LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Can someone please show me where Guided Reading is a curriculum? It appears to be a method but not a specific curriculum with resources. Does our job description specify that we create material to support this administration's latest and greatest method? I thought I was hired to teach, not to create and publish curriculum. If Guided Reading is a published curriculum would the PDT's kindly give us the scope and sequence of this "research proven" method or kindly get out of our hair and let us teach the adopted curriculum.
How should in-school personal affairs among-not between-staff be handled?
YEA! Bonnie Votaw for board president! Does she have the power to spank Lonnie now? How about giving him a time-out? Maybe she can wash his mouth out with soap!
Thanks for the info on the lunch prices. I thought only free and reduced lunches were subsidized. Knowing that even the kids who pay full price aren't really paying full price makes it easier to pay that extra dollar for my meal. Thanks again.
When will MHS and OHS realize that their semester, block schedules are directly having an enormous NEGATIVE impact on students' learning and test scores?
Poor Lonnie...can you spell RECALL?
We need NEA more than ever these days!
Principals and assistant principals should be required to take a standards and benchmarks exam that has been developed by their peers. I'm sure the results would show less than- not even close to being- proficient!
I've been teaching for 8 years now, and I want to finish my administrative degree. But I'm turned off by my school's admin. intern. He's a real piece of work. What's a better way to get guidance and modeling at this level of my program?
I'm not an administrator, but there are a few individuals that I choose to ignore in my building. Yes, I'm certain they feel the same way about me, and I'm ok with that!
This blog should have a word limit! Blogger: I've thought about it. We are already a culture of sound bites. So, I hate to moderate a long post.
I tried to forward a letter with my personal observations about Sonia Diaz to the reporter at the Baltimore Sun using her email link at the bottom of her article, but there was an internal server error. I don't want to send it by my home address, and I don't want to be quoted by her, so I will try again later. If I have to I will mail it to her. I think all of us should consider contacting her or the Baltimore school system, to inform the community there, as after reading the article I discovered that the Superintendent (who I remember hearing is also controversial there) is a friend of over ten years of Sonia, and that he basically attributes/whitewashes her firing here to us being a school system who has had "five superintendents in five years"--in other words, WE are the problem, not her. He even says she doesn't have a "top down management style"(Oh. My. God.). No mention was made of anything but employees being dissatisfied here--not the other stuff or her history of being "bought out" of her contracts in Connecticut or Florida before coming here. I just wish we could spare the people who will work for her some of our pain. I used to live in the DC area. Maryland has pretty good schools, but Baltimore is a mostly African-American community of poor, inner city families who need lots of support. Remember how she used to say racially and culturally insulting things to and about us ("Do I need to speak Spanish for you?")? What do you think she will do there? We all need to do SOMETHING, even if it goes nowhere, folks. It's a Karma thing.
Those CRT test coordinators in your building get paid a stipend of $1000 for taking care of the test distribution etc..... They should be doing a great job!


At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the semester block negative impact on students--in the last CRT results, MHS passed 37 of 39 categories, OHS 32, and LCHS 19. There's a problem alright, but not with the semester block. The problem is with the way the tests are scored. That's why almost all large schools in the state of New Mexico are failing. It really doesn't matter what kind of schedule you have any more. If a school has special ed or ESL students, they will be failing, and it isn't necessarily the fault of the school or the kids. The test is wacked.

At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guided Reading is NOT a curriculum, it is researched best practices for teaching reading to students. By using any leveled reader (Scott Foresmann, Houghton Mifflin, Rigby, etc.) or even a leveled trade book. A good teacher can build on students' skills and strategies so each student becomes a more proficient reader. The "scope and sequence" is based on you observing student needs- don't be so lazy!

At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

School sucks...

At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will all of these lawsuits (Laws, Jenkins, Ogas,and Diaz) have any
effect on our salaries for next year? Also, there is "talk" of extending the number of days on our contract. Unless they pay additional money for these days, doesn't it just "water down" what we are now making - so that we are actually paid less per hour?

At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lot of talk about curriculum... may I share some futuristic interpretations (from thirty-five years ago) of what can be done, in regard to curriculum. Hearing no objections, I take that as a 'YES'. A highly-regarded professor of education, Dr. Don Ely (founder of ERIC Clearinghouse) shared his ideas in an advanced graduate institute in instructional technology. He believed that, since SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY was good for managing business, industry, military, and lots of other enterprises, we should consider using it to manage instruction. Following that experience, I had the opportunity to do just that, in a USOE federal project. However, in that adventure, we stretched the definition of curriculum, to... WHAT HAPPENS AT SCHOOL. Those of us who set up the program used the tools of systems technology, flow-charting, PERT diagramming, etc., and adapted the whole idea to address the needs of each, and every, kid in the school. With the gift of a $750,000 main-frame computer (anonymously donated... I think it was Ross Perot), we made the system work... wonderfully well. Well enough, that our classic research showed that the experimental group of kids made significantly more progess than those in the control group. We did not use computers for instruction, as there were no desktop computers at that time. Each teacher had access to a terminal, connected to the mainframe, and the scope and sequence, objectives and strategies were the core of the program. Complete details of each child's levels of ability, and progress, were up-to-date, almost to the minute... as teachers, or aides, entered data whenever a child succeeded in completing an academic or skills objective. The whole thing worked like clock-work, and, would you believe, introduced a concept that's quite foreign to public education... ACCOUNTABILITY!

At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you think is the adopted curriculum? Why do you have to create materials? Does your school not have a book room to access books? If so, what school are you at? I thought all schools had a guided reading book room.

At 7:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A psychopath has taken over our school. Any suggestions?

At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Joyce is incapable of making logical decisions?

At 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I needed a purchase order the other day. But, it seems that I cannot find any establishment that would sell me some LOGIC to give to our administration.

At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you spell relief? Retirement.

At 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you spell relief? Retirement.


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