LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

It looks like a RIF or reduction-in-force is underway. The budget is in crisis. Former superintendents spent us into ruin. Teachers and programs should be the last to be affected. They should start with the central office. One big administrative job is equal to five or six custodians or secretary salaries. Next, the professional development personnel should be shifted to the classrooms. Look at assistant principals at all levels. After that, AES facilitators need to be assigned classroom responsibilities. If the budget goes back to being stable in the future, perhaps some of these positions can be restored. Times are tough. Get rid of the fat. Teaching positions aren't fat. WE are top-heavy in administration. Clean-out all the fluff positions.
Stan Rounds says we spend too much on personnel. Before he points a finger, he needs to look in his own office and the people he is spending big bucks on.
I agree that hanging out in the teachers lounge can be bad for your health.
Maybe it would help teacher morale if the district would start paying for unused sick leave when a teacher retires. That way, teachers would feel more inclined to keep teaching up to the last day rather than create "fluff" lesson plans for substitutes. Students would get more quality instruction time. As it is now, many retiring teachers call in sick for the last few weeks - or months. I'm not saying its right - just reality.
If we are in such dire financial straits, why can the head of finance buy a $2,000 desk and we can't even buy staplers?


At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's another example that the more powerful you get, the dumber you get. That they would actually consider cutting classroom personnel, while lining their own offices with pork, is ridiculous. I can think, off the top of my head, of about 15 people downtown that have little to no effect on the actual education of students. Who does influence students? TEACHERS. We are truly run by idiots.

At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

il est fini...that's all folks!

At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me jump on the bandwagon. I am all in favor of removing Zamora from Safe and Drug Free Schools. In fact, let Mr. Peace run the program. He can do 10 times better than the clown in the present position. Zamora definately has the ability to fool the upper Administration but not the people who witness the foolish programs currently in our schools. Of course, its difficult to research the effectiveness of the programs when you sit in your office playing with your computer, covering up mistakes, and ruining people's careers.

At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Dr Sanchez has provided his resume for us. Wow, that explains it all folks. NOT!!! If you'll notice the writing style in all of the "pro Dr. Sanchez" comments are all obviously written by the same person. Who would do that. Oh wait, could it be Dr. Sanchez himself? Folks, they are trying to pull a very pricey wool over your eyes.

At 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger, we wanted to know the information on Dr. Sanchez' pay, reason for coming to LCPS, etc. We didn't really want your recommendation for him. Quit holding out on us, you usually do much better than that.

At 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stan, Stan, he's our man, if he can't cut the fat, nobody can!!! Stan, look at your own building first. There is a ton of fat right there! Leave the people in the schools alone. They are the ones who actually work with our kids.


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