I'm puzzled. Where did Joyce and Nyeta go?
I don't know how everyone else feels, but I sure am getting really tired of the Jeff and Marcy show. They seem to make decisions without checking to see if they are inconveniencing anyone else.
Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to lcps_truth@yahoo.com. All email will be confidential.
Can someone please enlighten me? I'm trying to figure out what purpose Marcy Oxford fills in the district, and also Jeff Harris. Is Marcy Oxford someone that the district actually needs OR is she just Jeff Harris's ego booster? When were they given the title of "Most important employee in the district", granted it's a self appointed title! If that’s the case, can all LCPS employees appoint themselves titles, and get the pay raise?
Our problem is, we want to be treated like professionals, but the unprofessional actions of those around us keep public opinion of us negative. Every other profession monitors itself. Continuing education is an expectation of other professions, rather than just "something else they are trying to shove down my throat." I would never go to a physician, dentist or attorney with such an attitude, yet they must send their children to schools where the "professionals" aren't always professional after all.
Who monitors grants after they are awarded? Should it be the grant writer?
Nyeta and Joyce have gone no where, literally and figureatively. There are just those of us who wish they would go literally! Enough of their incompetence and damage to their respective positions and to the district in general!
Jeff Harris is at least making an effort to improve the service provided by the IT Dept and address district wide IT needs. It's difficult to do when critical IT staff remain mired in discontent, funding is quite limited and District needs are overwhelming. How is it that he is expected to make necessary changes, not ruffle any delicate feathers and do it quickly with the utmost efficiency? Unreasonable expectations?
Will Nyeta be gone by the fall, before my son arrives on the LCHS campus?
Just heard the band guy from LCHS is leaving. Looks Nyeta ran off another wonderful teacher. It's time to look for new leadership at this high school!
Our principal is out, more than in. Life has been better because of it!
Our school is filthy!!
Worrying about instructional time now is a big fat joke! This should have happened earlier in the year! Testing should have been ending now! As it stands, our CRT testing system and schedule is slap in our professional faces and a cruel punishment inflicted upon our students.
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