LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

"My elementary principal could use some help from anyone; he just cannot write!" - Your principal has a future downtown at central office. Central office doesn't want strong people with great ideas that may fly in the face of what they've been doing, they want yes men (or in our case women) who don't know any better and won't challenge the system in place.
At our weekly staff meeting we were given the news that "We have listened to your concerns and we feel positive that we can extend the school day by 15 to 30 minutes" Although nothing was said about extending our pay for the additional work time. I don't know of a single elementary teacher who can complete the necessary grading, return calls to parents, arrange field trips, count picture money, count fundraiser money, Hold AIC conferences, plan with their team, write lesson plans, attend committee meetings, meet with SAT, attend LAT meetings, change bulletin boards, attend IEP's, file nurse notes, return attendance forms, check and respond to email, place book club orders, chart running records, update their PDP, make copies and leave by our contract time of 3:15. And now, by popular demand, we get to work another 15 to 30 minutes a day. That's anywhere from 1 hour and 15 minutes to 2 hours and 30 minutes more a week! In a 9 week period we could GET to work another 56 to 112 hours. WOW, all because the administration "heard" our demands for more work. This statement doesn't even pass the common sense test. Now hear this loud and clear, MORE WORK = MORE PAY! THE REWARD FOR HARD WORK IS NOT MORE HARD WORK!
This is for the person who just went on and on about the new nestiza.......WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!? blah blah blah??? what??
Who will last longer...the interim supt. or nyeta fields haines?
Tommy Lucero should become OHS's new principal.
Joyce...follow your heart, not the direction of the ever changing winds! May those winds blow her heart on down the road.
Thank goodness for the NEA!!
What should my child do now about the really "weird" kid in his class?
Do any other 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade teachers feel like we're spending way too much time and money on this Fetzer lady? It's a new spin on the old stuff, there's no innovation, and all of our genius leaders down town are swooning over this lady. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one not taking crazy pills.
It is the end of the school year and several programs, policies, initiatives and "agenda-driven" plans are being crammed down our throats. [Is that a train in the distance or are we being "railroaded"?] Come on central office, don't mistake my silence on (or tacit approval of) these matters as a ringing endorsement. Rather, interpret it for what it is - the simple fact I do not have time to review and lend credibility to yet another plan which will prove to be accompanied by high-salaried positions but short on instructional support and even shorter on accountability.


At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LCHS's Haines needs to follow Joyce on down the road!

At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The PLT's hidden agendas are coming to life.

At 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're mad as hell and not going to take it any longer!

At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NEA... two or three times, I've seen 'Yay NEA' on this blog site. Wonder who's posting that stuff, probably a local NEA officer. During almost forty years as an NEA member, I asked them for help three times, all when I was employed by LCPS. The first two times were minor issues, ten to fifteen years ago, and they provided reasonably good support. However, when crunch time came, the NEA rep joined the administration. Pretended to provide support for me, but kept administration posted on my efforts to save myself. Instead of just one 'enemy' (administration), I had two enemies... also the NEA. Three years after it was all over, I discovered why both adversaries were successful. A group of my students had circulated a petition in my behalf, and that must have eliminated any chance for my survival. Being strongly committed to professional ethics, I had said nothing at all to my students about the administrators attacks on me. Apparently, the kids found out through the grapevine. If you feel you're having problems with administration... hire an attorney, IMMEDIATELY. Do your usual excellent job, and don't involve the NEA. The NEA will not provide an attorney, they won't explain their policies on legal support, and you can't get a copy of the policy manual... even if you request it from NEA national headquarters.

At 7:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for NEA? What a crock. As a teache and a member of NEA we have tried to talk to NEA (we're working on it, thier answer) then we talked to the district leader (we're working on it)a year leader NOTHING. We pay our dues and expect help again NOTHING. NEA is all about politics! They do not help the average teacher. I think if everyone quit paying there dues maybe then NEA would listen to the "average" teacher that doesn't have an agenda and just needs help.

At 7:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need more detail about the blog that says elementary staff will get a longer day...what school was this- is it District-wide?

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty impressed if Fetzer is old hat. For spanish-speakig students, sped and backgound knowledge building- I'd be using crazy pills not to try something that works.


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