Dear Blogger Management,
Bravo! You have it right on the head so to speak. When I came to Las Cruces [4 years ago], I decided to try teaching again as I had taken a couple of years off to tend to children. I am still apalled that students are not taught penman-ship. Only a handful of my High School students can read cursive. I have asked several teachers why no one teaches cursive anymore or why doesn't anyone care if a child is unable to write legibly? No one knows. It is so sad that we have to teach basic reading at high school and yet so necessary. With the higher salary we have now comes more stress and strife than it is worth. We have more and more teachers opting for other professions. Something has to give. We are all suffering. Thank you for your blog ~ and people; we need to do more than complain. We need to take back what we have lost. What the students are losing every day. One name keeps popping up and that is Devious Lonnie. I say get rid of him and then we will have majority rule on the Board. Lonnie, here's your sign.
sign me annonymous please.
This blog is a farce - it is the twisted brainchild of the Davis family - no NEA Davis - just "what's in it for me" Davis - Daddy chuck, wifey Helen and daughter kathy. No one is fooled.
This blog has been a great help to me this past year, which was the worst in my career. The LCPS has been so utterly mismanaged that there is nothing left of the district, and the people downtown continue to fool themselves into thinking they know what they're doing.
To be honest, we have to put a stop to all of this nonsense that's going on. Now with Rounds wanting to suspend all range salary movement, it's too much. We need to make our voices be heard. We have strength in numbers, and this district obviously couldn't function without its teachers (although it CAN and DOES without management and competency at central office). I know the NEA doesn't allow strikes, but who cares about the NEA, they haven't done anything for the teachers in Las Cruces, we need to end this, I've had it.
This is in response to the complaints about a lack of penmanship. I am the parent of two children who have benefited from attending LCPS. Both display neat penmanship, mastery of cursive writing, strong reading and math skills. Both children have learned from teachers that work hard, take a sincere interest in their development as students and people. There are teachers who enjoy what they do and do it well without whining and complaining.
I sincerely caution all blog posters. Please stop and think for a moment about the implications of this blog. Teachers, coaches, and even parents are vulnerable to the kind of mudslinging aimed by postings here. So far it has been roughly contained to administrators. I refer specifically to the email attributed to Jeff Harris. Do any of teachers want internal emails that we send posted on this blog? How would you feel if your students recorded your teaching and posted it online? How are these tactics constructive in any way. If you are a serious whistleblower then go to the media and make a formal, complaint in your name. Otherwise, please invest your energy in improvement. If this blog is an indication of where we're headed, we should be very concerned. It's kind of like the "live by the swoard, die by the sword" saying. I ask you from the bottom of what is left of my educator heart, please give this some serious thought.
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