LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dear Blogger Management,
Bravo! You have it right on the head so to speak. When I came to Las Cruces [4 years ago], I decided to try teaching again as I had taken a couple of years off to tend to children. I am still apalled that students are not taught penman-ship. Only a handful of my High School students can read cursive. I have asked several teachers why no one teaches cursive anymore or why doesn't anyone care if a child is unable to write legibly? No one knows. It is so sad that we have to teach basic reading at high school and yet so necessary. With the higher salary we have now comes more stress and strife than it is worth. We have more and more teachers opting for other professions. Something has to give. We are all suffering. Thank you for your blog ~ and people; we need to do more than complain. We need to take back what we have lost. What the students are losing every day. One name keeps popping up and that is Devious Lonnie. I say get rid of him and then we will have majority rule on the Board. Lonnie, here's your sign.
sign me annonymous please.
This blog is a farce - it is the twisted brainchild of the Davis family - no NEA Davis - just "what's in it for me" Davis - Daddy chuck, wifey Helen and daughter kathy. No one is fooled.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

To the blog management:Generally, I agree with your assessment of the problems in our school system. However, there are a few factors, other than the board's interference and incompetence, that should be identified as responsible for the discontent of teachers and the community at large. For example, school principals are responsible for maintaining an environment of professionalism in their schools, and for practicing and communicating a cooperative general commitment to fairness, trust, honesty, truthfulness, and respect... as well as enthusiasm, optimism, and an atmosphere where hopes and dreams may become reality. Strong, positive, well-motivated principals are able to create and maintain pleasant, productive working conditions for their teachers, staff, and students... with or without the interference of Central Office or Board of Education. Generally, such a principal will receive cooperation and respect from those two entities.On the other hand, there are school principals in this district who are so involved with their own importance... that they can think of nothing else. Their schools have teachers who live in anxiety and fear, and those feelings also communicate to the students, in ways that inhibit peace and productivity.Blog owners... yes, things were generally good while Gonzales was in charge... but, contrary to your interpretation of when things started to go bad... in my opinion, we had a couple of good years after Jesse. Virginia Foltz was a strong leader... supportive, fair, honest, and committed to the best for our district. She deserves credit for her dedicated service to this community. And last... shouldn't we give Rounds a chance? He's been here barely long enough to get his feet wet.
Blogger Comment: Comments were not meant to detract from the contribution that Foltz or Patton made.
Having just talked with someone who worked directly under Stan Rounds in Alamogordo, their comment was "just watch the money".Apparently, he does some wheeling and dealing without leaving the appropriate paper trail. He was ready to trade off some land that belonged to the district. I just hope whoever selects the next superintendent does a THOROUGH background check. Talk to people that worked for them. Resumes lie. May the goal of all who work for LCPS be that the children learn, the teachers get to teach...and there are no alternative motives or integrity questions to deal with. Children first - not an ego or a pocketbook!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

As owners of this blog, there are several of us, we always indicate when the comments are our own and not submitted by readers. As the following comment points out, the general unrest, dissatisfaction, disaffection and hopelessness began with the departure of Jesse Gonzales. With Gonzales, we had a long run of relative stability. Now, we are like children whose parents change the rules every day. You wake up anxious and unsure of what the day will bring. Will the things that were acceptable yesterday be punished today? Will you be in favor or persona non gratae?

Our Board of Education cannot seem to understand the need for consistent leadership and consistent application of policy and procedure. The turmoil of the past 5 years is not the fault of teachers or central administration. It is the fault of the Board of Education alone. The Board has promoted personal agendas and bullied its way to this juncture.

Teachers are caught in the crossfire. With a change in instructional leadership every few months, teachers barely begin to understand and implement one program before a new one is introduced and the old one scrapped. Teachers react to the Principals' instructions, Central Office reacts to the Superintendent's direction, and the Superintendent reacts to the Board's whims. Stan Rounds is no saviour. He has proven he is as much a puppet of the Board as Martinez or Diaz. Remember- this all flows downhill.

With the election of Votaw and Phillips, we have hope. We now need to rid ourselves of the remaining 3 incumbents. Gene Gant has been a major disappointment. Wishy-washy Gene. Chuck Davis is what he is. NEA Chuck. Lonnie Briseno is a bigot, has a major conflict of interest and is a generally underhanded and nasty person. Devious Lonnie. LCPS will continue to be the laughing stock of the state until these 3 are replaced with people who can think beyond their personal agendas.

That's my take on things.
The unhappiness in our district is a cumulative effect. There has always been grumbling, but the huge dissatisfaction expressed on this blog is a result of mismanagement and abuse by the board and central office in the past four years or so. Teachers just want to be able to teach without having to carry out some new lame-brained scheme or be supervised by people who have no idea what good teaching is. With NCLB testing and gross incompetency at the state and local administrative levels, teachers are not allowed to teach any more. In the words of Moses, "Let my people go!"
Administrators... how about focusing on the really important issues? The teachers/support staff need, and deserve, positive support. Cock-eyed ideas and foolish initiatives should be abandoned in favor of plain, solid teaching strategies that have stood the test of time. Too many kids in LCPS are not learning the basics that should enable them to move forward academically. Teach in a manner that assures success, step-by-step, however small each victory may be. Develop pride in learning... focus on reading and readable writing, math essentials, and the basics in other elements of the curriculum. If the basics aren't learned in elementary school, find ways to make sure that the kids become 'basically-proficient' at whatever level his/her deficits are identified... in mid-school, or even high school. Too many 'students?' are graduating from high school with third grade academic skills. Many professionals (teachers, support staff, and administrators...inclusive) in today's schools don't seem to understand that a kid's pride, and sense of accomplishment, must involve more than social approval... ACADEMIC progress is the name of the game. On the subject of pride, some of you administrators have some extra, unearned, pride. How about finding a way to pass some of that on to your deserving teachers? On a personal note... I have a few gripes concerning important specifics that are being ignored in our schools. Here's a big one... Why is penmanship no longer taught? I have an intelligent mid-school child who has never learned to write legibly. Instead of having pride in his work, he's ashamed for anyone to see that work. Do you expect the parents to teach penmanship? Maybe we could, but we're busy earning money to support out kids... and pay the taxes that provide your salaries. Another gripe... we've forgotten that 'drill' is necessary for most kids to learn, so drill, drill, DRILL. Remember, the kid who's kept very busy, in an academic atmosphere, doesn't have time to indulge in negative behavior that destroys his, and his classmates, focus on learning academics.
Blogger: That letter that was posted....doesn't look like a fabrication to me! I'm glad someone finally found the courage to start opening everyone's eyes and let them know what a farce Jeff Harris is. That letter seems to be very clear, he's more concerned about his correct "title" and the possibility of a pay raise, and not to mention trying to find a job for Marcy Oxford! Not once have I seen him in our building, so how would he know what our school needs?
What is going to happen when all the teachers, ea's, custodians, cafeteria workers, and secretaries have been let go? Are the principals going to do all of it themselves? Or are they going to be let go so the superintendent and the central office personnel can do the jobs? Who do we really need more-all the people downtown or the teachers, ea's, custodians, cafeteria workers, and school secretaries?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Zia MS Rocks. With all the turmoil we have been through this past year, we still found a way to pull together and make the best of it. We even were able to have an end of year function, totally funded by staff members and way after contract hours ended, and we all realized that despite all the moaning and groaning from everyone else, we like our job and we will continue to do our job to the best of our ability. We realized that we are here for the kids and we put them first every day. I wish everybody else in the district could do the same.
After four nightmarish years of central office and administrative abuse, and with faculty and staff morale at the lowest levels ever, now we smugly announce at the school board meeting that we will tell all employees who were hired after the start of school that they may not have a job. These are people who were hired late because another employee was sick, left suddenly, that there was a need for a new position due to enrollment increase, or due to poor planning by the same people who are now making the cuts. To increase morale of the teaching staff and to lend some credibility to a bloated administration which protects itself first, reduce central office staffing. Show the real employees of the district that you will put your money where your mouth is. Also, look at all the new non-teaching positions created in the past four years and phase THOSE out. Cutting the so-called "temporary" positions is an easy-way-out for human resources to reduce staffing, but doesn't address the real problem of paying people to do non-direct instruction jobs. In good times, we could create all these new non-teaching positions AND have enough staffing for teachers and counselors. In tough times, cut the fluff. There's a lot of fluff in that 93% figure quoted at the board meeting, and it is not due to "temp" teaching positions.
have never heard so much complaining in my life. If you are so unhappy move on or do something constructive about it. Life is not fair and you can't make everyone happy. If there anyone out there happy? Maybe we need to split LCPS district make it smaller and then maybe it would be easier to take care of
The lawsuits are alive and well. They have been moved to federal court. The discovery phase should start soon, which is the point where depositions and sworn statements are taken and evidence presented to both sides.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Torres and Sanchez, the hatchet man and the enforcer. Who are they being the bad guys for?


How can Stan Rounds tell the Board and community that they are cutting staff, there will be no range changes, etc, etc, when he is giving range changes to Administrators NOW and those range changes result in large salary increases. Is it a way to HIDE the fact that the administrators are getting raises? You do it now so it doesn't show up in the budget maybe? These are administrators that aren't the "interim" people. I thought you had to have an increase in duties to get a mid-year salary increase or does LCPS not follow that state regulation? Rounds seems to be just like all the others. What he says in public has little relation to what he is doing behind the scenes.


Blogger Comment: This image of a memo was submitted anonymously. I hesitate to post it. You can be the judge of whether it is a fabrication or real.


The idiots ARE running the asylum! We are going to use MAP software district wide for our assessments. We are cutting teachers because we are broke, yet we can pay an outrageous price for a useless assessment, and the director of Instructional Technology doesn't have the knowledge about a computer that my fifth grader has.


As a parent, I'm worried about the bitterness shown by (what seems like) just a few burnt out staff members. Seek therapy. Have a summer. Get a new job. My children need a strong education- and the whole "plt" witch hunt and griping about individuals on your staff is not for the good of our children. This district has serious issues (continuity, leadership, instruction, testing, real world skills)and we need to encourage and support the dedicated and successful practices and people rather than read from haggard school-marms who just want to fire everybody but themselves!


I would like to thank all the LCPS teachers my children had over the years. Both have completed Master Degree programs. I especially want to thank the AES Facilitators. Without them, I think my youngest would have slipped through the cracks. Instead, she graduated a year early, and just completed her Masters degree at the tender age of 22. Thanks again - You're great!


So much finger pointing, so few facts!!!


You might hate your PLT, but we actually like and value ours. She has really helped the teachers who want her help. The teachers in my school that don't want her help are the ones who look for the easy way out of everything. They just want to do what is easiest for them, not what is best for the students.


The Las Cruces Public Schools will never change, because the people won't stand up and demand competence downtown. As a result, we have these people working in a bubble, making decisions as benevolent lords of all, even though they're ill conceived and horrible in the first place. Here's what we have to look forward to next year:- 140+ "temporary" positions possibly gone, even though these are dedicated professionals.- A district wide response to intervention that borders on insane. There is NO RESEARCH to support us doing something so drastic.- A continued focus on Nancy Fetzer's writing and reading systems, which involve little innovation beyond quirky 'total physical response' activities, which I could have found (and did find) on the internet for free in about 10 minutes (who knows how much we pay Fetzer for her workshops).


At one time a teacher had to be certified in Early Childhood Educ. in order to teach Kindergarten in Las Cruces. Is this still true? Am I the only one who feels that all of the Reading/Writing testing that is being done on Kindergarten children is inappropriate? What has happened to the concept of developmentally appropriate practice. Sure, there needs to be some testing done to find out what these 5 years old know when they come to school and then again at every report card period to check their progress. This testing needs to be about the basics, like being able to recognize all the alphabet letters and/or sounds, not just a few like they have to do when we give the DIBEL Test. The "current" kindergarten curriculum is what used to be the "regular" first grade curriculum. All of this one on one testing is wrong for Kindergarten. It takes entirely too much time out of day to day learning for a teacher to sit in a corner or outside the classroom door and test each child individually. I don't want to tell you what the rest of the class might be doing, because it probably isn't very educational. Please, look into this and do what is right for the children and let kindergarten once again be a place to learn, socialize and have fun without all the stress of TEST, TEST, TEST!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

How can Herb Torres stand at a board meeting and talk about cutting personnel when he was hired during the school year at who knows what cost? And how can Steve Sanchez justify paying who knows how much per child for a computer test that tells me less than I already know about a student? Whose pockets are we lining--reminds me of Dr. Diaz and her pals!
I watched the school board meeting last night, and heard Dr. Torres' explanation of handling the "personnel problem" through attrition. The problem is not caused by the temporary employees. The problem are the glut of administrative positions and PLT's hired in the past five years. Tackle the tough decisions--positions not necessary for the instruction of children. Teachers and counselors, hired after the start of the year and therefore "temporary", are not the superfluous hires. Make the tough decisions and don't hide behind "attrition." And start with the central office, not people in the trenches.
Let's encourage our counselors to go with this budget crunch; our students could use some new blood!
I am teacher, hear me roar;In numbers too big to ignore...Step away from any salary decreases!!
What's the update on all the various legal suits that have been filed out of central office? Why no word for the public?
Staci Sompii and her cronies are at it again; this time she has made decisions for the high school's 9th grade English curriculum, without consulting 2 of the 3 high school English departments! Very typical of her department!
One of our vice-principals has been pouting and throwing tantrums for about a month; does anyone have any Midol to help relieve his pms?
Anyone hear about the RTI programs that have been mandated by the state? What a joke! Study skills will not help reluctant learners; hands-on teaching/learning would be a more viable approach!
I heard that Alma d'Arte is scheduled to become the physical location for the new charter high school that will be headed by Joyce Aranda? Is this true?
The teachers all had exit exams/interviews at my school over the last three days of school; the teacher associates and support personnel did not...maybe our voices do not matter?!
Do these cuts mean that the aes facilitators and plts will be gone? I sure hope so...

While I'm certain many of the good folks who inhabit our downtown headquarters have good intentions when was the last time any teacher saw one in a school building for something other than a photo op? I would hope that the fine people "downtown," as we have come to call it, are support personnel for the teaching staff. Sadly, our previous superintendents spent us into a financial crisis. While many fine programs have been started by spending money we didn't have we need to begin to act our wage and quit putting PDT's in every building. Let the teachers teach and have administration support our mission!
One would think that if there were students who caused major problems this year, and if there was an opportunity to split these kids for next year, the administration would be eager to do this...not at our school!
I hope the Superintendent begins in his own office with the personnel reductions. Then he can move to the PDC.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Stan, Stan, he's our man, if he can't cut the fat, nobody can!!! Stan, look at your own building first. There is a ton of fat right there! Leave the people in the schools alone. They are the ones who actually work with our kids.
It's another example that the more powerful you get, the dumber you get. That they would actually consider cutting classroom personnel, while lining their own offices with pork, is ridiculous. I can think, off the top of my head, of about 15 people downtown that have little to no effect on the actual education of students. Who does influence students? TEACHERS. We are truly run by idiots.
Blogger, we wanted to know the information on Dr. Sanchez' pay, reason for coming to LCPS, etc. We didn't really want your recommendation for him. Quit holding out on us, you usually do much better than that. Blogger Comment: Hey, I don't write 'em. I just put 'em out here.
Well Dr Sanchez has provided his resume for us. Wow, that explains it all folks. NOT!!! If you'll notice the writing style in all of the "pro Dr. Sanchez" comments are all obviously written by the same person. Who would do that. Oh wait, could it be Dr. Sanchez himself? Folks, they are trying to pull a very pricey wool over your eyes.
I can sum up Mr. Zamora in one word: worthless.
Let me jump on the bandwagon. I am all in favor of removing Zamora from Safe and Drug Free Schools. In fact, let Mr. Peace run the program. He can do 10 times better than the clown in the present position. Zamora definitely has the ability to fool the upper Administration but not the people who witness the foolish programs currently in our schools. Of course, its difficult to research the effectiveness of the programs when you sit in your office playing with your computer, covering up mistakes, and ruining people's careers.
il est fini...that's all folks!


Please change the post for alma d' arte because my email style is distinctive and they must not know who started the blog because they will fire me -- cancel my contract!!!!!!!

The new blog for Alma d'arte Charter High School is

Sunday, May 20, 2007

It looks like a RIF or reduction-in-force is underway. The budget is in crisis. Former superintendents spent us into ruin. Teachers and programs should be the last to be affected. They should start with the central office. One big administrative job is equal to five or six custodians or secretary salaries. Next, the professional development personnel should be shifted to the classrooms. Look at assistant principals at all levels. After that, AES facilitators need to be assigned classroom responsibilities. If the budget goes back to being stable in the future, perhaps some of these positions can be restored. Times are tough. Get rid of the fat. Teaching positions aren't fat. WE are top-heavy in administration. Clean-out all the fluff positions.
Stan Rounds says we spend too much on personnel. Before he points a finger, he needs to look in his own office and the people he is spending big bucks on.
I agree that hanging out in the teachers lounge can be bad for your health.
Maybe it would help teacher morale if the district would start paying for unused sick leave when a teacher retires. That way, teachers would feel more inclined to keep teaching up to the last day rather than create "fluff" lesson plans for substitutes. Students would get more quality instruction time. As it is now, many retiring teachers call in sick for the last few weeks - or months. I'm not saying its right - just reality.
If we are in such dire financial straits, why can the head of finance buy a $2,000 desk and we can't even buy staplers?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

This link seems to provide Dr. Sanchez' professional background:
I worked with Steve Sanchez in another district. He was one of the most gifted and hardworking teachers I had or have encountered.
I sure hope Dr. Sanchez does not kill the DRA tests. I actually feel like they are going to help me with my instruction next year. I do not wish to be trained on yet one more thing!!! I am so tired of us adopting something, getting good at it and then throwing it out the window for something new. Can't we ever just be allowed to keep something long enough to get good at it?
I can't take this anymore! I am going to quit!
LCPS is in sad shape. Teachers are overworked, blamed and asked to do the impossible. Currently, teachers seem to want stability. Let's start the new school year with no changes: same attendance form, same lunch form, same report cards, same IEP forms! Teachers are the flunkies - make parents happy, make principals happy, make the state happy. Do not discipline the dear little children you might harm their self concepts. What is with different demands at the schools? What is with the lesson plans with standards and benchmarks? You know the ones the substitute can not make heads or tales out of them . Most teachers make separate lesson plans for substitutes or come in very sick in order not to make separate lesson plans! Aren't the teachers suppose to follow the approved curriculum? If the approved curriculum is mandated by CO people, shouldn't they read the standards and benchmarks prior to selecting the curriculum? Hmmmm Also I question the future of quality education in the future. Teachers are dropping like flies. They are retiring or counting the days before they retire. Many are living off drugs to survive the attacks made on them daily and pretending nothing is wrong. I haven't seen so many burnt out teachers in ages. Perhaps administration should take a hard look at what they are demanding. Soon there will be no sane teachers left!
I'm glad to see that someone out there is in agreement that Mr. Zamora needs to go. He is nothing but an arrogant, farce, egotistical and incompetent man. He has run off good QUALIFIED employees. It's a shame that he has "ADMINISTRATION" employees fooled. We can not afford to keep this monster in our district. ZAMORA NEEDS TO GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How is it that this blog has gone from a worthwhile way for people to discuss serious topics to the electronic equivalent of the teachers lounge?

About 8 years ago, I completed an internship at one of the elementary schools here as a requirement for my Master's in Counseling degree. Up to that time, I had seriously considered becoming a school counselor--I love kids, believe strongly in public education, the schedule was wonderful, and the idea that I would actually be paid halfway decently and get some retirement benefits were all very, very appealing. Thank God I did the internship.

Over the semester, I got to listen to the inside chatter of all the teachers in the lunch lounge everyday. Almost all of it was just endless complaining: denigrating their students, denigrating their supervisors, gossiping about someone else and how much money they got, b**ching about how they had to submit this form or that report. Kvetch, kvetch, kvetch. I never saw such a bunch of unhappy people who felt and took no control over their own lives in my life. I decided then and there that there was NO WAY I would sacrifice my own health to work in an environment I hated.

What I also noticed was the effective teachers-- the ones who seemed to enjoy their work and kids, got good results in their classrooms, and accepted as mature adults that the work world is flawed and imperfect-- were rarely if ever in the lunch lounge at all. What I saw was those teachers were usually taking their lunch in their class rooms or with their students or maybe one on one with a colleague discussing educational issues. They were not wasting precious time wallowing in and venting negativity, but instead chose to engage in productive and self sustaining activity.

That is what I see, unfortunately, has happened on this website. Constant catty and negative commentary. Constant whining that you don't make enough money, when the truth is teachers are being paid record salaries and raises here in the district. Gossip that has no purpose other than to zing someone you are envious of or disagree with. Petty, nasty small minded s**t.

There is a difference between productive descriptions of problems, and plain ole' garden variety whining, folks. The thing is, if you are feeling hopeless, angry, blaming and helpless all the time, it is a sign of depression and burn out. That is a real thing, a valid issue for the profession you are in and you deserve to address it by seeking out some supportive mentoring or counseling before it kills you. Hanging around other people in an endless "misery loves company" coffee break doesn't help anyone feel any better--you just reinforce how bad you feel, tear down your energy reserves, stunt your creativity. You reinforce the wrong-headed notion that things are hopeless to change. Which, of course, is wrong.

Is it really worth turning into the proverbial unhappy, unhealthy crabby 3rd grade teacher who yells all day at her students for the last 10 years of her career, goes home exhausted every night, and no one likes? Is it possible that some of you need to move on to bigger or greener pastures, challenging yourself with new and refreshing ways to use your God-given talents and experience---instead of staying stuck in a place that is not giving you what you need? At the very least, stop hanging out with people who just reflect and magnify your own misery. The damn retirement check won't be worth anything if you croak six weeks after retirement.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

If you're really fed up with some administrator, and other teachers whom you know are fed up, too... why not just ask for a meeting with the new 'Soup'. Tell it like it is, and hope that he'll take you seriously. I know a couple of administrators who deserve more serious punishment than a simple "Good-Bye".
Any time I see Dr. Sanchez, he's working, working working. He's working on curriculum, attendance, policies, articulation etc etc. I wish he would stay with LCPS; he'd be a tremendous asset to our downtown instruction office. The best thing that's come along in a long time!
Blogger, what did you find out about Dr. Sanchez? I want to know why we have money for him and we need to layoff 300 employees in the schools? Dr. Sanchez is here until August. At that time the district will probably hire an Assoc Supt for Instruction. He came to Las Cruces as a favor to Stan Rounds. He worked at the the state level in education and taught for many years before retiring.
Our district is broke, yet we are hiring yet another high dollar associate superintendent position. I was told by my student teacher that she was told there would most likely be no new hires for teachers. If we don't have enough money for teachers, we don't have enough money for another high dollar associate superintendent. You could pay three or four teachers for the kind of money just so one of the big wigs downtown makes. What is our district about? Are we about teaching and learning or are we about politics and lining the pockets of the few chosen ones downtown?
I have heard that Dr. Sanchez is changing all of our assessments. What is the point--he will be here another month? Is he getting kick backs from a publisher? Is he Sonia Diaz reincarnated? Hopefully Mr. Rounds will see through him.
Is it true that Dr. Sanchez is going to dump the DRA before we even have a chance to use it for some online assessment? Here we go on the roller coaster again!
Looks like LCPS has too many employees. Lets see if the Board of Education will support Mr. Rounds in making some hard decisions. The only way that will happen is if Mr. Rounds can dance very fast without stepping on any toes. Good luck with that one!
In response to the comment regard Sheryl White and the Teacher's Center: Maybe the person who oversees Sheryl White will open their eyes and do something so that she won't have to be working 70+ hours a week. After all, she has been the only stable employee in the Instruction department besides Betsy Bennett and Sally Velez. She is by far one of the hardest working Central Office employees that I know exists. If everyone in the district followed the example that she set, we would be leaps and bounds ahead of the other districts in New Mexico. Instead, we have people who criticize those that do good. I guess that's why we keep being the laughing stock of school districts in New Mexico.
Why doesn't the new super start at mid-level and work up?? For example, eliminate the Coordinator for Safe/Drug Free Schools and let Ms. Bennett run the show. The current coordinator has a tendency to take credit for his employee's hard work. He also has a habit of "running off" all its dedicated employee's. Whats the status of Mr. Peace?? We still need him to help in the gang/drug problem. The current programs/curriculum is a farce. Starting here would be a good start. Don't eliminate the ground zero employee's, without them, the school system would crumble.
Not only do we have Dr. Sanchez consulting, we now have the arrogant Herb Torres consulting in human resources. The district was going to hire him, but ran into a problem with the university. So he is now "consulting". Don't insult our intelligence. We know where this is headed. Right to the Assoc Supt for Operations. Check the job description - looks like it was written just for ole Herb.
AES students do benefit from having someone work as their advocate...the same way any learner would. AES students do benefit from being challenged and from higher-level critical thinking projects...the same way any student does. AES students do benefit from having a "go-to person" to advise them on course work and learning...get it?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

As far as administrator evaluations go. You have a choice of signing them or putting a SS #. By the way, they do not check the SS #'s either.
Okay, so Mr. Rounds tells us that we have too many employees and we are going to need to decrease our % of employees. That is fine, but don't good leaders lead by example. Why then did he hire his best buddy, Dr. Sanchez? How much is our "broke" district paying him? Why did we need to hire someone to come and work here just until August? All I have ever seen Dr. Sanchez do is walk around and talk to people. He just floats around the building and interrupts people while they are trying to work. I know because I work at central office. Did Dr. Sanchez per chance need to have a few more months for his retirement for NM? Mr. Rounds, take it from me. The last person who came here and tried to line the pockets of their best friends is long gone!!! I would like to know more about this Dr. Sanchez. Why does a district that is in the financial ruin they claim we are in need to hire him to walk around for a few months?
It doesn't matter if you continue your education through college, conferences and workshops, or just reading up on innovations and new theories and practices. But doing none of these things is inexcusable.
Time for the AES programs and 'overpaid' facilitators to go? Do you have any idea the benefit these kids get from this program? Obviously not. My middle school child has greatly benefited from this program. Heaven forbid we do something for the strong students!It must stink to have kids smarter than the some of the teaching staff. Are the kiddies making you look bad?
Our district stinks!
I do care. That's why I take classes that have to do with my subject. I'm just not going to waste money to get a 'piled higher and deeper' degree. It's a joke. And don't tell me money isn't an issue. If you say that you're lying. If it's not an issue, then give up your FTE and work for free. When we get a 3% raise and insurance increases by 15%, it doesn't make sense.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

To my disenchanted friend who chose not to continue their education because "the district gives you a whopping $2.00 a check raise." It's good to see what your motivations are. Quit now, because you're making those of us who care look bad.
It's about being a lifelong learner and improving my practice for the benefit of my students. One can do that without attending a university. The best teachers I know are the ones who take the initiative to improve their craft without being motivated by dollar signs. And by the way thanks to the Professional Development Center (Sheryl White, Stacey Somppi and their "cronies") for providing me the opportunities to continue to learn.
I cannot believe someone would bash ms. haines! Why, after all, she's has lchs lookin so clean and more drugs and gangs...dropout rate is look sharp on campus...test scores are high...NOT, again!
Onate has a new principal...hope the sports guy likes music programs. Will cruces be next to get a new principal? Hope so!
All this talk about LCHS band; my kid goes to MHS and can't stand the big man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The kids sacrifice everything for his program, and still get treated like dirt!
Isn't it about time for the aes programs and their overpaid facilitators to go?
The university should pay us to work on our PhD's. At least the College of Education would have a chance to become credible!
Evaluation of principals... did the school district outlaw that process? Lots of criticism of principals, on this blog site, but nothing seems to be happening. If the evaluation process is still in effect, do you teachers not dare to reveal your feelings there. Maybe it wouldn't make a difference, anyway, as those 'defective' principals may be quite shrewd. Remember, someone posted a blog a couple of months ago, and described how principals (through training or experience) have figured out how to build a power base... by catering to the many insecure, less-experienced teachers. In this district, the confident, experienced, excellent teachers are the enemy. You're being out-voted. Blogger Comment: Any negative comments have to be signed. That stops many employees from expressing their true feelings.
Our counselors are ineffective; anyway the district would consider a rotation of schools for these people?

Sunday, May 06, 2007

What grant are you referring to? Can you find the grant RFP (proposal and guidelines)? Look for the rules there. You are accountable to the grantor.
How about sending haines to ohs and jeff to mhs and chris to lchs????
Who oversees Sheryl White and the crew from the Teacher's Center? Stacy Sompii and her cronies have been driving their personal programs with an elite air of arrogance for years. I think that entire department has a severe case of "color bias"!
What can we do when a principal has made, what we believe to be, a very uninformed, hasty, and power driven decision?
Who approves sick leave bank requests? Shouldn't these be reserved for desperately ill or injured people; not for a married person suffering from his/her own bad choice to have an affair with a colleague at school?
If Mrs. Haines is such a supporter of the LCHS Band, then she should try really hard to transfer Mr. Silva or Mr. Flores from OHS. Their bands have won many awards, and they're local guys, who are not apt to move on. Why look far for talent, when it's in the neighborhood?
Wow, Nyeta paid for some transportation for the band. Well I take back everything I said about her being a worthless principal. That just totally made up for all the crappy things she's done in the past. Thank you for coming to her defense, it's made ALL the difference........................NOT!!!!!
The reason I choose not to continue my education is because I did get my masters and was completely disenchanted with grad school when it comes to education. I don't know why anyone would pay 2 or 3 thousand dollars to get a phD or EdD. The district gives you a whopping $2.00 a check raise. It's not worth it plus those are worthless degrees. The schools become the laboratory for someones dissertation defense and we end up doing more and more with less and less.
Drugs are alive and doing well in the middle schools. Next year's freshman class should exceed the 50% dropout rate!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Looks like Joyce Aranda is moving on. Great news. Interesting that Jose Frietze (boss of Lonnie Briseno) is touting her abilities. Wonder if Jose/Lonnie had anything to do with her being given the Secondary Ed position?
Teacher of the Year ceremony was great! Could you please explain what the judges look for during the interviews?
In my opinion, if you are a teacher and you're not dedicated to continuing education, even after obtaining a masters or whatever else, then you need to leave the field and do it soon.
I have yet to see any improved service from the IT department at my school. If it were not for my technician being so responsive to our requests I don't think we would know anything about what is happening with the technology in my building.
Have you ever stopped to think why the critical IT staff remain mired in discontent?
This is in regards to the IT problems that Jeff Harris is supposed to be fixing. I don't know the man, personally, so I can't say anything negative about him. I do know, however, that at the middle school I work at there is one technician. He is only in a couple of days a week. He is overwhelmed by the number of trouble calls he gets. However, since he makes quite a bit more than I do (I am an EA), I do feel comfortable saying that for the money he gets paid, he should be able to fix the problems. Usually they get made worse. I do know that if the administrative passwords were given out to staff, training provided to staff, then we could fix our own problems. There are a myriad of problems I could fix in my building alone, but since I am only an EA, I am not allowed to touch them. Instead we have to put in a trouble call and wait until the tech shows up. In this age of technology, all of us should be quite capable of troubleshooting and repairing computers. Isn't that what the students are supposed to learn in Tech class? Oh, I forgot, they can't learn anything useful because they don't have an administrator password either. All they can do is learn how to type and do simple powerpoint presentations. Come on, LCPS, wake up and get with the times. Save the high paid techs for the serious jobs and let the users of computers take care of the simple problems.
What "effort" is the blogger talking about when it comes to Jeff Harris? He has involved that IT Department in so many projects, that they don't even know right from left!!!!
The jobs were supposed to be posted yesterday. Where are they? Are there any openings? Typical of LCPS, nothing is done in a timely manner or when promised!!!
In defense of Nyeta Haines and the LCHS Showcase band program: I can can tell you that the band teacher is leaving because his wife (also a teacher at LCHS) has been accepted into a competitive Master's Degree voice program at Yale, with a full scholarship to boot. Since they are newlyweds with no children yet, it makes sense that this is the time in their lives to pursue vocational dreams. It really is an opportunity of a lifetime for them, and although the band kids and parents are heartsick over his leaving, we are giving him and his wife our full support and best wishes. He has touched this band so positively and given so much healing and discipline to a program with kids who were suffering and demoralized due to the immaturity and lack of professionalism of the previous teachers (and I don't mean the interim teacher, Mr. Young, he is a generous soul who stepped out of retirement and started the saving of this band). Mrs. Haines has assisted the band on many occasions, she has come thru by paying for transportation to a couple of events, and has paid the entrance fee for one competition, she really does support the program. She may have other faults, I do not know, but she is appreciated for her contributions and attention toward the music programs. She did a great job in hiring Matt Talmadge (and Robin Vaughn) and we look to her to find someone else who is of a similar caliber to replace him. The kids and the program need consistency and I hope she can find another great hire!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Worrying about instructional time now is a big fat joke! This should have happened earlier in the year! Testing should have been ending now! As it stands, our CRT testing system and schedule is slap in our professional faces and a cruel punishment inflicted upon our students.
Our school is filthy!!
Our principal is out, more than in. Life has been better because of it!
Just heard the band guy from LCHS is leaving. Looks Nyeta ran off another wonderful teacher. It's time to look for new leadership at this high school!
Will Nyeta be gone by the fall, before my son arrives on the LCHS campus?
Nyeta and Joyce have gone no where, literally and figuratively. There are just those of us who wish they would go literally! Enough of their incompetence and damage to their respective positions and to the district in general!
Jeff Harris is at least making an effort to improve the service provided by the IT Dept and address district wide IT needs. It's difficult to do when critical IT staff remain mired in discontent, funding is quite limited and District needs are overwhelming. How is it that he is expected to make necessary changes, not ruffle any delicate feathers and do it quickly with the utmost efficiency? Unreasonable expectations?
Can someone please enlighten me? I'm trying to figure out what purpose Marcy Oxford fills in the district, and also Jeff Harris. Is Marcy Oxford someone that the district actually needs OR is she just Jeff Harris's ego booster? When were they given the title of "Most important employee in the district", granted it's a self appointed title! If that's the case, can all LCPS employees appoint themselves titles, and get the pay raise?
Who monitors grants after they are awarded? Should it be the grant writer?
Our problem is, we want to be treated like professionals, but the unprofessional actions of those around us keep public opinion of us negative. Every other profession monitors itself. Continuing education is an expectation of other professions, rather than just "something else they are trying to shove down my throat." I would never go to a physician, dentist or attorney with such an attitude, yet they must send their children to schools where the "professionals" aren't always professional after all.