LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I was appalled to read that someone would teach the "REAL" curriculum after testing!? If Standard's Based Assessments are checking progress on the standards and benchmarks that ALL students (Poor, Rich, SPED, English Language Learners, ETC) are entitled to - what on earth are you planning to teach that is not standards based? You just have old pet projects and laminated lesson plans from your first year of teaching (that you've probably repeated every year since) that you're sore about not being in the standards- GET OVER IT!
Testing stress levels seem lower in the classrooms this year.
How dare the previous person request "Please don't cheer on Jerry and Jack." If a person is treated improperly, unethically, or illegally then they should have the protection of the courts. I bet the same person would have the hides of those awful boys who accused the Godly priests. Shame on you!
Poor parents & community members who read this site! Most comments are so political/personal that they in no way reflect the quality of education throughout LCPS. This vile venting reads as a nonacademic epidemic; this is not true- visit the classrooms, talk to the teachers.


At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Real curriculum is defined as the ability to teach standards and benchmarks without the CRT dread of gloom hanging over every piece of our lesson plans. Young teachers don't have old pet projects; but they have discovered the constraints of the CRT.

At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss seeing Jack around; he has great cooking stories.

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey...if it takes this blog for parents to visit our classrooms, then YEA! I look forward to their interactions with my students!

At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CRT is not the LCPS' solution for an epidemic IEP...

At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Sonia uses me as a reference!

At 7:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness CRT is finally over. Maybe now we can get back to teaching and the students can get back into the learning mode. Whoever is in charge of scheduling CRT needs to seriously rethink their plan for next year. (BTW-thanks to all of you CRT coordinators for doing a job most others wouldn't want)

At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course we can teach the real curriculum now that CRT is over. Have you ever read the CRT questions and compared them with benchmarks and standards? We spend the first half of the year teaching according to benchmarks, then spend most of the third nine weeks teaching to the CRT. For those naysayers, if the CRT is alligned with benchmarks and standards, why is there no Social Studies on there? Why are there only one or two Science questions that relate to the curriculum? CRT is just another way to get schools to jump through hoops in order to make AYP.

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do we make such a big deal out of CRT scores? At my school, we had a bunch of students miss CRT because of suspensions or ditching. A lot of those kids will score very well on the CRT, but most of them will not do anything to improve their school, their community, or themselves. When can we take the focus off some stupid test and put it back on teaching the kids who want to learn? And why do we have to spend so much time and effort trying to keep the kids who don't want to be in school around? This whole system is making me wonder if teaching is all it is cracked up to be...


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