LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Board Race

Bonnie Votaw would be a good candidate for school board. She is very straight-forward, smart and knows how to work with people. And its Dr. Votaw, too. However, she seems to have retained her common sense in spite of it.

A Cold Thursday Night

Oh, my bonnie-Lonnie...those are my well-earned sick days that you are alluding to, and I will use them as I see fit. Having my babies put me into the "sick-days hole", but I have worked diligently since then to accumulate days that I can use whether I am physically sick or emotionally drained. So, back away from the sick days issue! Yes, even if that means I may need to visit my doctor who is located in the mall or in some remote, wooded area in the fall...those sick days are MINE---not yours!
Paul J. Jaramillo writes of a "record of achievement that cannot be denied by the anonymous letter written by a scurrilous Blog". I am curious, what record he is referring to? Diaz's past work record would suggest a lack of achievement. Could Paul be more specific as to the work record of Dr. Diaz. I am sure we would all like to have the facts so we may render accurate judgment.
I agree. Lets get the two gang busters back into our schools where they are needed. One may not come, but the other is still with LCPS. They are deeply missed.
Excuse me but WHAT record of achievement?Haven't you read what she did to other communities?You should be in the office to see what has taken place. Let's wait and see what the billsare. As for Mr. Ogas I don't even know him but I think what all these administrators (principals etc.) have gone through this is the only way, because money talks. I hope they sue every board member individually. I will remain anonymous in order to save my job.

Thursday's Comments

I watched much of last evening's board meeting and wondered if anyone else noticed that the board did not vote to pay the bills of the district but put that off until they had an accounting of the bills of the last several months. Any ideas what that is about? I have always said and still say there is more to this Sonia thing than meets the eye. As to getting an Interim Super, the board should eat a bit of "crow" and ask Joann to come back and oversee things. She was a great stabilizing force after the departure of Louis, held things together without fanfare and already knows the ins and outs of the district. My only concern about anyone taking over the district for a year or so, is that some of the very people who helped Joann hold things together are now casulties of Sonia's reign. It makes even more sense to bring Joann back and allow her to hold the district together. She's done it before, surely she can do it again. I feel she is emminently more qualified than Liz Marrufo as Liz doesn't have Central Office experience. No offense to Liz, its just the facts. Anyone else have a different idea?
You know, I'm reading these posts and I have to be grateful that we live in a country where we can express our opinions. It doesn't matter what your opinion is; what matters is that you are FREE to express that opinion. No one has to agree with you, no one has to disagree with you. I am an employee with LCPS and I love my job. I have a great principal and wonderful teachers to work side by side with. There are MANY wonderful and awesome teachers, and yes, principals in this district. Now that the school board has dismissed Sonia (I refuse to acknowledge her as "Dr."), we need to continue to focus on our children and do what is best for THEM. It's not about us, it's about our KIDS. Regardless of the environment teachers are in, regardless of all that teachers have to deal with, regardless of policies and procedures, we MUST focus on our KIDS. I don't know what is in our future for LCPS, but I do know that we have some pretty wonderful people within our school system and we need to recognize and utilize their talents.
O.K. the joke is over. Lets pull Marvin Allen out of retirement and Barry Peace out of the elementary schools so they can help stablize the gang/drug problems in our Middle and High Schools.
Poor us. We, the Board, are victims of just plain bad luck. We make good choices but bad things mysteriously happen to us. Bad people out in the community constantly dog us. Why won't all you bad people just leave us alone? Afterall, all the hundreds of allegations about Diaz are news to us! We never heard of anything happening until you brought it up! If we don't hear it, it doesn't happen. And that blog--we know it's just two or three disgruntled people. Everything would be fine if everyone would just shut up and let us make our little decisions based on our personal agendas, because, afterall, we do know best! If all you pesky teachers and principals and parents would just go away and let us do our job of micromanaging the district, just think how good things could be! Don't you worry, we will make yet another great choice as superintendent if you will just give us another chance.
Ogas, it doesn't matter what fund that money comes from. That is still money that could be used for issues, and needs for kids. Can you say, line item transfer? You are taking money from schools that is there to educate the kids you profess to care about! Even if the money is there for emergencies, or mess ups, what is to say we won't need it for when a child is accidentally hurt? Ogas should be ashamed! He knows exactly what I am talking about --
It seems to me that part of the problem is that superintendents aren't held to the same standards as teachers. A new teacher can be fired any time during their first year, so why should Sonia be any different?
Did anyone REALLY expect Dr Diaz to go quietly? Each delay continues her salary. Then, we will probably buy her off. I guess that is one way to get your new house paid for. WHEN is it going to be what is best for the students and better delivery of instruction? --
Bonnie Votaw is a great educational leader. She knows what teaching is all about and will be there for the students. Please help her get elected to the Board of Education and help put Las Cruces on the tract to becomming a great district to work in again. I worked with her and saw her give excellent advice to many teachers, parents and students. Also, Liz will do just fine. Please get back into your classrooms and let the children benefit from your direction.
I have done my homework, and I stand by my information; PLTs are funded through Title I monies
Letter from a Las Cruces resident and NMSU student:I am writing this letter concerning the unfair treatment of Dr. Sonia Diaz, by the Las Cruces School Board and those that are leading a smear campaign against the newly appointed Superintendent. Dr. Diaz has committed no infraction to cause her dismissal from her job as Superintendent of the Las Cruces District. Dr. Diaz has record of achievement that cannot be denied by the anonymous letter written by a scurrilous Blog, where the writers do not have the guts to place their names on the record. The main reason for the unfair treatment of Dr. Diaz, is the result of some people in the district, are unwilling to give change a chance. They only want the status quo and the end result has been, that many young people are failing to achieve. The impressive record of Dr. Diaz did not melt in the desert heat of Las Cruces. This unfair treatment of Dr. Diaz may be a symptom of the liberal agenda that hates accountability and responsible governance. What ever the root cause, the fact is, Dr. Diaz must not allow herself and her reputation to be ruined by a few people, who are bent on her dismissal. If you feel that you are in the right, let the public see your names and not hide behind, anonymous. Paul J. Jaramillo

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New Developments and Comments

John Schwebke will not run for reelection to the Board. That leaves an open field. Bonnie Votaw, former LCPS administrator, has said she will run for that seat. Bonnie retired from LCPS, worked in Utah and came back to LCPS and worked part-time under a grant. Larry Garcia has also said he will run for Schwebke's seat. He was an appointee of this Board after the recall of two Board members.

Sharon Wooden has one declared opponent, Connie Phillips, a parent. We would like to know more about Mrs. Phillips.

Diaz will fight her dismissal, of course. Her attorney said she has "wide-spread" support. That would be the Sun-News, her friends who enjoyed her generosity with district funds and ??


I Believe that Billie Taylor would be excellent for John's position. She has years of experience in education, a dedicated volunteer to the community and good common sense.
I am very opposed to Liz remaing in her position. She was an excellenet principal but needs time at central office to learn the position she was assigned as Director of Elementary Education. Dr. Patton was very good at listening, focused on school improvement and staying calm when she was taking cruel and unreasinable potshots from the board. She is experienced and has the support of the majority of staff in the district. Board humble yourself, apologize and do the right thing by returning her to Academic Chief. It would say agreat deal to the community about your willingness to improve, stay out of personnel issues, and stick to the job the voters intended when they elected you. This type of decision takes courage and your character is at stake.
As I have read the comments posted here over the past few weeks, what comes to mind as being desperately needed in LCPS is top-to-bottom training in principle-based leadership. Even though it is sometimes mocked, the essential messages of Stephan Covey's "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" are incredibly simple, reasonable and true, and many school systems around the country have found a way to include it in their ongoing training programs. Basically they are as follows: be proactive and work towards mastering your own demons as a means to being an authentic person; begin with the end in mind and know what principles you are trying to accomplish; put first things first and work towards fulfilling those principles in everything you do; think win-win and try to make each outcome for a situation mututally beneficial; listen to others before you impose any of your own will on them by seeking first to understand, then be understood; come together in mutual collaboration and creativity; take time to re-energize and develop your resources and skills. When everyone, from the board and super, to the EA's is working under a commonly assumed set of ethical rules, it makes it harder to justify bizzare leadership practices like we saw occur under Martinez and Diaz. It would also make it easier to hold leaders publicly accountable to some standard besides their own narcissitic need for power. I really think that if the Board would look into investing in this kind of program just a tiny amount of the money they have wasted in hiring un-principled leaders, they would find that the savings in money would be second to the increased productivity, health and success of our educational system.
"He who attempts to act and do things for others or for the world without deepening his own self-understanding, freedom, integrity and capacity to love, will not have anything to give others. He will communicate to them nothing but the contagion of his own obsessions, his aggressiveness, his ego-centered ambitions, his delusions about ends and means, his doctrinaire prejudices and ideas," - Thomas Merton, Contemplation in a World of Action, University of Notre Dame Press.
OK Las Cruces, let's work together for our students, teachers and school administrators. The school board obviously needs to go, but in reality only 2 members will be replaced this winter. Can this make a difference? I think it can. Show up at Board meetings, work with your children's schools. This is OUR community and our future. BTW, I bet everyone reading this either has a family member or close friend as a student or employee of LCPS.
Just a word of caution, people may be hesitant in running for the open positions on the board due to the fact that their name will be run through the mud as they will be associated with the remaining members. Who can afford their integrity to be dumped in a pile of mud?
On the Diane Patterson/East Picacho issue:1. Check parent opinion and positive interaction with parents. Even the kids have picked up on the tension at East Picacho. My experience is that parents who ask difficult questions are seen as the enemy and will be shut out of any communication or input. 2. Check the amount of staff turnover the past few years. Check staff morale which is very low.3. Check with parents and volunteers in the school.4. Check and see who her sister is as to why complaints to Central office may have been swept under the rug.
I went to work for Liz Marrufo last year and I can tell you that a better candidate for superintendent does not exist! I have worked for a few principals in LCPS and Liz is the most professional administrator I have ever worked for. She is dedicated to not only the students of Las Cruces, but to the faculty and staff. She is constantly researching and educating herself on current best practices. Liz is currently carrying the load of about four jobs and doesn't complain one bit. She may have to make hard decisions sometimes that not everyone agrees with. They won't always be the most popular, but it will always be what she truly knows is right for kids. I only hope to be half the administrator she is someday.
I find it ludicrous that Liz Marrufo, who has had no previous Central Office experience PRIOR to her APPOINTMENT by the ex Superintendent to be an interim anything. This, once again, demonstrates the Boards lack of credibility and intelligence. Liz Marrufo is cut from the same cloth as Dr. Diaz and does not have the respect of the staff that the Board apparently thinks she has. Tonights performance highlights their complete ineptitude!
Many may not be aware that district/state requirements mandate that administrators must complete a minimum of 45 hours of training every two years. Also, administrator trainings facilitate informed supervision, management of programs, and promotion of research-based program adoption and implementation. Like teachers, administrators must have their travel approved by their supervisors.
PDTs (not PLTs) are not funded by Title I. You need to do your homework before you type incorrect information.
Enough about Ogas! My child was a good student with no problems and good grades, yet was treated most poorly by Mr. Ogas as were friends of his, and I was witness to this, as were other parents. It seems students got better treatment or help, if needed, if they were football, pom, etc. students. Ogas was a "good old boy" and it worked up til a few years ago. Many of us did not speak up during the "leavetaking" of Mr. Ogas because we were so quickly put down for voicing opinion against him. He had his favorites, and his faults, like many others.Let's concentrate now on getting some true leadership in place and taking our students forward and repairing damaged morale within the district. Let's think about where or how we can help bring this about. Three superintendents in such a small number of years? Seems like our board has a problem making good choices for us as parents, educators, and our students in terms of what is best overall. Also, let's be more proactive in asking where the money is, or where it went. We should know how our tax money is being used within our schools, and who is using it.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

New Focus

The Board of Education will soon name an Interim Superintendent. (The Sun-News reports that it probably will not happen tonight.) That choice will speak volumes to the employees and community about where this Board is headed. Our focus needs to be the Board of Education. We have two seats coming up. Sharon ("She is doing what we asked her to do.") Wooden and John (The contract perks negotiator) Schwebke.

We have names of potential candidates. The filing date is December 19. We need for you who honestly want to run for these seats to step forward and let us know. We are ready to support candidates who want to move this district forward and who will work to find an exceptional leader for this district.

Holiday Comments

I don't remember if I have heard a related comment such as this over the past few years, but here goes: Dr. Sharon Wooden was my major advisor for my masters and PhD program. It has been embarrassing to watch and listen to her discuss issues, programs, and potential candidates! I am certain that the NMSU College of Education must feel the same way!

Alas, there are still a handful of administrators who employ a similar management style as Dr. Diaz. Self-deluded, they think they know all about all. Meanwhile they denigrate and belittle staff as a thinly veiled attempt to compensate for their own insecurities. These same administrators are very vindictive, thus sites like this will continue to serve an unfortunate, but needed, role.

The only commonality between Louis Martinez and Sonia Diaz is that both came from outside Las Cruces. If either had been warned that their tenure in LCPS would be shortened by an internal clique - they probably would have still accepted - but would have gone about the strategic plan differently. Please don't forget that Mr. Martinez had exemplary evaluations - up to the time that he chose to take on the local power structure. Not a healthy reason for this community to try to end his career. Move on - and let the past rest. You only emphasize your own insecurity when you tear someone else down.

Just for clarification any settlement to Bob Ogas will come from risk management not from the operating budget of LCPS, the responsibility of performing any duty incorrectly lies in the hands of the administration and liability insurance is carried for screw ups.

This is a big THANK YOU! I think the originator of this blog has done an incredible public service to Las Cruces in giving LCPS staff, educators and the community the opportunity to learn the truth about what was going on in regards to Diaz. It also renewed my already existing faith and admiration in just how smart, caring and informed these folks to whom I have been trusting my kids to everyday for almost 20 years truly are. I would hate to see this blog be "shut down", as some have suggested, because it would return us all to the dark days of before: a lack of transparency at the board and administrative levels of the school system, a silencing of meaningful dissent among the professionals working with our kids, and a lack of information from and to parents about what goals for success we are using for our kids, and what strategies we are implementing to get us there. As parents, there really is no place other than board meetings or belonging to an advisory council where we can not only hear what's going on, but comment ourselves on what we would like to see happen in the schools. I would like to suggest that at the proper time, this blog be enhanced or expanded to include forums on these and other topics in education. For those who didn't like the overly personal or gossipy aspect of some of the opinions here, comment moderation could be an added feature of the postings, so commenters would be motivated to use a more "civilized" (ha ha) tone in their writing. It may be a lot of work, but possibly it could be accomplished, much like everything else in our education system, by the blog originator bringing in trusted parents, teachers and professionals to help keep it going.

think Bob Ogas should be compensated. It was a disgrace the way he was escorted out of the school. Don't worry, out school board has screwed up so bad, we have a very big "risk management" fund. Most of the people who are against Ogas had asshole kids that he tried to straighten up. VIVA OGAS!!!!

What was amazing to me was....she made almost as much in one month for her car allowance than our whole science department did for all course sections for the whole school year. How important is the super anyway? Why should we pay so much for someone like Diaz, with a PhD. or EdD or without? A PhD in education is a totally worthless degree. Just look at what some of the PhD folks in the district did their dissertation on. What ends up happening is, someone is working on a dissertation and we end up being the lab rats for the alleged research they are doing to support the dissertation. I hope we learned that just because someone has an ivy league education, it doesn't mean they are competent. Ivy leaguers have vast knowledge in their field but 9 times out of 10, they can't put it to practice.....just ask any MD who they would rather have as an intern, an ivy leaguer or someone from a medical school where clinical practice is a big part of the curriculum. Almost always, they choose one with more clinical practice. Find someone who is fresh out of the classroom, don't give them so much in the discretionary fund, and someone who doesn't micro-manage. That means Liz is out only because of the micro-managing thing.

Now that Diaz is gone, what I would like to know is what do we do with the Houghton Mifflin we were forced to purchase? How smart is it to begin a new textbook and its system at the end of the first semester? Let me tell you, we have no support on this matter. As for as the admin, at school is concerned, HM is tops and far better than Scott Foresman (as if they have any real clue about it themselves). No, if parents knew how confused we are and what a disservice this ignorant move does to their children, they would be up in arms. And not only was this not thought through, but we had to use our Reading 1st monies to purchase the HM. Isn't that illegal? Please, someone, tell us what to do; there are several schools in our same predicament. We have to start HM now!

If I read one more comment about Louis D. Martinez' supposed "integrity", I will just throw up. He started this district to ruin. Diaz just helped it along. Thank goodness he is far, far away. I hope Bob Ogas drags Martinez and Briseno and the rest of them into court in a civil suit and reveals the truth to the community. The weasels will squeal then.

So, Sonia says that in the wake of the LCPS debacle she has options. What options? Saddest thing of all is that she still does not get it. It's not about a difference in opinions or management style, Sonia. It is about you -- a certifiable "psycho." You need professional, psychiatric care -- and fast! Give up on conning people into thinking you are a leader or an educator; you are neither. LSPC, move on and don't let the memory of Sonia Diaz trouble you further. Just keep an eye on any attempts she may make to weasel herself into another district. If you hear about such an attempt, strenuously warn that community's Board and alert the local media.

I stand by my PLT comments, especially since Title 1 monies are being used to support their existence. Convince me an ENTIRE faculty has gained benefits from their school's PLT. Perhaps a few favorite teachers have, but, then, that happens at all schools. As for vile...that's a great word; I am difficult to work with, since my expectations surpass the norm. However, I do take exception to "the lonely old woman with twenty cats" comment. I'm a vigorous, twenty-something male teacher with two dogs, a bird, and a boyfriend.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Connecticut Post Article

Diaz fired from latest school job

Former Bridgeport Supt. of Schools Sonia Diaz is out of another job, and possibly getting the boot as well is a former city public facilities director who followed her to the Las Cruces school district in New Mexico.

The Las Cruces Board of Education voted Monday night to fire Diaz, who had only been on the job since July.

Reached by cell phone Tuesday, Diaz called the parting "a difference of style and opinions."
She added that John Marsillio, recently hired as the business manager for the Las Cruces public schools and Bridgeport's public facilities director during the administration of former Mayor Joseph P. Ganim, would also be leaving. School officials there, however, did not respond to inquiries about Marsillio's departure.

Diaz said Marsillio and Clarence Tolbert, a former Bridgeport school official, were part of her transition team and that neither would be staying.

Diaz, who went by Sonia Diaz Salcedo when she worked in Bridgeport, was hired in July by the Las Cruces school board at an annual salary of $160,000.

Earlier this month, she was put on a paid administrative leave, but Las Cruces school officials wouldn't say why publicly.

Board members told local media none of Diaz's actions were illegal, but that her management style led to low employee morale.

The board's vote to "discharge" her was unanimous and, according to a report in the Las Cruces Sun-News, was greeted by applause from school employees in the audience.
Under New Mexico employment laws, Diaz has 20 days to appeal the decision. Diaz said Tuesday, however, she will be leaving.

"I've got a lot of options," she said, acknowledging she was having a house built in the area. She added she had no idea if she was entitled to a severance package.

"I'm not thinking about that. I'm looking ahead," she said.

Las Cruces is an urban district of 23,700 students, about the same number of students as Bridgeport.

Diaz was superintendent in Bridgeport from 2000 until 2004, when the Board of Education decided not to renew her contract. Two days after accepting a buyout package from the district, she took a new job as deputy superintendent in Miami. She lasted in Miami just a few months.
Marsillio had been hired by the Las Cruces school district on Nov. 1 on a part-time basis and was expected to go full time on Jan. 1, said Jo Galvin, a district spokeswoman.

When Diaz was in Bridgeport, she tried to hire Marsillio to oversee its school construction projects, even as he continued to work for the city. The school board approved the plan, but the City Council rejected it.

Marsillio was public facilities director in Bridgeport for 13 years. He was fired in 2003, shortly after John M. Fabrizi succeeded Ganim, who resigned in the wake of his felony conviction for rigging city contracts. Connecticut Post 11/22/06

Holiday Wrapup

sycosecond: time required for the sycophants to start claiming they are glad Diaz is gone - also used for measuring CYA response times.


To the person who wants to know where we go from here. We go forward, we keep doing our jobs, and we keep the children of this district our top priority. The teachers and administrators continue to do their jobs, no matter what happens in Dr. Diaz's office. Now they can do so with a better outlook.

We do need to get rid of the Pelosi-esque superintendent, but more importantly, get rid of all the school board members together at once and elect some decent folks there. None of them care or have any clue as to what the kids need!

Thank you School Board. Shame on you LC Sun News! Your biased reporting on Sonia during her term has left many with serious questions about your journalistic integrity. You certainly didn't mind taking one more dig at Mr. Martinez when he wouldn't respond to your questions without reading the EEOC documents, but your DEAL with Sonia lasted far too long! It's one thing to make a deal to shadow her for her first few days, but you extended that deal for so long that you have tarnished your record as a reliable news source.

Thank you for your service! This site has exposed some light in a very bleak environment.

Congratulations to Las Cruces! It only took your district four months to oust Sonia. It took Bridgeport four years to get rid of her! You can't imagine the damage done during her tenure.

I think that this blog should stay open, to warn future victims. I also think that the board should seek talent inside the school district. Hire somebody that knows the district's workings. I have enjoyed reading the truth, Thanks.

I would like to answer the question: Where is Marvin Allen and Barry Peace? Marvin Allen retired because of stress issues (Administrative) not medical problems as rumored. Barry Peace is stuck in the elementary schools instead of the Middle/High Schools where he is needed the most. The Director of Safe/Drug Free Schools hires "new" people instead of using the best gang/drug professional in Southern New Mexico. Maybe someone should check into this. He helped my sons and their friends....God only knows how many other students.

We have so much to be thankful for this holiday. Dr. Diaz is gone, but mud slinging continues especially when it comes to Mrs. Marrufo. I have worked for Mrs. Marrufo and I disagree that she is cut from the same mold. She is a professional and is willing to go the extra mile for her staff and students. When a new teacher was having trouble getting started in her classroom she dropped everything and took over her classroom for 2 weeks to show her how to set up her room, etc. If we came in late, she dropped us a note reminding us of our contract times, and if it continued, she had a chat with us. She knew every student's name and she was rarely in her office but out and about visible, doing her job. What I see happening in our schools today especially at the school I work at is teachers who don't want to be reminded that they shouldn't be talking or answering their cell phone when they should be teaching. They are continually talking on their cell phones in class or out in the hallway. Many refuse to do their duty - morning, hallway, or after school. And when they are reminded time and time again, they "hate it when someone is breathing down their back". DUH!! As I walk back to my classroom, I have heard teachers degrade a student in front of their peers - "You'll never amount to anything - you can't even do your homework". It breaks my heart, and yet when principals try to correct the problem, they are ousted because they are HARRASSING these teachers. Parents have a heart to heart talk with your children. Ask them if these things are happening in their classroom and if the answer is YES, please let someone know, because the truth is, teachers are quick to blame the administrators and never stop to see what they are doing wrong.

Isn't that the truth! If people actually knew how Diane Patterson treated the staff, students and parents at East Picacho, she would have been gone a long time ago! She actually turned the school's only conference room into her own personal office, leaving staff nowhere to hold their meetings. I have seen the way that Diane and her sister, Liz Marrufo treat people that they "don't like"- they act very unprofessionally, almost like two high school bullies.

Just wondering - did Salcedo have a full time photographer follow her around everywhere she went - like she did in Bridgeport? That was a real trip.

I also agree it is time to get to the main businesstaking care of our kids!! We also need to takee care of our teachers because with out them andwith the moral so low it will affect our kids. Lets Lets pay attention to what is going on in our system.We've lost some good administrator through allthis hopefully we can recover.

Hold on there, Nellie! Not so fast with wanting to get rid of this blog site. There's still the school board!

Yea...Why did it take us so long to make this change? Let's get Charles White back and see what he can do to "heal this district!

Thank you for providing this forum to inform each other and the public at large. I also want to thank all of the individuals who showed up and who testified.

Please keep this blog going. There are always issues in the school system that need unveiling and discussing. I, for one, know that you cannot speak up at most meetings because of the fear of being shot down by someone in command. This is the best way for the truth to be aired.
There is this custodian that is always telling me to have the kids clean up after themselves. Our cafeteria lady uses her strong arm tactics to keep me from getting extra fries. Our counselor made me wear a red ribbon for drug week. All will be right with the world when they are gone. Is this what we are to become?

Congratulations to you for quickly riding yourselves of a pathological, toxic individual. As a superintendent or deputy superintendent, Sonia Diaz has left in her wake now four districts all the worse for her egotistical presence. You can take solace in knowing that you discovered and exposed her supreme arrogance and deep-rooted narcissism much sooner than all others who have had the bad fortune of working for her. No other district should have to experience what you and others have. Let all search/consultant firms take heed and reject any applications she might submit in search of another superintendency.

God bless you for the work you have done to provide a voice for those afraid for their jobs. My sincere thanks for a job well done. Now, let’s form a great committee to find our interim superintendent. Someone in this area is qualified and can bring healing and trust back to our great school district and students. Please encourage others to bring Joann Patton back as our Head of Instruction. She was an elegant leader for our teachers, administrators and students. I hope Jack Jenkins would also be reinstated, as he is so respected by the state financial minds. He saved our school district from financial demise...year after year.
Okay guys, Dr. Diaz is gone, is this really where we intend to go from here? We need to stop this blog before this really does become a witch trial!Elizabeth Howe"If it was the last moment I was to live,God knows I am innocent..."Martha Carrier"...I am wronged. It is a shameful thing thatyou should mind these folks that are out oftheir wits."Rebecca Nurse"Oh Lord, help me! It is false. I am clear. For my life now lies in your hands...."
Liz Marrufo is a fair, consistent, and intelligent administrator who also has the integrity to run our district. We could certainly do worse than have her as interim superintendent (and we have in the past!)

Please don't paint Mr. Martinez and Dr. Diaz with the same brush. Mr. Martinez had a vision and a plan. Mr. Martinez never responded to the lies set up to vilify him. The only issue with Mr. Martinez was ONE arrogant "untouchable" principal and those who allowed his reign.When Mr. Martinez stood against SPECIFIC BOARD MEMBERS' agendas, the gloves were taken off. He took a severe public beating and never responded in kind. The last word on Mr. Martinez was the banner headline on October 23, 2005: "Martinez' Vision Lives On"You never miss the water until the well runs dry. Congratulations on the 50-year retreat.

She needs to go back to Harvard and take some classes on manners and humanity.

Is anyone else weary of "personnel matters" limiting what we can know of what's been done with our investments, financial and professional?

Well....Diane Patterson is Liz Marrufo's sister same mold!

The next time, the school board needs to contact the unions in whatever district the candidate comes from to get the employee perspective. This march of the lemmings needs to stop.
And thank you to the NEA teacher/spokesperson who stood up and spoke up in protest at the board meeting at which Diaz announced her text book plan. It's important to go to school board meetings and make your voice heard. The teacher still has her job and Diaz doesn't!
It seems in his mind he has done no wrong or all we all mistaken on how he left this district. "Louis Martinez is a highly respected national speaker on character development, closing the achievement gap, and issues of accountability in communities and schools. Mr. Martinez recently completed his tenure as superintendent for Las Cruces, NM Public Schools. He has collaborated on community development programs with numerous state and local officials, civic leaders and police command officers, as well as with educators and youth organizations. His work in schools and communities focuses on the responsibility of schools to provide rigorous, relevant instruction in an environment of positive relationships and implementation of best practices in school reform. He has designed comprehensive administrative and leadership development training programs and serves as a facilitator for conflict mediation training." The last sentence may be the most outrageous lie that anyone has ever seen in a resume. This is from the International Center for Leadership in Education website. I wonder how Diaz will state what she did during her tenure here.

Quick someone get the ruby slippers off her feet while she is pinned under the house!Way to go school board. But you still need to be recalled. Before you cause another Tornado. 2 catastrophic hires in a row. Please. Maybe next time you will promote form within. No surprises that way. What a concept.

Dear Blog Host,Thanks so much for your work! I believe you have made a critical difference in the outcome last night!I hope you keep this blog site open through the school board elections in February. We need a forum to continue to monitor the school board's activities.Also, I urge you to start screening some of the comments on this blog. I believe it is not time to start criticizing other school district employees. Rather, it is time to focus on healing and planning for the future.Keep up the good work!

Don't shut down just yet.How about hiring even more self-aggrandizing central office staff?Let's all go measure the size of our offices and determine who is more important.

So what's wrong with Diane Patterson? Is it that she is not easily manipulated or wait- you can't control her strings? Why don't you leave the district if all you can do is find fault! Maybe you should look in the mirror or are you afraid of what might be looking back?

Along with Diane Patterson, a change at the principal position at Dona Ana Elementary School may be in need due to the same problems (teacher morale, parent satisfaction etc) along with the need to address certain teacher’s questionable behavior/teaching tactics. Attitude affects morale and hers is appalling at times when addressing staff. Her understudy would make a great principal. Congrats LCPS employees but the fight has only begun.

It is time to shut this bog down and let us heal. We can not heal as long as it is up. I appreciate what the blog did, but now lets get on with it. People are just using it to hurt each other now.

Well I just hope when the Prima Donna slithers out of town that she takes her sewer rats back to the city. What was this lady thinking coming into our community and treating people like c---? We are not her sweeties and will never be. I hope she leaves quietly so we can move on to repairing the damage she caused. I really feel for the people she demeaned because I know how that feels as an EA I was demeaned on daily basis and it wasn't pleasant. What we need to do now is find a good replacement. After reading all the blogs I don't think Murrafo is the answer. There are too many people who have negative attitudes to her and with Sweetie Sonia, we know that these attitudes usually have a solid ground to stand on. It’s hard to say exactly what the LCPS should do but perhaps a good start would be to not pay a consultant $4,500 to find our next Superintendent, we really got ripped of on that one. It’s sad to know that just a few clicks on the computer would have exposed the Dragon Lady's wrath and tainted past. I shake my head thinking of what kind of crazy stuff this lady does in private, really scary! On the upside when we do find a worthy Superintendent he/she will have a nice remodeled office to move into.

Yea! The Board listened to the community and made a wise choice. NOW let's move on and begin healing within our district and focus on the KIDS. Let's NOT trash Liz Marrufo and other administrators or teachers. Let's watch and see what they do and focus on actions instead of personal vendettas. It is all about our kids and their future now.

It is time to review all upper level administrative hires/appointments at Central Office. You have new department heads making as much as 20-30K more than principals... RIDICULUS!!!

You're kidding, right? Mr. Ogas is still trying to fight the district? Why doesn't he just enjoy his retirement? I don't get it.

Now it will be interesting to see if Mr. Ogas is really interested in kids OR in lining his own pockets. He doesn't need more money because his retirement is already maxed - time to step up and face the truth. Is this about Bob's ego OR about the students in the district???

Justice is in danger of being done. Nothing can repair the damage that LCPS has suffered under this board tenure. Bob Ogas' concern was only his students & school. He needs to be reinstated as Principal of MHS.

The LCPS decision to force Mr. Ogas out by using former Supt. Martinez came back to bite them in the butt it seems. As a MHS graduate I can say that Mr. Ogas was tough but fair and a man that I have great respect for. Although I was given a long term suspension second semester of senior year I was encouraged to seek discipline by Mr. Ogas and enlisted in the Army Reserve completed training and was allowed by Mr. Ogas to return the following year to complete my studies and graduate. He is a great man and I hope that he takes the LCPS Board to the cleaners so to speak being that they have done a great injustice to the man who was just looking out for the safety and wellbeing of the students of MHS for whom he had a great love for. MHS currently could use a "housecleaning" at the top along with the LCPS BOARD IMO. VIVA OGAS! Class of 87 Grad.

If Bob Ogas truly loved the students of LCPS he would not take dollars out of the accounts that should be going to educate the children. I have news for all of you. If he wins, the money comes right out of the mouths of the children in our schools. Real nice, Bob!

I can't believe what the person who wrote about their PLT-you mean PDT I believe. We really value our PDT. She works hard at helping us out and making our work easier. How sad for you and your school. How sad for your PDT to have to work with such a vile person as yourself. I am imagining a lonely woman with 20 cats that authored that.

This blog is just turning into a place to destroy anyone you have a problem with. It has been a place to get information, but now it is about hair salons, attacking each other and insults with no accountability. It is time to either bring some class back to the blog or shut it down. We should be ashamed. I am going to try to avoid this blog from now on.

Perhaps someone could explain to me why central office administrators need to be gone for several days for such trainings as the Dyslexia Conference - now, these are administrators who have not taught a lesson in the classroom in at least 10 years, and have no dealings with real students. Do they just look for opportunities to get out of central office and take a trip? I think the money could better be spent on the actual students or the teachers who teach them.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


There were 45 posts today in response to the Board of Education's actions last night. All were positive. I will organize and post all the responses this weekend. Right now, we all need to take a deep breath and enjoy Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful holiday.

Reactions from Readers

Please don't toy with my emotions. Tell me you're serious!


End of flashback...It's now time to get back to the future for all of us!


Perhaps now we can get back to the business of teaching our children. I'm tired of the focus being on those who were hired to serve the students. Can we rescind the contracts of Ms. Diaz's friends she hired? Can we also cancel the Houghton-Mifflin reading texts? I could use enough Math books for my class so I don't have to copy them any longer plus it would be nice to have Social Studies books as well. Too much money, time and effort is spent on the adults with egos in our district. Let's get back to the basics, teaching kids to read, write, and do math!


I hope the school board also sends all her cronies packing with her. Next they should find a replacement for Ms. Marrufo, because she was made with the same mold as Dr. Diaz. They have very similar personalities and we want as far away from these types of people as we can get!


Thank goodness it's over. I hope before LCPS1 ends this blog that someone will let the Sun-News know that their "reporter" has been biased throughout this entire ordeal. Tonight, he was heard calling Diaz long distance (since she is out of town) to let her know what time the School Board would reconvene in open session. This is the same reporter who also was seen giving her hugs on different occasions, and telling her "don't worry" when the Board was going into a recent closed meeting to discuss her performance. What kind of journalist ethics does he have? One thing that's also possible --- the Sun-News Editor was the reason the true stories were never reported. Hum...


It is unfortunate, this situation with Dr. Diaz. What is more disheartening are the comments on this Blog. For all the anger and criticism where are the suggestions and/or answers? Replacements on the school board is probably a good start, and then where do we go from there?


I saw tears of joy after the announcement by the School Board. It was such a relief to see smiles on the faces of so many people. I hope that Dr. Diaz will now walk out graciously; however, if she follows her same pattern, she'll sue. I'm actually proud of our School Board, which is something I haven't felt in a really long time. BTW, thanks bloggers.


This blog really helped --- kept us informed and let us vent! In a way, it's sad that comments had to be done anonymously. The fear that prevented names from being published was the first clue that our Superintendent was someone who failed to treat employees fairly and with professionalism. I hope the School Board will really listen to employees during the next go-round. Use your common sense and call other districts before hiring. We do want our schools to improve, but to do that we need a leader who is NICE to people in addition to having a doctorate.


What goes around, comes around, Ms. Diaz! How you sleep at night, we'll never know. You must be heavily medicated! Consider our school board's decision to fire you a blessing. You've done enough damage here, now move along. And please consider a job somewhere besides another school district. How about a sales clerk at the mall? They're hiring for the holidays! Thank you LCPS school board for finally making the right decision!


THANK YOU SCHOOL BOARD! There’s no way to say that loud enough! They did listen and did take employees into consideration. I hope our financial situation in the district can be rectified. Thanks to anyone in the business offices downtown who had the nerve to report any financial mismanagement. And, thanks to my fellow colleagues who spoke up. Time to support Liz Marrufo until the next Superintendent is found... next time --- check references!!


Before this blog is put to rest, I want to thank whoever made it possible. It truly provided a way for employees to speak out, even if they couldn't identify themselves for fear of their jobs. The nightmare is over! Thanks to everyone who spoke out, talked to the School Board's lawyers, and stood up to defend themselves and their fellow employees. Hooray!!




It's what was needed before the LCPS ended up "in the red" or worse. All that's needed is to clean house with the LCPS Board starting with Mr. Briseno and three others IMO and get our school district back on the right track. Teachers/LCPS employees have enough stress without having to worry about a headhunter with a personal vendetta as Superintendent.


I want to applaud all employees past and present that tried to stand up to Sonia Salcedo Diaz. Special kudos to Karen, Jo, Dorothy and Michael Cooke who had to endure her demeaning comments, her abrasive and rude behavior, and still present themselves to the public as loyal employees for our school family. Justice has been served.


Now that she is gone the only way this district can heal itself is for this blog to shut down. We can no longer continue to tear everyone apart. We have to give whoever takes over a fair chance. There will always be people who are upset, but we have to give a new person a chance without all of this anonymous finger pointing.

Couldn't believe it when I heard Las Cruces hired Sonia (I call her Sonia because she seemed to refuse to use people's names, always calling them 'sweetie') but it only took you around 4 months to get wise to her.Everything I read on the blog sounded familiar but it also sounded as if she did her damage faster. My daughter can identify exactly when she wanted to move from Bridgeport just to go to a new school: when Sonia replaced Connelly. Activists who agitated to remove him defended her almost until the bitter end...............and the city was typically irresponsible when it bought her out. She had a couple of really strong supporters on the BOE. Oh, you brought back memories! I'm feeling that German word now:schafrenaude? (sic) And now I know why her hair was always so perfect: Japanese straightening? I'll have to look it up because I've never heard of it. Oh, if you have a second, I wondered what was meant by the pin-up picture. Again, congratulations and best of luck with your next superintendent. Julie


Ok, round 1 goes to common sense, now let’s make sure we don't go and make another big mistake. Please don't name Liz Marrufo as new superintendent, not even interim. She is just as mean spirited with those that don't think like her as Sonia has been. Marrufo has her own agenda and her own "good ol'girl system" so it would just be the same old stuff, different day. Please think of the low morale in our district and the consequences of having another "Iron Maiden" in charge.

Diaz is out. This is certainly great news for our district. Now all we have to do is work at getting Diane Patterson out of East Picacho Elementary and we may begin to see a genuine improvement in teacher moral, parent satisfaction, and student success!

Monday, November 20, 2006


The Board of Education voted 5-0 to DISCHARGE Diaz. Not a buy-out - discharge. Thank you to the employees to had the courage to talk to the attorneys and to all who had the courage to show up and stand up.

EEOC has ruled in favor of Bob Ogas

The EEOC sent down its determination in Bob Ogas’ complaint against the District. EEOC found that there is reasonable cause to believe that the School District violated section 623 of the Age Discimination in Employment Act of 1967 and section 703 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The EEOC commission will begin the conciliation effort to resolve the all matters where there is reason to believe that violations have occurred.

Decision Time for LCPS

Today at 4:45 pm, the Board of Education will decide whether to reinstate Diaz or take some other action. It is time to stand up. Be there for the opening at 4:45 to show the Board we are watching. Please return at 7 or 7:30 pm to remind them that we are still watching.

If you read nothing else on this blog, please read "Diaz Track Record". (Click on the link under "Previous Posts" on the right side of this page.) The statements in that posting are verified and the reason this blog was started. We have wandered afield in some instances, but the bottom line is this: The District was sold a bill of goods by ProAct, the Board of Education failed to do its homework before hiring, and the Board of Education must act now to save the District from total chaos.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sunday Evening

It is also very important to show up at 4:45 for the beginning of the school board meeting in order to school the board that people are watching, interested and will hold them accountable. Please show up at 4:45 and then come back at 7 pm.


I agree --- everyone should show up on Monday night! But be prepared for a lot longer meeting than 7:30 --- their last session lasted until 10:30pm. Make arrangements at home so that everyone can stay till the end. It's important to show this community does care about what the Board decides. We can only hope they decide to terminate!


I would like to add that most employees are very hard working, the teachers, the principals and the administrative team at CO. It is time to stand together. We all work to deliver the educational product from our custodians on up including the other departments like Physical Plant not housed at CO. Educated individuals realized that individual incidences of upsetness, regardless of the cause are no reason to dismiss the efforts of an entire group of people. It is the Board that has fueled this WE, THEY mentally to keep the pot stirred. As an employee, I am proud of the efforts, ethics and professionalism of the vase majority of our employees. We all deserve better than this Board of Education and Superintendent...especially for our student's sake. We must present a united voice.


Super Fund Clean Up“The best leaders are those who empower others to lead.” (Bill Gates) If one concurs with the words of Bill Gates, there can be no doubt that the current school board members and the last two superintendents have failed this school district. When “agendas” are made behind closed doors and in closed session, no one is empowered besides those who sit behind those doors. I have repeatedly heard Ms. Diaz make broad statements to the news media and parents, such as ˜We are working on it” or, “We’re looking at it” or, “We want to bring in the best professionals” or, “We have set up focus groups in the different schools to evaluate”. My questions are: Who is the “we” in “we are”? What is the stated purpose and agenda of these “focus groups”? And, how many parents, students, community members, teachers, and administrators have heard of, let alone been invited to be part of, “focus groups” operating within their local schools? If such “focus groups” are indeed operating within our schools, I would like to inform the school board and Ms. Diaz that they either have failed miserably in communicating this information or done an excellent job of selecting a “few” who are operating in obscurity. Sadly, whatever the case may be, Ms. Diaz and the Board have failed miserably in their ability to “tap into the genius” of the many talented individuals within this community! They have, in essence, “disempowered” those who have a great deal of insight and could be instrumental in bringing forth a plan for positive change in this school district. Sadly, unless we demand more as a community, we will continue to be “led” by a board that operates under a veil of secrecy and “governed” by superintendents who are hired to carry out the Board’s narrow, and some might even say, personal agendas. Besides understanding how to empower others, most good leaders understand this simple adage: “If you do not know where you are going, every road will take you nowhere.” As leaders in the classroom, teachers understand that they must identify the goals for any unit of study and state the objectives and devise the teaching strategies for meeting those goals. We know the road we are asking the students to travel. Should we expect any less from our school board and superintendent? It is time that we demand a publicly-crafted strategic plan for this school district. No longer should we allow the Board or Superintendent to state one or two broad generalities (such as,” improve literacy” or “do God’s work”) as goals for this school district without stating the objectives as to how to achieve those goals. (It would really be a blessing to know what Ms. Diaz’s objectives are for her goal “to do God’s work”.) Such practices simply leave too much room for personal agendas, whether they are that of the Board or a Superintendent, to take priority. And, sadly, we are, yet again, suffering the fallout that results from such poor leadership practices: Students are without textbooks, monies for programs have been frozen and then unfrozen, and board members are fighting amongst themselves over the continued tenure of Ms. Diaz. In essence, administrators, teachers, and students are, once again, being held hostage on a road going nowhere. Our students and community deserve more!As a community, we must demand that the current Board put the wheels in motion to establish a strategic plan for this district in which all interested members of this community are empowered to take part. The talented students, parents, community members, business leaders, teachers, professors, and administrators would have no problem identifying the strengths and areas of weaknesses of our schools. Nor would these groups have difficulty identifying the goals and developing the objectives that would put the District on a road going somewhere. Ms. Diaz has stated that any new CEO or leader meets with resistance and problems during the transitioning process. (KVIA interview) I hope she is considering the possibility that the amount of resistance and the number of problems that new CEO experiences during a transitioning period is directly related to his/her ability to be an effective leader. Ms. Diaz has failed to seek community input on crafting a plan for this school district. She has never communicated a plan, unless it is being communicated to the Board behind closed doors, for this school district. Yet, she has she has communicated the need to bring in “the best” from outside the community to help “lead” our district that leaves many of us asking, “Lead us where?” (What a scary road!!) Ms. Diaz and the current Board’s lack of leadership have failed the community, district employees, and most importantly the children! Until we have a long-term plan in place for this District, we will continue to be bogged down in turmoil. Furthermore, we will have no tool to guide us in the hiring of future superintendents or electing school board members that share our district’s vision, nor we will have no tool for evaluating their work. We need to define our road and choose leaders who know they will be held accountable for empowering and facilitating us in taking that road.


As a longtime, current employee, I wholeheartedly agree that the morale in this district is, at this time, the worst it's ever been. It is time for the employees and the community to rally together and SAVE OUR SCHOOLS. We have an opportunity to respond to this SOS. Let's show up at the board meeting to SUPPORT OUR SCHOOLS, SUPPORT OUR STAFF, and SERVE OUR STUDENTS. Let's have a series of SOS fund raisers to build morale, show that we're willing to put our money where are mouths are, and SAVE OUR SANITY.


I so love a challenge! Therefore, I am looking forward to meeting Sonia, before she rides out of town on her hijacked broom stick. Perhaps we could meet for a soda at the Wal-Mart McDonald's or chat for awhile at Style America, where I get my hair cut. Oops! My bad! Sonia wouldn't be caught dead or alive in these places. Maybe that's one of the problems, then. Welcome to my world, Sonia! Please understand that to become part of this community, I would expect to see you in such places, just like I see many of my students and their parents. But, beware...I will interrupt my conversation with you to acknowledge these very people who have helped me become successful in my teaching. Not to worry though; if you behave, I just might introduce you to some of these wonderful and caring people. Had you given us a chance, you might have learned this for yourself!


I'd just like to say that as soon as the new super was named, I began a Google search of her past employment and what I found was not reassuring. If I could do this, surely the board and headhunter company could have done this as well. Blaming the headhunter company, while legitimate, does still not release the board from the fact that they failed to check this person out. Another clue was her statement about "feeling such a spiritual connection to Las Cruces" and her statements about the test results. She expressed such disappointment--it came off as negative and condescending. How about a statement such as: it gives direction, it shows us what needs to be done, it clarifies the direction we need to take. Third clue: her pin-up picture in front of Sonoma Ranch Elementary. It was totally inappropriate, in my opinion for a professional educator. Add to that, the bowing at LCHS when she first met the faculty and staff and introduced herself. And so the clues have gone on and on and we are now at a decision-making point. I truly believe Sonia may be guilty of fiscal mismanagement to the degree of prosecution. I can't believe the board would place her on administrative leave even with the furor she's caused in school and within the community, unless there is more to this story. Remember, it took them a long time to address Louis Martinez's behavior? Regardless of the evidence and reasons for placing her on leave, she simply doesn't "fit" in our community. Her comment about God is a cheap attempt to sway people and she ought to be ashamed. She has cultivated support among the most influential people in our community yet treats her subordinates poorly. She is very crafty and knows exactly what she's doing. This won't change, she needs to go. As to her successor, the board simply can't choose a satisfactory leader. With the exception of Chuck Davis, the board needs to be replaced and a new board installed that will listen to the needs and concerns of the community and to take their recommendations seriously. The fact that this hasn't been done, is the very reason we are at this point. My condolences to the employees, teachers and administrators who must try to meet the needs of our students while riding on this roller coaster. Attend the board meeting, there is power in numbers. The super and board can't possibly discount numbers and discipline everyone in attendance. If we want change, we must act!


In regards to the comment about Gutierrez and Marrufo, I guess you can say it helps to have friends in high places. Way to go Sunrise!


A contributor (Educational Assistant?) mentioned teachers sent away to trainings after hearing word that Diaz didn't approve of this practice. EAs and Substitutes deserve endless gratitude for helping the schools "run." As an experienced teacher, I have found some of these grade-level days are needed and educationally recharging (it took me a while to learn/contribute rather than blister at the "insult")! It is a problem if EAs are misused and pulled to help these communications happen- but thank you. I like knowing that we have a goal as a district (even if not supported by sup/board).If a teacher can't tell the students the day before he/she is gone what learning/work is expected so that the students are not doing just busy work- you are not partnered well. Some schools are sending teachers out of district at student title I expense- that is what we should be upset about!


Meanwhile...back on the farm...the little PLT's throughout the local schools are: performing administrative duties, again, using school hours and resources to work on their college degree programs, and, generally, running amuck. Since Sonia did not like their presence within the schools, perhaps she could open the flood gates at central office and give these eager beavers new jobs, like slopping up some of the mess that's been created! At least they would be productively earning their salaries!

Diaz Track Record

New York City Community School District 1:

Resigned as Superintendent when Board did not renew her contract after discovering a budget deficit of $1.5 million as reported by the NY Times 4/26/2000.

Bridgeport, Conn. Schools:

Was bought out after Board of Education refused to extend her contract as Superintendent as reported by the Connecticut Post on 10/29/2004.

In 2003, the Connecticut State Board of Education called for Diaz to explain what her plans were for remedying the “city students' continued failure to meet performance standards” as reported in the Connecticut Post 12/26/2003.

After 3 years on the job in Bridgeport, fewer than one in 20 public high school students in Bridgeport mastered the subject material in four key areas, according to new standardized test results. And results of the latest Connecticut Academic Performance Test also show that barely one in 10 students is mastering one of those subjects. The dismal test results are the latest bad news for a school district that has already recorded disappointing results on standardized tests for students in lower grades. Connecticut Post 10/13/2003

After 3 years in Bridgeport, 21 out of 25 elementary schools failing federal standards. A lower percentage of students passing mastery tests. Higher percentages of high school students dropping out. In raw numbers, at least, the record compiled by Supt. of Schools Sonia Diaz Salcedo during her first three years as the city's education chief would not appear to be anything to brag about. Connecticut Post 10/28/2003

The cumulative dropout rate rose from the Class of 2000, with 23.6 percent, to 32.1 percent for the Class of 2002. Diaz was hired in 2000. Connecticut Post 9/28/2003

A city schools security consultant is being paid $40 an hour in overtime to drive Supt. of Schools Sonia Diaz Salcedo to and from airports. Connecticut Post 5/18/2003

Miami-Dade County Schools:

Was hired in Miami by friend, Rudy Crew, who was a former NYC Schools chancellor and served with Diaz on an Urban School Project. Miami-Dade bought the Houghton-Mifflin “Reading in Progress” program in 2005.

Left Miami-Dade after less than 6 months on the job as Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum. Her leaving was “a mutual decision” according to the Miami-Dade school spokesman.

Las Cruces Public Schools:

Diaz brought in friends as consultants with contracts ranging from $4,000 to $25,000

Diaz used harassment, intimidation, threats, degradation and humiliation to force out Jo Ann Patton, Jack Jenkins and Jerry Laws.

Diaz has behaved boorishly and unacceptably for the Superintendent of Schools in dealings with local workers at various local businesses.

Diaz has threatened, intimidated and humiliated current employees and caused others to resign because of her denigrating and demeaning treatment.

Diaz hired her friend, John Marsilio, for “Business Manager” without posting or calling for applications.

Lied on televised interview regarding the hiring of the “Business Manager”

Marsilio, newly hired “Business Manager”, was fired at City of Bridgeport after Mayor Joseph Ganim, for whom he worked, was indicted in a major fraud scandal “Incoming acting Mayor John Fabrizi has fired longtime city Public Facilities Director John Marsilio and told him to vacate his office today.” Connecticut Post 4/4/2003
“Fabrizi could not be reached Thursday for comment, but sources close to him said the decision to replace Marsilio is based on a desire to bring in new people and concerns that Marsilio, along with other department heads, did not stand in Ganim's way, or raise red flags, over irregularities in awarding city contracts. During Ganim's trial in U.S. District Court in New Haven, Marsilio's name came up numerous times. Although no one accused Marsilio of criminal wrongdoing, Paul Pinto, Ganim's admitted bagman, said in wiretapped conversations that Marsilio and former Finance Director Jerome Baron were "players," meaning they could be counted on not to make waves.“ Connecticut Post 4/4/2003

Marsilio is not qualified for licensure as a “School Business Official” in the state of New Mexico. He would have to attend training over a period of years. Some of that training would be provided by employees he now supervises.

Diaz has violated District policy and the state anti-donation law by giving Marsilio unearned vacation leave as a part of his contract.

Diaz has been fiscally irresponsible by taking textbook monies allocated to schools in order to purchase $1 million textbooks for a literacy program. She also tried to inappropriately use federal funds for these textbooks.

Diaz has been fiscally irresponsible in handling her operational office budget. That budget was in the red by August and required an infusion of $50,000 to keep it out of the red.

Diaz has been fiscally irresponsible by not providing itemized receipts for her expense account as generally accepted accounting principles require.

Diaz has been fiscally irresponsible and vindictive by freezing the Bilingual Department budget.

Monday's Board Meeting

Monday is a critical crossroads for the District. The Board will convene at 4:45 pm. The closed session may last until 7 or 7:30 pm. It is IMPERATIVE that we show up in force. The Board needs to see that the community is watching its actions. You do not need to say anything. Your presence will be enough. You should arrive around 7 pm.

Running for School Board

In order to run for a seat on the School Board, you must be a registered voter living in the District. There are no nominating petitions required. On December 19, between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm, you must file your declaration of candidacy. If you are seriously considering running for the seat in District 4 or District 5, please email .

Sunday Morning

Mr. Briseno and Jim Spence will both be on the Michael Swickard show on Monday Morning 11/20/06 at 8 a.m. on AM 570.

Spence is the one who was on with Diaz on the Swickard show the day before she got put on leave. Spence did a good job cornering her and she didn't score many points.


Strange that someone mentions Ms. Diaz's antics at hair salons. My daughter was her waitress last month and was actually excited when she realized her customer was the superintendent. By the end of the meal my daughter was beside herself with the arrogant attitude and under the breath comments that were heard. When she told me the story, she was actually sad. Doesn't our superintendent need to present herself in a favorable manner while in public? Based on my daughter's encounter, it's easy to see how the hair salon stories can be true. Pity. --- A parent.


If the board doesn't get IT now it never will. Good luck people and students of Las Cruces. I wish you the best. You may not know it but people all over the state and states from NY to Florida to California are watching this. May God Bless your City.


I am a retired LCPS administrator and have been watching the situation with the school board and Dr. Diaz and thanking my lucky stars that I no longer have to deal with this kind of behavior from a superintendent. Even if Sonia should be reinstated, I think she has damaged her reputation in this district so much by her behavior that she could never effectively manage. I have watched Central Office personnel during Board Meetings and through their body language, it is apparent they are terrified of this woman. She has proven her disdain for her staff and students by placing her personal needs above them and denigrating those under her who are subordinate. A strong leader does just that, they lead. A leader has to have followers and you gain them by respecting, listening to concerns, partnering and involving others in the decision-making. Our district has placed great emphasis in the past on collaborative decision-making. When all stakeholders feel their input has been well-received, they are more inclined to unite for a common goal. Our current superintendent does not seem to know this elementary principle, maybe they don't teach that at Harvard. The School Board has two strikes against them. They have proven they are incapable of selecting a "winner" and no doubt Sonia IS reacting somewhat to their guidance. All of them need to go! They have managed to make the former School Board look exceptionally competent. It’s embarrassing to be the laughing stock of the state once again. Many phenomenal people work in this district who truly care about the education of our students and perform above and beyond on a daily basis. They need to be empowered not demoralized! The right leader could do that but I don't see this happening under the current leadership. She has blown that opportunity. Sonia, go away and let's get a new board of education to select a new super.


I was shopping for a nice outfit at Dillard's a few days ago. I found a "stunning" dress. The salesperson said it was beautiful, made well and would be a fine addition to my wardrobe. I brought my lovely dress home only to find that there were defects in the garment. I returned it; got my money back. LCPS School Board: You were sold a bill of goods. You now know that the merchandise is defective. You should know from this blog and the community that if you keep the superintendent, the district will further unravel. Please return her!


It is entirely clear that the school board is as self-serving, arrogant, and ignorant as the central administration is. We're basically a district without leadership, but we're doing fine. We have principals who care, who work their hardest to do what is right in spite of continuing threats from downtown, and we have teachers who sincerely care about the children and work extremely hard to help children learn. On top of this, we have a great community which puts education first and amazing parents who do everything they can as well. It's not fair that we are being treated like children by our superintendent and school board, who seem to think that they can act selfishly and do it right under our noses. I am an employee of the school district, and I am absolutely ashamed to have to say that I work alongside these people. Make one thing clear, I DO NOT work for them. Our school board is incompetent, and if they make the wrong decision and re-instate Diaz, then they'll have further proven that they don't care about the employees or students here in the Las Cruces Public Schools. I expect that they will re-instate her, because they are that arrogant, and always have been that ignorant.


These comments about Sonia Diaz are pretty scary. But let me say this. When she first came, the word on the streets was that she didn't want teachers leaving the classroom for trainings. After that, a couple of teacher trainings were cancelled at our school. But then things went back to the usual. That was so disappointing. Does anybody else see this happening? Teachers are being sent out of the classroom several times a month for "trainings". While they're gone, a sub is hired to take over. Sometimes the sub shows and sometimes not. Then EAs are pulled from their regular assignments to fill in. Meanwhile the Ea's regular work goes undone. Hey, administrators! It's a big deal not to have your EA around to do their job. Then, while the cat's away, the mice are doing everything they can to act up for the sub. Kids know that the sub will be gone soon and so they mess around and do as little as possible. A sub usually means busy work for a day. And THERE ARE JUST TOO MANY OF THESE BUSY WORK DAYS! How much training does a teacher need? Didn't we go to college and get multiple degrees? Half the time the trainings are only so so. I realize we have to keep up with the trends but come on. Taking whole grade levels out to go to training is ridiculous. Think about the children please. Do something about the sub problem. Let the EAs do their jobs and quit pulling them like they're not worth anything. I would support a superintendent who would actually do something about this situation.


A sincere thanks, followed by a margarita or diet soda, is always a nice gesture!


REMEMBER the school board election in Feb will only give us the opportunity to change out TWO of the school board members. ONLY A RECALL will rid us of the lot! BTW, the 2 up for reelection are not the worst. Who is up for working for a recall?


As a teacher in the LCPS, I resent the comment that the teachers are lazy. I will have to work this Sunday to attempt to stay on top of the endless paperwork required of teachers. Note the number of vehicles in the local school parking lot after school. Check out how late the vehicles remain in the parking lot. When the paper work is not on time, despite the many changes and technology not working correctly, guess who gets the blame? The teachers! There have been many changes in the curriculum and changes in teaching duties. It takes some time to implement and learn the new changes. You can imagine the surprise when the attendance and lunch count changed at least four times this year. Many teachers are over stressed, over worked and then criticized for what they do. This leads to tension and is likely to be passed on to the students. Many are counting down the days, years to retirement. Warning teaching is hazardous to your health.


Yes, as an acquaintance of both, Joni Gutierrez and Elizabeth Marrufo are close friends. How do you think Marrufo got such a large sum of money towards library books for Sunrise's library when she was the principal there? Other schools struggle to fill their shelves.


Regarding the three split lunches at the high schools-why is it such a problem? The middle schools have lunch that way. And based on the number of high school aged young people roaming the streets and the mall all day long, maybe the split lunches will curb truancy. I also know that my kids at LCHS don't have time to eat in the cafeteria because of overcrowding-and they aren't the only ones. Maybe split lunches will help with that also.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

New Article from Connecticut Post and Comments

True story: She was told not to return to a Fairfield County, CT hair salon. Sonia had a bad habit of showing up, and would then throw a tantrum, insisting that she had an appointment. Eventually they had to keep tapes of their contact with her in the event of a lawsuit. Does she still get the Japanese hair straightening every 6 months?


He did more than drive her around in Bridgeport (the word was it was the reason for her divorce from Sylvester).

A Bridgeport Teacher

P.S. My strongest memory of her was when she pulled a group of reading and math specialists from their positions and placed them as classroom teachers. When confronted by one that she had no right to do so, and that they all had excellent reviews, her reply was, "I can do anything I want - I'm the SUPERINTENDENT!"

We're sorry you have her, now, but we're damn happy to have her gone.


This article was in the local Bridgeport paper.

Ex-supt., cohorts reunite; N.M. school board suspends Diaz
Article Launched:11/18/2006 04:47:01 AM EST

Two former public employees in Bridgeport have found work in a New Mexico school district headed up — at least for the time being — by former Bridgeport Supt. of Schools Sonia Diaz.
John Marsillio, Bridgeport's public facilities director during the administration of former Mayor Joseph P. Ganim, was named business manager for the Las Cruces public schools as of Nov. 1.
Also hired by the Las Cruces district as part of a transition team, on a consulting basis, was Clarence Tolbert, who served as an associate superintendent under Diaz and later interim superintendent when Diaz's contract was not renewed in 2004.
Diaz, who went by the name Sonia Diaz Salcedo when she worked as Bridgeport's school chief, was hired in July by the Las Cruces district for an annual salary of $160,000. But earlier this month, she was put on a paid administrative leave by that city's school board
Las Cruces is an urban district with 23,700 students in southwestern New Mexico, about the same enrollment as Bridgeport.
School officials in Las Cruces won't publicly state why they have disciplined Diaz, according to Las Cruces press reports, saying it is a personnel matter. But others quoted in those accounts suggest her management style, spending habits and unilateral hiring of Marsillio and others without posting the jobs may be factors.
The Las Cruces Board of Education is expected to take up the issue of her employment status when it meets Monday.
Marsillio is working part time in Las Cruces and is expected to go full time Jan. 1, 2007, said Jo Galvin, a spokeswoman for the district.
Over the next two months, he will earn $10,336.56. His annual salary in January will be $125,000. Galvin said Marsillio is filling a vacancy created by the resignation of the district's chief operating officer. "But his position is more than just operating officer. His duties also include facilities, finances and human resources," she said.
Galvin said Diaz wanted to hire well-qualified people willing to relocate to New Mexico when she tapped Marsillio, adding Marsillio has done "just a phenomenal job of looking into our lack of systems in place and helping us move forward. He has a really good eye for improvements we need to make here."
Neither Diaz nor Marsillio could be reached for comment. Nor could Tolbert, who worked for Las Cruces from July 23 to 27. He has not been back since, said Galvin.
It was expected Tolbert would be paid $4,000, though to date he has only been paid $310.40 for hotel and meals, she said. "I don't know if there will be any more invoices or not," Galvin said.
When Diaz was in Bridgeport, she tried to hire Marsillio to oversee school construction projects while he still worked for the city. The school board approved the plan, but the City Council nixed it.
Marsillio, who worked as public facilities director in Bridgeport for 13 years, was fired in 2003 by Mayor John M. Fabrizi, who succeeded Ganim, after he was forced to resign following his conviction on federal corruption charges.
Marsillio was involved in overseeing many of the large public works projects planned during Ganim's administration. Contracts for several of those projects figured in Ganim's indictment and conviction on federal corruption charges. Marsillio was never charged with criminal wrongdoing.
Diaz, who spent four years in Bridgeport, left after the school board refused to renew her contract and became a deputy superintendent in Miami.
Salcedo was paid $125,000 for the remainder of her Bridgeport contract at the time of her departure, and was paid an annual salary of $185,000 in Miami. But she lasted in Florida only six months before deciding to leave.


I want to thank the person hosting this blog for providing a safe place for LCPS employees to vent their concerns and fears. I believe your work played a big part in the Board of Education and several media sources taking our concerns seriously. The LCPS Board of Education now has a good idea about the concerns of school employees from this web blog, Channel 7 news (sadly, not from the Sun-News who seems clearly biased towards Dr. Diaz despite the facts), emails, and from their own internal investigation. I am so proud of those LCPS employees who had the courage to speak up about Dr. Diaz. And when I say courage, I mean real courage - Dr. Diaz openly takes pleasure in talking about firing people and complainers and whistleblowers are definitely at-risk! The safety is in the numbers. Dr. Diaz can't fire most of the administrators in the school district!The LCPS Board of Education now has the responsibility to act on information available to them. It should be abundantly clear that Dr. Diaz (1) has no real vision for improving student success, (2) is not fiscally responsible and likely has broken LCPS and NMPED regulations regarding spending and budget processes, (3) has violated LCPS procedures regarding hiring and contracting, (4) has created a great sense of fear through her threatening and cruel management style.I hope the LCPS Board of Education does the right thing with this information - fire Dr. Diaz.If the LCPS Board of Education does not, I hope there is outrage expressed at Monday's board meeting and that we turn up the heat on the board. Further, it is critically important that we work to remove the board via our votes in February and continue to ask the NMPED to step in and take over the school district.If the LCPS Board of Education does the right thing, I personally will not support a NMPED take-over. However, I will work to unseat any board member who votes to keep Dr. Diaz. For those board members voting to remove her, my support will go to them.Please show your passion to the LCPS Board of Education by: (1) emailing them, and (2) showing up to the meeting on Monday and be prepared to speak out against Dr. Diaz and the need for her to go.We can do this! We care about our children! Diaz must go! Let's get rid of the cancer before it grows further!


As I continue to read this blog, I've asked myself why Dr. Diaz doesn't just resign? She obviously doesn't have the support of school administrators and my child's principal agrees that things have gone from bad to worse since she arrived. My child's school teachers and principal are working hard and I'm proud of this school district. I am NOT proud of the woman at the top of the organization. Please Dr. Diaz, re-evaluate. If you really care then step down. Let us move forward and let the staff concentrate on their jobs and not your problems. If you don't have support, how do you expect to be able to lead? You can't run this system alone - and alone is where you're at.


To Anonymous... And administration doesn't understand that the kids are individuals who need instruction as individuals with separate, special needs. It is possible to build a curriculum system that addresses the needs of all the children, and delivers the right stuff, to the right kid, at the right time.


As far as fundraising ideas: How about a dunking booth in the style of the Salem witch trials tests? Juuuuuust kiddin'.Actually, here's hoping that a lot of you LCPS employees are taking advantage of a Happy Hour available in one of the many the fine establishments here in town-with or without alcohol! You deserve it! (Get a safe ride home, of course!)Seriously, just to let you know, there are a lot of us out here who know how hard it is right now, know how much you do for us here in parent land, and hope all of you who have been feeling so stressed lately don't forget that you are far, far more than that job you go to each day. Thing can only get better folks! Take care! Don't forget: you're REALLY doing God's work--and for peanuts, too!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Friday Morning

In the other 49 states, creating a hostile work environment is grounds for litigation. While it appears that Ms. Diaz has done nothing illegal, it does seem as if she has treated employees with hostility. This can result in our school system paying out huge sums of money to affected employees. All of this and the tyrannical management style of Ms. Diaz. Can we afford her leadership? I believe it is high time to bring in the Public Education Department as we seem to be too naive to select a leader who leads and to weak to cut them loose when they don't. Perhaps they will help us select a leader based on their ability not their heritage.


Lonnie (Leonel Briseno), I hope you are reading this.....I have known you for many years. As a teenager I looked up to you. For many of us in the youth group at Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral, you made a great impact on our lives and reach us in ways others were unable to. You taught us how to love one another and be fair and good. Through your guidance many of us got through some really tough times. You were a person to be admire....WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS MAN? I am an employee of LCPS and have watched your interactions on the school board and have often wondered, "Where did this role model go?" I am so disappointed and wonder how you can support a woman who is supposed to be our school district leader and has no moral values and claims to be doing "God's work", but is only here on her own selfish agenda??? Come on, Lonnie....wake up!

I am appalled to read about all the expenditures by the administrators downtown. It is a shame that we do not have the text books to teach our students. When the district is looking at the Standard Based Assessment scores will there be an asterisk saying *did not meet AYP due to lack of funding for text books? This is very frustrating.


The board members need to know that if they decide to keep Dr. Diaz, knowing that she mistreats and harasses personnel, they may be held personally liable in any future lawsuits that result in an award for the personnel.


Dr. Diaz is a narcissist and a sociopath. The narcissist personality disorder accounts for her delusions of grandeur and the sociopathy accounts for her complete lack of ethics and morality. In her case, she has two serious mental disorders. Solidifying the case against her is the fact that she has failed in her last four leadership positions miserably and has already shown her destructiveness here.It is time to fire her and our idiotic school board for hiring her in the first place.Speaking of the school board, they have had four years to fix things since the last board was removed. They don't deserve anyone time. I think all of them should resign now. The only possible exception would be Chuck Davis as he did not vote to hire Dr. Diaz.


Thanks to Earl Nissen for finding out the financial facts regarding Sonia and the LCPS school board.I hope you copied your letter to the Sun-News, Bulletin, and TV news sources. It is disgusting that Sonia received $2000+ per diem for a two day retreat in Cloudcroft. Other school district employees are required to submit receipts for travel reimbursement. Do you know if she is required to do so? If the reimbursement is inflated beyond her receipts, would the board be liable for fiscal malfeasance? If so, we need to seek a recall immediately!!!


In regards to employees sharing their complaints with the Board's attorney, the word is already out and about in the community that Diaz will even more afraid to come forward. The investigation by the board seems lukewarm and superficial at best, and they already have their minds made up regarding Diaz. Even our state reps are not responsive to the employees and their major concerns. They chastise us and tell us to give her more time without truly listening to what is really happening in our district. Again, people truly are afraid to come forward and I don't blame them. How sad the day was when the Board made this choice despite already knowing out her history in other districts. Blogger comment: Call the Board members and call your state legislators.


Word has it that Sonia has other job offers and is considering leaving the district. Will she leave with a pocket full of money? Blogger comment: It would take about $80,000 to pay her off. I propose a fund-raiser – maybe an enchilada dinner – to raise the money!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

District Update

We have a new half-time community and business liaison. Leslie Cervantes reported for work today. Dante Thacker has been placed as an Asst. Principal at Onate.

The Board's attorney is still in town talking to employees with complaints. If anyone has an incident to report or a complaint to lodge again Diaz, call Dorothy Anderson in the Human Resources office at 527-5992. Friday will be your last opportunity.

Board members need to be aware of your concerns. Call your Board member or call all of them. They need to know that it is not just one or two disgruntled employees. They need to know the broad range of employees and community members who are concerned about the actions of Diaz and the Board of Education. I won't list their numbers here, but they are all in the phone book. Let them know how you feel.

Thursday Night

Ms. Diaz was PAID to leave New York, she was PAID to leave Bridgeport, CT (when she already had a job lined up in Florida- further throwing salt on the wounds she created in our inner city's school system), she was PAID to leave Florida.... and you now are PAYING her to leave your school system! This woman is very highly paid and rewarded for her inept handling of school systems. We in Bridgeport were duped into hiring a female, minority, Harvard grad--- sounds like a good hire and you probably were convinced it was too-- but someone needs to warn others about this person. We are still suffering from some policies she instituted and it will take a decade to recover from the ills she inflicted here. By the way, has anyone ever noticed how she would walk up to people and try to use her position to intimidate them simply by fixing their tie or adjusting their collars-- like a mother to her children?

In Bridgeport, she observed classes and had her husband tag along - and allowed him to ask questions of the children and staff. Risking the wrath of the left for hammering a female minority... please help others avoid the problems you faced by passing along a warning to those interviewing her in the future! MIGHT someone please track her next attempts to interview for another educational post and forward the warnings?

This is also posted at Heath Haussamen's blog after reading lots of comments that support Diaz:
Folks, its time for a little critical thinking. I know it’s hard, and we all want to go back to watching Dancing with the Stars, but pull out your thinking caps and sit still a minute before you jump to any conclusions here.

In this situation, it is best NOT to use a TV interview with Diaz as the decisive means of determining if she has your support. We all need to look at facts, documented history and evidence presented through the testimony of those who have worked with her, who I assure you, are not all crazy, selfish, petty people. Where there is smoke, there is fire, and it appears there is a WHOLE LOTTA SMOKE pouring out of Ms. Diaz's tenure, and now she is trying to do damage control before too many people see it.

I suggest those who are interested GOOGLE the definition of sociopath. You will find that sociopaths are not all serial killers and criminal masterminds. Sometimes they exist relatively normally among us, like the book says, "Next Door". Like many personality or mental disorders, people can have a cluster of traits of sociopathy as opposed to a full blown case, and yet still function in society, even though most who know them feel like something is wrong, something is missing from their characters. As a matter of fact, the more educated and the higher the socio-economic status they are in, the better they come off as normal, and can rationalize what they do ( remember OJ Simpson, Jack Abramoff, the boys at Enron anyone?).

What they are extremely good at is conning people: presenting themselves, depending on the setting, in a way that is charming, intelligent, and attractive. It is a form of shape shifting they use to manipulate people in order to go about their business. Like a used car salesman, they size up the characteristics of their audience, what they want to hear, what makes them vulnerable to their lies, and then portray that. TV is their best medium to accomplish this.

It’s important to not allow yourself to be conned, but to demand answers to substantive questions about this woman's past, her time here, and what we can expect for our future if our board continues to be so negligent in their oversight of our school system.--I personally searched out most of this information about Dr. Diaz and the other candidates during the hiring process. I then e-mailed all of the pertinent information to every school board member. As a teacher I am very tired of the financial resources being wasted on head hunters who are paid by the school board but work on behalf of the applicant. We need to use our heads for something other than a hat rack!

I hear that the Director of Transportation and the Director of Security regularly serve as Dr. Diaz' personal chauffeur. What a great use of employees - every superintendent should have two chauffeurs - especially ones that are paid about $70,000 per year each! Great use of our directors Dr. Diaz!
By the way, when our security director is driving you around town at your beck and call, who is protecting our kids? Never mind, I forgot, kids are not YOUR priority. My bad!

Dr. Diaz,
I want to amend my Professional Development Plan as follows:
Goal #4: Do God's work with children!
Is that good with you?

The admonition to 'Lighten up a little', and my 'Impervious' story were not intended to interfere with anyone's focus... only to suggest that we might pause, take a deep breath, and remember that positive educational progress of EVERY CHILD must be our primary concern. If that commitment requires derailing power-trip, egomaniacal administrators... so be it.