This blog has certainly served a purpose. Quick, let's shut it down before it exposes my incompetence. Blogger Comment: I will maintain the blog as log as employees or parents have concerns they wish to express. I have, from time to time, not published some comments that were too crude or appeared spurious.
As to the comment that the blog did not "get rid of the board", we managed to replace 2. If the individuals who heard and witnessed the actions of the board would speak up, the remaining 3 would be gone. It is a shame that no one wants to get involved or upset anyone. It reminds me of the saying "They came for the Jews. But I was not a Jew, so I did nothing..."
The lady who took the place of John Schutz has really downgraded the position and has put the music programs into a dangerous spiral. As a parent of two hs band kids, I had concerns about the lack of emphasis that I have seen regarding my kids' music programs. Not only would she not return my calls, I was simply told that she "makes all the decisions" about the music programs. What's up with this? Who else can I talk to regarding her bombastic style?
That was a brilliant and insightful comment regarding our roles as NEA members, and it certainly highlighted the importance that NEA plays in our professional lives! During these sporadic, spastic, and fearful times with principals, supts., and school board members, I feel confident that my NEA will work diligently to support, not only me, but also all teachers throughout the district!
NEA has a lot of hidden agenda's that don't represent my belief's. If they would only look after the teachers like they are suppose to and quit all the political crap. Members of my family have tried to take part in the meetings with NEA BUT as you know there are a few that like to run the show.
I don't know how everyone else feels, but I sure am getting really tired of the Jeff and Marcy show. They seem to make decisions without checking to see if they are inconveniencing anyone else.
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