LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Blogger Comment: We need to focus on the upcoming Board of Ed election. We have excellent candidates for both seats in Bonnie Votaw and Connie Phillips. Even if you do not live in the candidate's districts , please, please do what you can to support these candidates. Make a contribution ( no matter how small), volunteer to help with mailings or neighborhood walks, talk to your friends who live in the districts - all will make a difference. This election is the watershed. Is the community serious about its displeasure with the current Board of Ed? Then get busy and make a difference.
For those who profess to have read and understood Good to Great here are some key points as summarized in the Wall Street Journal: a) Five classes of productive people; at the top are self-effacing bosses... (as opposed to self-righteous or self-aggrandizing) b) Companies fare best when they focus on that which they are uniquely adept. c) Smart companies become very good at one thing in a world full of dilettantes. d)Poorly run companies constantly change their focus, loudly announcing new initiatives that amount to nothing. Regardless of how or by whom the book was introduced to the district, the concepts are sound and need be applied to programs, departments, committees and central administration as a whole.
Oh my God, I can't believe the cynicism in the string of posts about the "mistakes" LCPS made with the weather. There was no harm done, we don't get weather like this very often so we really don't know what to expect except what the National Weather Service tells us. After ABQ was so lackadaisical about their big snowstorm last month, all public entities were put on alert that they better be safe, not sorry--so LCPS did what they had to do! I really feel so many of issues posted here over the past few months have been really important and needed airing, but bitching about the minutiae isn't very productive. Hate to say it but the weather is a non issue--typical teacher's lounge-style, negative gossip and gripes that mean about as much as complaining about finding a candy wrapper on the floor again. MOVE ALONG! BIG PICTURE, FOLKS!!!
I read that Diaz will be seeking independent arbitration after the board upheld her firing. This basically comes down to her wanting money, and nothing else. What scares me is that she'll just find another city of saps to go after next. I intend on following her online and if I find that she is a front runner in a job anywhere, to contact that district and let them know how much of a crook this lady is. We need to make sure that her incompetence stops here with us.
And the winner is...
I haven't visited this blog in a while, and now I remember why. Taking potshots at those working hard on behalf of kids; it's disappointing. My street and entire neighborhood was full of cars slipping and sliding through black ice. Not EVERYONE lives in the city and unless someone had magical powers, there was no way to know for sure whether the weather was going to get worse. We couldn't make it into LC and I was glad to hear that the schools would dismiss early. Thanks bus driver for getting my son home safely. To those who whine all the time on this blog, for goodness sakes! stop it! These people are doing the best they can. What is so terribly wrong with having to dismiss early one time in how many years?


At 6:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While the weather may be a non-issue, decision making is front and center. The crisis management style of managing creates one after another. Our leaders are hired to respond to circumstances, not react to them. Long range planning and those who possess this ability will prevent these mistakes in the future.

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With CRT looming over our shoulders, instructional time means everything to us!

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a comment-- there is another candidate running in District 5 who is equally competent-- his name is David Morgan. David is willing to take on the challenges of the school board and the difficulties that will come with inheriting the seat. He would also appreciate campaign contributions and support!! Read all about him at or Google David Morgan & District 5!!

At 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with the high schools is simple; it's the high school teachers and counselors!

At 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of bitter parents who again didn't want to be responsible for their children have to take a stab at "Lizzie" for making a smart decision to send the kids home. Did she put a damper in your schedule? Or did you have to be a responsible parent so that ticked you off?
By the way, only someone that knows Liz well would call her "Lizzie". She must be in some pain with all the backstabbing going on!


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