LCHS's Haines needs to follow Joyce on down the road!
The PLT's hidden agendas are coming to life.
We're mad as hell and not going to take it any longer!
The NEA... two or three times, I've seen 'Yay NEA' on this blog site. Wonder who's posting that stuff, probably a local NEA officer. During almost forty years as an NEA member, I asked them for help three times, all when I was employed by LCPS. The first two times were minor issues, ten to fifteen years ago, and they provided reasonably good support. However, when crunch time came, the NEA rep joined the administration. Pretended to provide support for me, but kept administration posted on my efforts to save myself. Instead of just one 'enemy' (administration), I had two enemies... also the NEA. Three years after it was all over, I discovered why both adversaries were successful. A group of my students had circulated a petition in my behalf, and that must have eliminated any chance for my survival. Being strongly committed to professional ethics, I had said nothing at all to my students about the administrators attacks on me. Apparently, the kids found out through the grapevine. If you feel you're having problems with administration... hire an attorney, IMMEDIATELY. Do your usual excellent job, and don't involve the NEA. The NEA will not provide an attorney, they won't explain their policies on legal support, and you can't get a copy of the policy manual... even if you request it from NEA national headquarters.
Thank goodness for NEA? What a crock. As a teacher and a member of NEA we have tried to talk to NEA (we're working on it, their answer) then we talked to the district leader (we're working on it) a year later NOTHING. We pay our dues and expect help again NOTHING. NEA is all about politics! They do not help the average teacher. I think if everyone quit paying there dues maybe then NEA would listen to the "average" teacher that doesn't have an agenda and just needs help.
I quit paying my NEA dues and even went in to tell them why. I got a smile and a, well, in these exact words, "We're working on it." They don't care, just the same as people downtown don't care. In fact, they have very similar agendas.
I'm average; I'm glad NEA serves me!
I really think it is time to take a stand against NEA. They no longer help.We need a union FOR the teacher. What gets me is that NEA are teachers, they have forgotten what NEA is all about. It is time for a new union.
I am what I am today, because of the NEA and their support for the average public school teacher!
Amen to Joyce and Nyeta hitting the road! The time has come when they have lost all credibility. Their departure is long overdue!
I've seen NEA support not just the "average" but usually the inadequate teachers. That's who they seem to be here for. When NEA makes its presence known- you can bet it isn't the dedicated & professional educators involved. They've become the support for the inept.
That's why I am not in the NEA. I'm a professional. My doctor doesn't have a union, my accountant doesn't have a union.....we are not laborers (yes I know it feels like we're diggin' our own grave). I'm not sending my money to some national organization where I will never see a penny of it. Too bad Alamogordo High School didn't get them discredited or whatever they tried to do. It would've set a precedent.
NEA Las Cruces is made up of certified employees. The organization is as good or as bad as the professionals who take time out of their busy lives to actively participate in leadership roles in the union. If you don't like the direction of your organization, participate and change it. As a longtime active member, I can assure you that your help will be welcome and valued. As for the NEA being political, guilty as charged. A stunning example of this political action is 14 out of 16 education initiatives being passed and signed into law in the recent legislative session. The funding of our 3-tiered minimum salary plan was a direct result of electing education friendly politicos. Another result of "politics" is our ability to bargain our contract with the district. The NEA is not perfect, but I shudder to think what the Admins. would do without the counterbalance and vigilance the NEA provides.
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