What grant are you referring to? Can you find the grant RFP (proposal and guidelines)? Look for the rules there. You are accountable to the grantor.
How about sending haines to ohs and jeff to mhs and chris to lchs????
Who oversees Sheryl White and the crew from the Teacher's Center? Stacy Sompii and her cronies have been driving their personal programs with an elite air of arrogance for years. I think that entire department has a severe case of "color bias"!
What can we do when a principal has made, what we believe to be, a very uninformed, hasty, and power driven decision?
Who approves sick leave bank requests? Shouldn't these be reserved for desperately ill or injured people; not for a married person suffering from his/her own bad choice to have an affair with a colleague at school?
If Mrs. Haines is such a supporter of the LCHS Band, then she should try really hard to transfer Mr. Silva or Mr. Flores from OHS. Their bands have won many awards, and they're local guys, who are not apt to move on. Why look far for talent, when it's in the neighborhood?
Wow, Nyeta paid for some transportation for the band. Well I take back everything I said about her being a worthless principal. That just totally made up for all the crappy things she's done in the past. Thank you for coming to her defense, it's made ALL the difference........................NOT!!!!!
The reason I choose not to continue my education is because I did get my masters and was completely disenchanted with grad school when it comes to education. I don't know why anyone would pay 2 or 3 thousand dollars to get a phD or EdD. The district gives you a whopping $2.00 a check raise. It's not worth it plus those are worthless degrees. The schools become the laboratory for someones dissertation defense and we end up doing more and more with less and less.
Drugs are alive and doing well in the middle schools. Next year's freshman class should exceed the 50% dropout rate!
To my disenchanted friend who chose not to continue their education because "the district gives you a whopping $2.00 a check raise." It's good to see what your motivations are. Quit now, because you're making those of us who care look bad.
It's about being a lifelong learner and improving my practice for the benefit of my students. One can do that without attending a university. The best teachers I know are the ones who take the iniative to improve their craft without being motivated by dollar signs. And by the way thanks to the Professional Development Center (Sheryl White, Stacey Somppi and their "cronies") for providing me the opportunities to continue to learn.
I cannot believe someone would bash ms. haines! Why, after all, she's has lchs lookin so clean and organized...no more drugs and gangs...dropout rae is lower...kids look sharp on campus...test scores are high...NOT, again!
All this talk about LCHS band; my kid goes to MHS and can't stand the big man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The kids sacrifice everything for his program, and still get treated like dirt!
Isn't it about time for the aes programs and their overpaid facilitators to go?
The university should pay us to work on our PhD's. At least the College of Education would have a chance to become credible!
Evaluation of principals... did the school district outlaw that process? Lots of criticism of principals, on this blog site, but nothing seems to be happening. If the evaluation process is still in effect, do you teachers not dare to reveal your feelings there. Maybe it wouldn't make a difference, anyway, as those 'defective' principals may be quite shrewd. Remember, someone posted a blog a couple of months ago, and described how principals (through training or experience) have figured out how to build a power base... by catering to the many insecure, less-experienced teachers. In this district, the confident, experienced, excellent teachers are the enemy. You're being out-voted.
Evaluation of principals... did the school district outlaw that process? Lots of criticism of principals, on this blog site, but nothing seems to be happening. If the evaluation process is still in effect, do you teachers not dare to reveal your feelings there. Maybe it wouldn't make a difference, anyway, as those 'defective' principals may be quite shrewd. Remember, someone posted a blog a couple of months ago, and described how principals (through training or experience) have figured out how to build a power base... by catering to the many insecure, less-experienced teachers. In this district, the confident, experienced, excellent teachers are the enemy. You're being out-voted.
Onate has a new principal...hope the sports guy likes music programs. Will cruces be next to get a new principal? Hope so!
Our counselors are ineffective; anyway the district would consider a rotation of schools for these people?
In response to the comment regard Sheryl White and the Teacher's Center: Maybe the person who oversees Sheryl White will open their eyes and do something so that she won't have to be working 70+ hours a week. After all, she has been the only stable employee in the Instruction department besides Betsy Bennett and Sally Velez. She is by far one of the hardest working Central Office employees that I know exists. If everyone in the district followed the example that she set, we would be leaps and bounds ahead of the other districts in New Mexico. Instead, we have people who criticize those that do good. I guess that's why we keep being the laughing stock of school districts in New Mexico.
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