The Truth Comes Out
Hooray for Jo Galvan who had the courage to tell the truth. And, Hooray for KVIA channel 7 for having the courage to put it on the air.
Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.
Thank you channel 7 for exposing this bold faced lie.
LCPS Board- wake up and act. this cannot continue.
I just saw two postings suggesting Lacy Simpson for school board. As a former employee of La Casa, I can NOT recommend her, as she is highly subject to knee-jerk, emotional reactions and makes decisions based on pure, outright gossip from her inner circle of the wealthy class of Las Cruces. Talk about boundary breaking: She was a part of a small group of board members that nearly ruined La Casa a few years ago with their highly unprofessional micro-management of the agency's administration and employees. And to the commenter below, she suffers fools just fine if they are a part of her "Las Cruces Insiders Who Move From Board to Board" clique. They all think like Sonya Diaz--"some of us are just better than others". Hopefully she and her friends will retire into thecountry club cocktail party land and stay out of public business. Meanwhile, keep her off our school board---she is more of what we are already getting too much of with the current occupiers.
Although it is painfully obvious that Dr. Diaz was the wrong choice for this district and that some heavy consequences hang in the balance, one thing is painfully clear: the source of the problem is the board. Unfortunately, we are stuck with two board members for several more years. One board member of the three not up for election is trying to work with and for the employees of the district. Briseno and Wooden are antagonistic to employees, in general, and must be replaced. They are poison. For that reason, I believe we need a recall or for the state to take over the district and replace the board. Just as an aside, one of the most surprsing things to emerge from this discussion is the fact that Briseno supporters can actually use the computer!
I also posted this at Heath Haussamen's blog after he gave his somewhat uninformed opinion that our schools need to change on his site:
"Change" is a word that is too broad for this situation. What our school system needs to do is keep all that is good about it, while incorporating new challenges and standards. That means inspiring, empowering, and engaging families and teaching professionals. Fear has no place in this work. We are all looking for a leader, someone who has a love for our kids, our town and our southwestern way of life at heart, and who treats people with the respect and postitive encouragement we need to take on these big "changes". Also, this community has a unique culture, and one of its best attributes is it's warmth and small-town feel. We know one another, and we also know that if we say or do something in one context, there those same people will be again later in another context, and so we tend to treat each other a little more gently here when we need to confront.
All of the above means that Sonya Diaz at the very least is a poor fit as the highest leader for our school system (which, quite frankly doesn't do as bad a job as many claim!). She came here as if she was running a major corporation, and decided to use impersonal and abusive Machiavellian tactics first, apologize later. She has a basic approach to the world in which she has little respect for those for whom she has no personal or political use.
She should have learned a little Anthropology at Harvard, and come into our community with the idea she is a GUEST and OBSERVER first, not a "Conquistadora". If you have any respect or knowledge of the history of New Mexico, many people here have a more recent memory of that kind of interaction, and tend to buck any semblance of status-based oppression. (And I say that as an Anglo, an adopted New Mexican of 20 years who feels more kinship and love for/from my "hispanic" friends and neighbors than I ever did for those in my Volvo driving white ethnic group back East.) We need to get rid of her, and bring in someone who can speak our REAL language here in Las Cruces.
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