LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tuesday Evening 11-7

As an employee of the LCPS, I can say that "she who shall remain nameless" has walked in here, treated us like a bunch of hicks, and ruled through fear. Well, soon enough, she'll have burned all of her bridges, and will find herself being kicked to the curb, which is more than she deserves. We need to focus on hiring people from within to lead us, not pretentious types from back east.

Sharon Wooden doesn't have a clue. None of the board members have a clue. They each have their own agenda--with one thing in common --to destroy the district-Can anyone list anything positive that has come during this boards tenure?

NEA is monitoring and very concerned and has voiced these concerns openly at board meetings and privately with board members and Diaz.

I understand that Dr. Diaz is friends with many of the "new" textbook authors. Supposedly, they all went to Harvard together.I wonder if she gets a kick-back from awarding such a big contract to Houghton Mifflin???????

I am so glad that I just read about this blog today in the Sun-News article about the closed session of the Board. I will make every effort to attend. I have always thought my kid's teachers were saints, now even more so after what this district has been put through with this nasty piece of work.

I had been hearing little bits and pieces of stuff from my friends who work in the central office or teach in the schools, but everyone is very "discreet" and usually seems afraid to talk openly about their experiences. However, I have even heard about Diaz from friends who DON'T work in the schools, but at the stores, restaurants and businesses in town that have had the unfortunate opportunity to have to deal with her arrogant, rude sense of entitlement. Every single one of them described her as a "_itch", without any hesitation. Pretty sad. (Also, some say she seems to be obsessed with her hair to the point of it being a mental disorder--but I digress.)

where do these _____ (like Diaz) come from?

Could you tell me how many people have been put on sick leave or been transfered or retired since Diaz came on board?Can't anyone find out what is in her contract, what little perks she was given. Teachers could use a few perks.

One comment I have is that after reading this blog, clearly Diaz has a track record of conning districts to hire her, running amok, then using her pre-negotiated "golden parachute" buy-outs of her contracts to fund her lifestyle until the next con job. She gets away with it because it takes too much time for them to catch up to her fiendish ways, unless you are really good at combing the internet or public records. Isn't this a form of white collar crime we call FRAUD?!!!!

She clearly is not rehabilitatable (is that a word?). She needs to go, and go fast before any more bodies fall. But we need a HUGE backlash from the community to force the bad board members out, replace them with competents, and to change the way we hire these superintendents to include intense personal background checks


At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where can we find information on the board, biography, work history, qualifications, etc.? They seem to not exist.

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the Sunshine State so short of crooks it has to import them from Nuyawk and Connecticut?

Amicus Curiae

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teacher, parents, community - it is time for us to "unite" against this chick so teachers can get back to teaching and students can get back to learning. After all, isn't education about CHILDREN? All this gal is going to do is run off all the good teachers. That new material was not needed or wanted. A good teacher knows what to teach and would have been just fine with the materials already in place. What a waste of OUR MONEY!


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