LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

As a former high level-employee of a large non-profit, I can attest to to the inappropriateness and destructiveness of a Board Member entering into the running of day to day affairs of an organization, as Mr. Briseno is apparently doing. It nearly shut down the agency I worked for, and blemished its reputation in the community for years, not to mention the damage to employee morale and productivity it created. Unfortunately, you will find that it is probably not illegal if it is only done for a short time to stabilize a crisis (at least it isn't for non-profits anyway), but it does generally spell the ugly demise of that group of Board members who allow it, as well as the upper echelon of employees who work with the member closely. Boards are often tempted in times of organizational turmoil to break the rules and become administrators, but only those who have poor leadership abilities, bad judgement or who themselves are frustrated wanna-be's who aren't qualified to run organization under normal circumstances would try to do it. IT NEVER WORKS!!! There are always unintended and pretty much irreparable consequences for the boards and their syncophants. Based on what is being reported in this blog, I promise everyone, if you thought that getting rid of Sonia Diaz was all the "cleansing" that would need happen to LCPS, it is obvious that there is much, much more work to be done. This school system has some of the best and brightest teachers and leaders in the country who should be calling the shots. But unless we all wrench the steering wheel out of their hands, a tiny minority of complete idiots will define everything the good guys and the rest of us do with our kids. Speak out, folks--make a BIG NOISE!!!
I've known Liz for nearly all of her career in education, and believe that she is a competent, caring, pleasant professional. However, reading these blogs, and taking into consideration the turmoil that exists in this district... I think she may be facing insurmountable odds in trying to straighten out this mess.So, could we identify anyone else who might be willing to serve as interim Soup... someone who has proven his/her competence and devotion to our district? Two excellent administrators come to mind, both of whom I have known for many years and are eminently qualified. How about trying to get Charles White to return to his former postion with the district... and talk Don Noe into taking the superintendency for a year, or two. Central Office would become a 'tight ship', and only highly-qualified subordinate administrators would be employed.By the way, is it true that Dorothy Anderson has left the district? If so... too, too bad. She has been one of the few good, solid professionals in that snake pit... during the past three years.A simple, sensible piece of advice from an old administrator... when a school principal is failing in his/her position, fire (or demote) the person. Don't, for heaven's sake, promote them into a position at Central Office.
I've heard people talking about the interview process for the San Andres principal. Staff was involved in that process, as well as students from what I have been told. Is this true and how did their input play into the decision that was made?
So, in the end, will any of this blog-fussing make any difference at all in the lives of us teachers, students, and parents? Our homeboy, Lonnie, has spun totally out of control, yet no one is trying to stop his momentum. Lizzie Borden has taken her ax to the district's integrity in true "follow the leader" fashion. After she gives it her hundred wacks, who will she give one hundred one?
Picacho Middle School is in a total mess. I wonder when the Liz and Lonnie show will try an extreme school makeover for our sorry campus.
My Lonnie lies over the ocean;
My Lonnie lies over the sea;
My Lonnie lies over the desert;
Why won't he ever try representing me?
Sharon Wooden is a disgrace to all her former graduate students who listened diligently to her words and believed in her wisdom. I am ashamed to have known her!
The citizens of Las Cruces have a big chore on their hands in the search for a new superintendent. I read this column and all I see is the "wah-wah-wah" of so many "wise" people. With all these opinionated people, I'm surprised many of them haven't stepped forward to apply for the position or better yet, run for the school board. Oh, wait, that would mean you would have to replace words with actions- something that most of you probably can't do! Quit making the acting superintendent your new scapegoat in all of this drama. As an outsider looking in, there seems to be much jealousy amongst many of you. In my opinion, you are not working for the children as many claim to be doing! What person in their right mind would even think about relocating to Las Cruces to become the superintendent? The first step to success is to quit making everything so personal and look at the big picture! You can't expect the superintendent to bow to every individual's personal agenda! I'll send a box of Kleenex your way!
Has anyone been paying attention to the condition of Safe and Drug Free Schools under the leadership of the current Coordinator? There is only one knowledgeable and professional person left in that department and he's assigned to the Elementary Schools instead of the Secondary Schools where he is needed the most. From my understanding, this employee is currently being "run off" as three former employees last year. Maybe the upper crust of administration (or the Board) need to take another look at this "Coordinator" and his ability to maintain and secure a working relationship with the schools he is suppose to service. Hopefully, this Coordinator will be replaced by some competent professional who is more capable of fulfilling the needs of the schools and the employees who deliver these services.


At 7:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The comment from the reader who worked in the non-profit is thoughtful and respectful. However, in the public schools of New Mexico, it is illegal for either a single Board member or for the Board as a body to have ANYTHING to do with personnel. The single exception is that the Board is responsible for the hiring and evaluation of the superintendent.

Board members have absolutely no authority as individuals, only as a group. When one member exerts the influence that many think Mr. Briseno is responsible for (and I happen to agree), he is exceeding his statutory authority. The other four members have a responsibility to rein him in, and if they are not doing so, they also are guilty of violation of the authority delegated to them by law.

At 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is up with Leonel Briseno and the proposed sex ed policy? I have never heard a dumber thing in my life. The schools are full of pregnant teenagers and children who have borne children--how could it possibly be inappropriate to present our youth with sex education? Anything that might possibly cut down on the number of births to teen mothers should certainly be pursued, even if that means starting serious education about birth control in fifth grade and passing out free condoms.

At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm ready with my noise maker...I'm all beaned-up and ready to fly into the next outrageously idiotic decision that will be fronted from central office. You may not want to stand behind me; so, instead, stand beside me and let's take on punk Lonnie together!

At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why should doing the right thing be so painful? Sharon Wooden needs to stay home with her frog or turtle collection. Lonnie needs to enter his own gang prevention clinic!

At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

San Andres HS is such a farce. Look at the administrators and trainees. Do they have a clue? Let's lock the doors from the outside-with Lonnie and Sharon joining in the fun-and wait to see who emerges as the survivor. Perhaps a new TV sequel: The LCPS Survival of the Dumbest!

At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen to the person that posted regarding the condition of Safe and Drug Free Schools! It makes me wonder if all the ladies he has to work with know why he was let go from LCPD. I am sure there is someone else out there that can run this program better than he is!


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