LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Leslie Cervantes, relative of Joseph Cervantes (legislator) is being paid $25,000 for working 1/2 time to do - what? Here is her report of her activities for last week.

Leslie Cervantes: I met with County Commissioner Bill McCamley, John Hummer, Mr. Rounds, Terry Dean and Jo Galván to discuss the proposed spaceport tax and the possibility of LCPS receiving any of those funds. A similar meeting is scheduled with Commission Chairman Karen Pérez. I met with Wells Fargo Bank to discuss receiving funds on every new mortgage or refinance. I attended the MVEDA luncheon to introduce Mr. Rounds to the group. I began wrapping up the Sam’s Club membership drive. LCPS will receive $386,900 from SB 710 for various projects.

This pretty critical stuff. So what does she do with the other 15 hours of the 20 she works in a week?
As to applying business systems models to our school, no amount of data gathering will mean anything if it doesn't have this little thing called COMMON SENSE following it. New Mexico's continuous improvement model, as well as what's happening at Oñate and throughout the state with hostile 'systems' takeovers, will make NO difference, because it's systems for the sake of systems, there is zero common sense, especially from the site coaches.These schools perpetually don't make AYP, it's because they're too caught up in doing all of these nit picking activities that irritate the teachers and mean nothing to the students. Common sense has left our schools, and in its place we have absolutely and utter b-s.
If our Leveled Book Room went beyond Q we wouldn't have to buy or create curriculum. Some teachers at our newest school didn't get Math books till February. Can you spell irresponsible?
I feel so much better now that I can observe students using "research based best practices" and determine student needs. I'll bet dollars to donuts that most of the jargon talkers who use the terminology research based best practices are the same yahoos who fill their conversations with acronyms and don't know exactly what their own conversations mean. But boy don't they sound smart! Meanwhile our parents, (the customers stupid!), are left wondering what we are teaching their children and they have less and less faith in us.
Funny. The community was outraged when Jesse Gonzales left on his own account and took about $300,000 in severance packages. Then this new board got in power and since then, we have had to pay out close to a million dollars in buy-outs and potential lawsuit settlements. Where is the outrage? Why, it's with the victims! It's the victim's fault that money is being wasted. If the board hadn't interfered with the day to day running of the school district and fired people as part of their own petty little vendettas, then these lawsuits and buy-outs wouldn't be happening. Put the blame where it is deserved--on the backs of three of the incumbent members of the current board and the two who did not return!


At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good grief! For once our school system is realizing that we need to make amends with the business community and now we have someone, Leslie Cervantez, to help. But nooooo ... someone has to criticize her work. Which, by the way, I know she actually works nearly 40 hours a week, gets paid for 20 hours and receives no benefits like all other employees. Why does someone have to attack others who are trying to bring our school district into good favor with our community? I bet the ignorant person who wrote that comment has never had to write down his/her work schedule for all the world to see!

At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the writer that we blame the victims. Where is the outrage at the board. When are we going to recall the board or will it take a law suit to get there attention, again. Unless we get rid of them we will face all this over and over. Come on people wake up and smell the vendetta's.

At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Cervantes was the main person who made sure our district got capital outlay money from our legislators ... the district fired the do-nothing lobbyists who were paid a lot more than she is. I'm glad we saved money by not hiring the political lobbyists, and instead asked Ms. Cervantes to assume some lobbying duties at a fraction of the cost. Way to go!

At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until now, we thought most principals were just an annoyance to our profession, a speed bump to our teaching. However, it seems that a new trend has emerged; uneducated and ignorant principals are truly dangerous to the life-blood of our schools!

At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until now, we thought most principals were just an annoyance to our profession, a speed bump to our teaching. However, it seems that a new trend has emerged; uneducated and ignorant principals are truly dangerous to the life-blood of our schools!

At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A smart leader surrounds himself/herself with smarter subordinates. That way, flaws and imperfections are not quite so glaring.

At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spring break is here! Maybe someone in administration will grow a brain this week. YEAH RIGHT!

At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Educational Systems Technology:
To the person who criticizes the use of a 'business-oriented' systems technology, as a way of managing school curricula... You must be assuming that the 'system' would be (or is) too mechanical, cold, and impersonal. As for 'common sense', educational systems technology must be practical (common sense), and used in a manner that recognizes, and emphasizes, the talents and skills of all personnel who serve the children... teachers, support staff, aides, and administrators. It must be flexible, dynamic, and responsive to the needs of each, and every, individual child.
When such a system is developed properly, it contains scope and sequence, objectives and strategies, for every element of the curriculm... and readily accessible data on the potential and progress of all students. The student records also include teachers' comments on strategies that are most successful for all students, as well as information on students' peer relationships, and recommendations for grouping of students. Teachers are expected to observe, and apply the scope and sequence in his/her area of the curriculum, but are not restrained from creative application of additional learning opportunities for students who are making satisfactory progress on required objectives.
What a systematic curriculum should do, is provide coherent, clear focus on the needs of our children, and efficiency and accountability in the delivery of the right stuff, to the right kid, at the right time.

At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are the public disclosures regarding the high-profile, pending lawsuits against the LCPS District?


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