LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

School lunches are subsidized by the government for students. Adults pay the "un-subsidized" price. In other words, where one lunch per person at the high school will cost $2.60; the student will pay one price depending on their eligibility [free/reduced] and the govt. will pick up the rest of the $2.60. I hope this helps explain the difference in cost. As to how many jalapenos you can eat; if you want more than the allotted amount that goes with the lunch, you have the option of purchasing more. [I think the cost is 10 cents per extra serving]
If you take the opportunity to see the claims made by Jerry Laws and Jack Jenkins you can easily determine that our district places great emphasis on Human Resources being a department where you put old administrators, principals, and friends of the district who don't know beans from buckshot about HR. Therefore, our district is getting sued. Ogaz will win, Jenkins will win and Laws will win. If you looked at the qualifications posted for the new Human Resources Director you would find that they needed to have a valid New Mexico administrators license. Wow , I'm sure that comes in handy when you're contemplating an important HR issue. For what they are paying the new Human Resources Director the district could hire a lawyer for that position. Then when our superintendent or our Board (Lonnie Briseno) decides to do something stupid because "this is New Mexico and we don't have to follow the federal codes here" the informed HR Director stops them. Imagine the Human Resources Director as a Director of Stop Loss and Stupidity Prevention. With the current mentality of hiring only those who have been burned out in administration or violated a moral code with a fellow worker we should consider a former Science teacher to manage our districts finances. They couldn't do a worse job than is already being done.
Please don't cheer on Jerry and Jack. Every dime they take is a dime that should have been spent educating kids. We have emergency funds and they will be taking our emergency funds. What happens when we have a real emergency. Their greed is disgusting to me. If they ever did care about kids, they would take one penny from the kids. More greedy old timers who made plenty of money off the schools. Just like Ogas. They all make me sick! Blogger Comment: Actually the Insurance Authority through liability insurance pays claims of this type. It does not affect the budget except when insurance rates are established.
The state does not come down and take over schools if we don't pass CRT. They come for a week and make you do extra paperwork, go year round, & do Baldridge. They become more of a pain than usual, but they don't have the manpower to take over schools or districts. They will eventually have to take over every school in the state. How are they going to do that? Give me a break. Have they taken over our High Schools yet? No, and they are all in deep due to CRT and graduation scores. NCLB is a joke! It is a threat of more paperwork, that is it.
agree with the administrator who values their PDT! I do too!!!!! I know that my teachers are starting to turn in their professional development plans, and almost every one refers to our PDT helping them, coaching them, supporting them. They are invaluable to our schools. I think literacy will just fall to the wayside without them in the schools. I also am an administrator and I understand your frustration. Go easy on the words like idiot buddy. You're making us all look bad!


At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How dare the previous person request "Please don't cheer on Jerry and Jack." If a person is treated improperly, unethically, or illegally then they should have the protection of the courts. I bet the same person would have the hides of those awful boys who accused the Godly priests. Shame on you!

At 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on the lunch prices. I thought only free and reduced lunches were subsidized. Knowing that even the kids who pay full price aren't really paying full price makes it easier to pay that extra dollar for my meal. Thanks again.


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