LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Well now... Spring Break, and the passionate bloggers are on vacation, too. Or, maybe it's the blog master who decided to take a much-needed break. In any case, we are hopeful that the commentary will again flow, when school is back in session. Many of the blogs have provided helpful advice for all who have a connection to the school system... teachers, parents, administrators, board, and others. At this point in time, we doubt that everything is ready to come into proper focus, for all of us... but hope that the mission, and the appropriate maps to get us there, will finally become apparent to all. Listen to the mature teachers, those with extended perspective, and try to benefit from their understandings of how things ought to be. Young teachers, with fresh ideas, can be a blessing, too... but remember, it's quite important for all education professionals in the same school system to have a common commitment to a universal curriculum, and that curriculum must be relevant to the needs of the children, practical, and described in terms that are readily understood by the education professionals who are expected to apply the curriculum. Gobble-de-gook has no place in curriculum.
Leslie Cervantes' job a political payoff?! That is hysterical! Please get the information straight. She gave a get-to-know reception at her house with business people and legislators to meet Dr. Diaz well before Diaz made a mess of everything. Again, Ms. Cervantes, a well-known and well respected member of the business community, was helping to introduce our new supt to others. It wasn't her fault that Dr. Diaz was a tyrant. I asked Ms. Cervantes myself if she had to apply for the job and she said yes, plus, she wasn't the only one who was given an interview for the part time position by a committee of several people.
There have been numerous mistakes, made in the name of progress, by the administration of LCPS, but hiring Leslie Cervantes goes against the grain of hiring individuals who aren't uniquely qualified. Having a person who is politically connected, personable and apparently has common sense is indeed a person who you wouldn't necessarily find in the upper echelon of LCPS. I applaud her efforts. She may have given a welcome party for Sonia Diaz. That only proves that she is friendly and supportive to newcomers. I find both qualities to be refreshing and charming. The collective view by the community of teachers, board members, and administration could use a little polish and a credibility boost by someone who possesses both. Let's leave Leslie Cervantes alone. She is one of the few individuals hired who doesn't have a valid administration license. This gives her a fresh and unique point of view of our schools and the need to promote the benefits to others without confusing them with the acronyms of "eduspeak". I wish her well in her endeavor.


At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think "researched based best practices" is gobble-de-gook and only used by those who speak in acronyms, Lord help us all!

At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a great new Olympic sport for principals: they are gold medal winners in flip-flopping!

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stan the man... Did u find ur state statute? Have u found the missing day? Maybe Sonia needs a new driver!?

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats the rule on school romantic affairs? My 6th grade daughter said her teacher left becuse she had a fight with her at school boyfriend becuse her husband got mad!

At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote for year round schooling for the entire district. Let's put this to a vote for all the players.

At 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who can fit a square LCPS peg into a rounds hole?

At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wonder if the world [district] is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.

—Mark Twain

At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All who read and add to the comments need to be ready to appreciate the stabiity that The Board is evidencing under the leadership og Dr. Votaw and the able assistance of Dr Connie Phillips. Mr. Rounds needs our support as he tries to place the District on the sound financial foundation we were so used to.
Finally in the previous Board's defense, I wish to point out that we were willing to invest in keeping a superintendent who would listen to the administrators and the faculty as well as the support personnel in order to keep LCPS at the forefront of education in New Mexico. Jesse Gonzales is imperfect as all of us are, but we were not in disarray as we have been in recent years.
Mary Tucker


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