is one central office administrator that comes to mind that reacts to circumstances (and I'm not just talking about the weather either... Remember the shooting near Sierra?- That was the most comical) rather than responding to them. It sure is funny to watch him run around frantically as if he were going to save the day while everyone else just stares...
no matter who we hire for supe etc. if we don't deal with drugs and gangs and make all our schools safe for the kids that want to learn NOTHING will matter. It is time for my kids and yours to be able to go to school in a safe environment. We need to take back our schools. If kids disrupt and cause trouble take them out of that school put them SOME PLACE. Yes, we all deserve an education but why take away from the kids that want to learn. Let the parents of disruptive kids deal with them.
When it starts cooling off in the afternoon the weather will change. Bus drivers deliver some kids later than most why take a chance on our most precious commodity.


At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My nephew is a band student at MHS. He has told us more than once that a few male staff members have tried to be overly friendly. School and district officials don't seem too concerned. After all, the China trip is almost here. Now what should we do?

At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My nephew is a band student at MHS. He has told us more than once that a few male staff members have tried to be overly friendly. School and district officials don't seem too concerned. After all, the China trip is almost here. Now what should we do?

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zamora Inc. (Safe and Drug Free Schools)has two young female "gang specialists" who doesn't have a clue about about gangs. drugs, or what is really going on in our middle schools. Zamora is throwing programs at us and they do not work; in fact, the problem has gotten worst. My daughter knows more about gangs that these specialists and she's in the 7th grade. I was hesitant before but now I believe we need to bring back Mr. Peace. Let him stabilize the problem. We can definately use him in my middle school.

At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do educators want to reinvent the wheel?

At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My children are preschoolers. WIll this LCPS mess be cleaned up before I register them for Kinder?


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