LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Early Tuesday Comments

Talk to the employees in her previous district who worked for this woman. Ask about the thousands (maybe millions) spent in remodeling, food, lunches, POLAND SPRING WATER, dinners, trips, trips, trips, cappuccino machines, consultants (one at ten thousand a week). Our school district is still climbing out of the mess.Ask about her friends from "Harvard" specifically Dr. Tolbert, five years in our district and all we have show is less money in the budget and instead of 3 failing schools before these Harvard graduates arrived we now have 21!Check out all financial deals this woman enters into!! She tried hiring Marsilio for the school district after the city asked him to leave but she couldn’t pull that one off. She used to deal with Harcourt Brace, spent over a million one year in reading books. She of course knew the CEO. Paid for some of her trips. THE WOMAN IS A WALKING CONTRADICTION. She will use anyone and anything for her own ways and means. This district has spent two years getting well. I wanted to send Las Cruces PS a sympathy card when I heard she was hired. I truly do have sympathy for all of you but especially your students. She cares nothing about kids and the "culture of caring" (one of her favorite sayings) YOUR SYSTEM WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. Her favorite subjects are her salary and perks, designer anything and whoever can further her career.GET RID OF HER ASAP


Dear Citizens,
A teacher in my building sent me your blogs. I read all of them.
First, let me complement you as a community. You have figured out Sonia Diaz and her modus operandi in 4 months. Bridgeport took almost 4 years.
What you see is what you got. No more. No less.
I have seen her 'sweetie' diplomacy at work myself. Her style is fast and furious, not thoughtful and intelligent.
She is eloquent, not erudite. She is an old fashioned carpet bagger. Your blogs do an excellent job of detailing her resume of failure at the expense of the community that pays her.
Last, when fraud was reported to her directly, when evidence was repeatedly offered, when the career of an honest person was at stake, she turned her head. It was not convenient.
Your community has more than an intuitive grasp of the situation. Your community needs to simply act.
We teach our children to stand up and do the right thing. Your own blogs ask nothing less of you as a community.


An Anonymous Person from a Community Far Away

Here is the correct web link to cast your vote against (or for) Sonia:

Here are a couple of people you might contact about running in the upcoming election:
District 4 Dr. Loui Reyes an education professor at NMSU
District 5 Steve Kelly a retired educator

Dear Sonia, Lets have coffee? My place or yours? Yours would be better, though, because my room is filthy. After all, NCLB arrived before you, so I must cater to all its whims. My teaching must be a carbon copy of all my peers...same content, same timeline, same testing, same schedule, etc. Whew! I'm glad to know that the decades that I have been teaching have allowed me develop a teaching style that has become outdated. You're right...the bobble-head approach is easier. No thinking required! However, I am comforted to know about your new flusher; as two menopausal women, we both understand urgent bodily needs. Speaking of needs and wants, if the life expectancy of a supt. is documented to be so short, why squander your few months here in our neighborhood with a power trip? Why not embrace our culture, Mexican food, and easy-going lifestyle? Dress down for a week, put away your mirror, and open your eyes to this beautiful community. If you want to meet with the state, speak up for us and against NCLB! We are drowning in educational ignorance created by a leadership tsunami! An effective leader surrounds herself with effective and smarter leaders, who would help to balance out weaknesses within the system. Therefore, leadership styles will either match with your subordinates or leave a precious few alternatives: the leader recognizes she should change her approach; the subordinates can just accept the worse case scenario; the subordinates can leave; or, my favorite...the leader can leave. C-ya, Sonia!


I personally think that it might be a good thing if the state takes over the school district. However, when the district finally does get some real leadership, I think it should be run like the military. Not with regard to the student, per se, but more towards the staff. Especially the administrators. Those who make the most money should be held to a higher standard that the lower paid employees. The staff members who are derelict, or abusive, should be punished-sort of like a court martial in the military. Maybe that is what it will take for the higher ups in the district to start acting like grown ups instead of spoiled little brats who complain about their measly $50K plus bennies while the custodians and ea's and lunchladies and secretaries have to put up with all the dirty work for less than $13/year (plus medical)


At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A bold faced lie!!! If you did not catch the implications of the Channel 7 breaking news, Dr. Diaz has just lied on public TV concerning the job posting for the Business manager position filled by John Marsillo. The job was never posted as stated by Jo Galvan, but Dr. Diaz stated, {I did in fact talk to several of my collegues nationwide including Dr. Martin at NMSU and we did post the position. We were not satisfied with the number of applicants or the quality of applicants.}

What a bold faced lie. If this is not cause for dismissal (lying on public news cast) What is? !!! We cannot allow the credibility of this school district to be placed in further jeopardy. The Board needs to act decisively and quickly.


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