LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wednesday Wrap-Up

Sharon Wooden and John Schwbeke hold the two positions that will be elected in February . Maps are available at the Courthouse. Wooden's area is east of I-25. Schwebke's begins at the Luna County line and wraps around the District. Filing is in December. Requirements are minimal reside in the district and be a register voter in the District. No IQ test or education required.

Please visit Heath has spoken with Lady Voldemort today and also with a few of our state congressional delegation about this situation. As bad as the BOE may be the congressional delegation is worse. The really bad part about this is we just re-elected these people yesterday. They are certainly not listening to their constituents. Lady Voldemort has only been here for 4 months. How is it she has friends in such high places. Maybe its because when she visits a school where the elected officials have kids she takes the extra time to go visit those kids. Just imagine if she treated her employees with such perks. Maybe our opinion would be different than it is. What we wanted was a Superintendent not a POLITICIAN. As of this moment our state elected officials are on notice that there are consequences to not listening to their constituents.

IF the "little lady" leaves how much is it going to cost the district?It seems this is the way she makes extraincome. Sad, is all I can say and at the costto our community which will also cost our kids. No wander so many good teachers are takingearly retirement and GOOD administrators are gettingout. When is the paper going to print the truth!!!!

Maybe she should be forced to be put onmedical leave, OOPS! Is that illegal?

Did the school board know that Dr. Diaz had a management style that was based on "creating conflict?" If they did know and hired her because of that then they are as guilty as she for the systematic dismantling of our district and for the low, low, low morale. They had had their chance and must be replaced before they do further damage.

I would like to encourage this blogsite to offer a poll/Vote of Confidence for the LCPS School Board Yes, I am confident in this board.No, I have NO confidence in this board.Vote of Confidence for Dr. Sonia Diaz, Her vision , and her management style.Yes, I am confident in Dr. Diaz leadershipNo, I have NO confidence in Dr. Diaz leadership

I would encourage all administrators, princials, faculty, staff, and parents to start calling school board members. I would encourage the community to start raising private donations to "buy out" Dr. Diaz's contract. I would further encourage this group to raise funds to start a recall of this inept, biased and vindictive board.Jack Jenkins, Dr. Patton and J. Laws did not leave of their own volition. Their duties were systematically removed by the board and Dr. Diaz. They were left out of meetings dealing with their areas of expertise, and their duties given to "new kids on the block". A great management style comes into a new business, new venture- evaluates current programs and visions, takes time (more than one month) to facilitate change. Most leave as is for at least 6 months to a year. If we do not money will be left in the LCPS budget for our kids! As an administrator, I am scared to death to work in such a hostile environment. Retaliation is her middle name!

I suggest we dismiss this Board, Dr. Diaz, Marsillio, DeStephano, Delgado and Talbot! Bring in Dr. Patton to truly heal our district, Jack Jenkins to fix the financial mess created since July and hope that General Laws will come back to our district.How many lawsuits are pending against the district as a result of the above named individuals? Has textbook money been allocated to the schools? I know that many of our elective and co-curricular programs depend on this money for workbooks and curriculum materials not included in the state textbook adopted list, but provided by 50-50 money.PLEASE, someone that knows how to obtain the documentation through the "freedom of information act"- get it all from the school district. Do we need to contact the Secretary of Ed???

LCPS should forget advertising for the Superintendent position. All we need to say is if you've been fired Las Cruces will hire you!On a more serious note are there different ways to run a school system that do not put so much power in one person's (the superintendent) control? We must start treating our schools as individual small towns. The people who are part of these schools/towns, teachers, principals, students, and parents know what is best for their community. We need central office to get out of the way and let them do what they know is best for their school. We are too big and diverse for this dictatorial, top down, form of school management.

As an elementary teacher we were told last week that Diaz is goin to bring in Houton Mifflin and replace the ENTIRE reading curriculum in time for students to begin using it in January. Teachers are supposed to "review" the materials over thier holiday break.PDT's were told to specifically tell the teachers about this change during PLC and "sugar coat it" as a positive change. Never mind the fact that 4th grade teachers are getting ready for the CRT at that time and how are they supposed to switch this curriculum mid school year?WHERE is the $$$ comming from? Why was there no adoption committee formed on this? The current text books (Scott Foresman) is only 3 years old on a 5 year adoption....what happens to the old books?WHO APPROVED THIS? Did the School Board approve this? Why weren't parents, teachers or administrators asked about this?A current LCPS 4th grade teacher

I am a LCPS employee and checked with HR about whether the job was posted - it was not! Dr. Diaz lied about this on TV!!! There was no advertizement and no interview process. We don't need a liar as a leader - it is time for her to go!!!

This is so sad. Was it really this bad the last time? All I know is that we (all of us) had an agenda for reform based on student achievement - to concoct false stories about our former superintendendent's behavior has led to this - no one will trust anyone... What ever happened to the students? Haven't heard about them in months.Maybe the real message is: To everything there is a season,a time for every purpose under heaven.A time to be born; a time to die;a time to kill a time to heal ...a time to weep a time to laugh;a time to mourn a time to dance ...a time to keep silent a time to speak;a time to love a time to hate.Look what hate has gotten for us. Maybe we should examine ourselves -be careful what you ask for, you may get it.

FYI to lcpsunderground blogger : Check out Heath Haussaman's blog at for some inside information about the events that are unfolding today---Looks like Diaz is trying to schmooze her way out of accountability by portraying herself as a hardworking victim of gossip.

I keep hearing that Diaz's defense is that she was hired to bring about "change". Have the school board members shared with we the parents and public just what exact "changes" they want implemented that require intimidation and abuse by the superintendent?

Apparently, Dr. Diaz is now on administrative leave herself. Charles White, a man of experience, humanity and intergrity should be brought in as the interim superintendent. School Board at least learn how to use Google before you hire the next superintendent and make sure it is someone who researches before making decisions, is ethical,respects employee rights,knows our community, reads and follows the negotiated agreements, doesn't flirt with employees, and has some humanity and humility- oh, that would be Charles White.

Clearly, without the authority granted by the Board, Dr. Diaz has no useful purpose. And the Board itself doesn't seem to know what to do, either, even when it SAID it would do something. (Witness the difficulty some parents of learning disabled students are having getting the District the teach their children the way they learn instead of the way the District wants to teach them.) Has anyone thought of the value of a good, old-fashioned shunning yet?

I applaud Sonia Diaz for the work she has done. Especially for taking on the football coaching staff at LCPS. It is the duty of coaches and staff members of LCPS to promote ethical behavior of ourselves and students. Cheating and defending students that intentionally hurt other students is intollerable. And all this has been done simply to win a game. As for the situation at Zia. Thank you Sonia for getting rid of the previous administration. Thaker & Gomez, had no business running a school. staff at Zia can now breath freely and do what they are there to do, and that is teach.

The people in the great city of Las Cruces need to come together and get RID of the entire school board. Over the last few years they have chosen a wife beater for Superintendent. Mr. Martinez turned Mayfield High School upside down!!! Now we have Dr. Diaz that seems to be cut from the same cloth. How many more disasters is it going to take for the school board to wake up and get a clue? They have done nothing but damage the educational flow of LCPS.


At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I think the person who wrote STFU is Dr. Diaz. Anyone else agree? Whomever you are you are certainly too noble for this blog. You might wanna stay off. You little piss ant!

At 9:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets hope and pray that Jerry Laws never comes back to our district. He was as incompetent working for LCPS as he was for the bank, for the Chamber of Commence and for the government.

Lets hope that JoAnn Patton does come back, she doesn't deserve how she was treated.

As for Jack Jenkins, just remember he was part of Jesse's gang.

At 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone knows when a new Supe comes in there will be change,
that is a fact but should people have to take rudeness, humiliation
personal attacks? That is not the way you try to make changes.
The bottom line is the board paid no attention to the back ground
check. They chose to ignore her being fired from her
previous jobs. Now if the board wants to do what is right for
the district they should admit they made a mistake and step down!!

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Norman!! That is why I said we need Norman to run for school board a couple of days ago. We need someone who TRULY cares about education.

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, we have a bad situation let's make sure cooler heads prevail and not make rash decisions to place someone just as bad or worse as interim or permanent superintendent. Having Elizabeth Marrufo is just as dangerous as having Sonia Diaz, they both like to rule with an iron fist and Mrs. Marrufo is just as prone to demeaning, disrespectful behaviors as Sonia Diaz. I do agree that Charles White could be a good candidate to help calm these turbulent times and allow for some healing to occur.

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone else looked at that other blog spot? I want my democrat party votes back!!!! I nearly threw up when I read how they felt "Sonia" hadn't had enough time. I guess she is nicer to politicians than she is to her employees. I have heard from numerous teachers and adminstrators that have tried to even introduce themselves to her only to be refused a proper hello or even a handshake.

At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not just happening in LCPS it is happening
in other towns. Districts have gotten so political, they don't
take care of the teachers, but they can bring in a new superintendent
pay them a outrageous salary with perks that most of
us don't ever hear about. That is done behind
closed doors with the boards blessings.

At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it does make you wonder why the School Board didn't do a better job of checking Diaz' background. This is a problem in districts across the country which perpetuates the "march of the lemons". However, the board can be applauded for being proactive now instead of putting their heads in the sand. The legislators have no power to take over the district, nor does the PED without a lengthy process and only if their are fudiciary problems or if the state standards are not being supported in the district. Why didn't the legislators contact the school board to find out why they put Diaz on administrative leave?

At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The short tenure of Dr. Death has set back this district infinitely more than her predecessor. We have an entirely incompetent, self-serving school board, who runs the show with blinders on, and a central office that lives in fairy tale land. Even before the hiring of Lady Medussa, changes were being implemented with seemingly no scientific backing or thought (yes, I'm talking about the guided reading initiative, a format for reading which has been proven ineffective in over 20 states, it's called Google central office, look into it. or "The Google" if you happen to be president).

This is exactly what happens when you bring in people from outside. This lady came in here with her fancy Harvard degree and her designer suits and treated us like a bunch of country bumpkins. Well, now that the tables are beginning to turn, and I'm confident that she will lose her job, I'll be the first to say "Don't let the door hit you on the way out."

It's our chance to start over, and give this district a chance to survive, and if that means state takeover, then so be it. I'm a classroom teacher, and as long as I can focus on my students, then I really don't give a you know what about what goes on downtown as long as it is in the best interest of the kids. Of course, when you have a mini-politican running the show, out to prove how mighty she is, the kids are forgotten.

Oh and one more thing. For Diaz to say that everyone posting in this blog are too cowardly to step forward and talk to her, all I can say is that we don't like losing our jobs, we've been forced into anonymity by a head huntress.

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how our state reps are threatening us with state takeovers now that the elections are over. They do know that they aren't elected to a lifetime term don't they.!!!

At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that finds it fishy that "Sonia" just so happened to be left in her job long enough to have a meeting with state representatives before the board placed her on leave? I am appauled at the reps reaction that "Sonia" is instantly the victim. I wish they could see how she really is. I will remember the four people mentioned the next time I vote. How about Joni Guiterrez's comparison to the Aggies. I would think she would be educated enough to think of a better comparison. I practically fell out of my chair LOL. Uh, der, I Uh, hope our schools do better than the Aggies. Oh that is just sooooo funny!


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