As far as administrator evaluations go. You have a choice of signing them or putting a SS #. By the way, they do not check the SS #'s either.
Okay, so Mr. Rounds tells us that we have too many employees and we are going to need to decrease our % of employees. That is fine, but don't good leaders lead by example. Why then did he hire his best buddy, Dr. Sanchez? How much is our "broke" district paying him? Why did we need to hire someone to come and work here just until August? All I have ever seen Dr. Sanchez do is walk around and talk to people. He just floats around the building and interrupts people while they are trying to work. I know because I work at central office. Did Dr. Sanchez per chance need to have a few more months for his retirement for NM? Mr. Rounds, take it from me. The last person who came here and tried to line the pockets of their best friends is long gone!!! I would like to know more about this Dr. Sanchez. Why does a district that is in the financial ruin they claim we are in need to hire him to walk around for a few months?
It doesn't matter if you continue your education through college, conferences and workshops, or just reading up on innovations and new theories and practices. But doing none of these things is inexcusable.
Time for the AES programs and 'overpaid' facilitators to go? Do you have any idea the benefit these kids get from this program? Obviously not. My middle school child has greatly benefited from this program. Heaven forbid we do something for the strong students!It must stink to have kids smarter than the some of the teaching staff. Are the kiddies making you look bad?
Our district stinks!
I do care. That's why I take classes that have to do with my subject. I'm just not going to waste money to get a 'piled higher and deeper' degree. It's a joke. And don't tell me money isn't an issue. If you say that you're lying. If it's not an issue, then give up your FTE and work for free. When we get a 3% raise and insurance increases by 15%, it doesn't make sense.
Why doesn't the new super start at mid-level and work up?? For example, eliminate the Coordinator for Safe/Drug Free Schools and let Ms. Bennett run the show. The current coordinator has a tendency to take credit for his employee's hard work. He also has a habit of "running off" all its dedicated employee's. Whats the status of Mr. Peace?? We still need him to help in the gang/drug problem. The current programs/cirriculum is a farse. Starting here would be a good start. Don't eliminate the ground zero employee's, without them, the school system would crumble.
Looks like LCPS has too many employees. Lets see if the Board of Education will support Mr. Rounds in making some hard decisions. The only way that will happen is if Mr. Rounds can dance very fast without stepping on any toes. Good luck with that one!
Is it true that Dr. Sanchez is going to dump the DRA before we even have a chance to use it for some online assessment? Here we go on the roller coaster again!
I have heard that Dr. Sanchez is changing all of our assessments. What is the point--he will be here another month? Is he getting kick backs from a publisher? Is he Sonia Diaz reincarnated? Hopefully Mr. Rounds will see through him.
AES students do benefit from having someone work as their advocate...the same way any learner would. AES students do benefit from being challenged and from higher-level critical thinking projects...the same way any student does. AES students do benefit from having a "go-to person" to advise them on course work and learning...get it?
Our district has is broke, yet we are hiring yet another high dollar associate superintendent position. I was told by my student teacher that she was told there would most likely be no new hires for teachers. If we don't have enough money for teachers, we don't have enough money for another high dollar associate superintendent. You could pay three or four teachers for the kind of money justo one of the big wigs downtown makes. What is our district about? Are we about teaching and learning or are we about politics and lining the pockets of the few chosen ones downtown?
Blogger, what did you find out about Dr. Sanchez? I want to know why we have money for him and we need to layoff 300 employees in the schools?
Any time I see Dr. Sanchez, he's working, working working. He's working on curriculum, attendance, policies, articulation etc etc. I wish he would stay with LCPS; he'd be a tremendous asset to our downtown instruction office. The best thing that's come along in a long time!
If you're really fed up with some administrator, and other teachers whom you know are fed up, too... why not just ask for a meeting with the new 'Soup'. Tell it like it is, and hope that he'll take you seriously. I know a couple of administrators who deserve more serious punishment than a simple "Good-Bye".
So all the new personnel positions created by Martinez and Diaz are coming back to haunt us? Now the specter of RIF hangs over the heads of many employees. Where does one start? Every Reduction In Force begins with cuts at the highest level of administration. Begin at the Central Office and cut the bloated bureacracy. Next, cut the professional development staff added several years ago. In times of a fat budget, we could afford them. They need to go back to the classroom in tough times. Then, cut the assitant principals at the elementary schools and maybe one at the middle schools and high schools. AES facilitators need to go to the classroom for at least part of the day. Remember, one central office administrator is equal to about five or six custodians or secretaries. Teachers and counselors should be the last of any RIF. It is no surprise that our district is in financial ruin. Who is ulitmately responsible? Well, the world's worst school board--the Lonnie, Chuck, Gene, Sharon, and John board was responsible for oversight. What a legacy they have left us.
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