LCPS Underground

Las Cruces Public Schools postings concerning the current administration and issues in the district. Every effort has been made to deal in fact, not fiction. If you want to make a comment, click on comments after any post and write your comment. These may be sent anonymously. Email should be sent to All email will be confidential.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Do not forget about the Board election. Next Tuesday is the day.

Let me point out that when Larry Garcia was appointed to the Board, he was proposed and supported by Lonnie Briseno and followed Lonnie Briseno's lead in every issue. If you don't remember the history, you are doomed to repeat it. Bonnie Votaw is a smart, independent, no-nonsense candidate who knows that athletics are an integral part of a well-rounded curriculum. Garcia plays the athletics card, but has very little else to say.

In the Wooden, Phillips, Morgan race - it is critical that Wooden be ousted. The fact that there are two candidates opposing Wooden makes this dangerous. A split vote between Phillips and Morgan could give it to Wooden. Board elections usually have very small turnouts. Urge your neighbors to get out and vote.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The trouble with the administrators that are here, don't know how to take care of their own staff. They prefer to 'involve' themselves with other departments and projects that have NOTHING to do with their own. They make promises to "make things work better", yet the equipment, and people are still the same. "Things" haven't gotten any faster or any better, but let's put more money into it maybe the all-magical fairy will fix it!
The Board of Education has successfully wiped out any history and experience in the top administration. They have installed naive, inexperienced people who have no idea that they don't know what they need to know.

Monday, January 29, 2007

"Truth is rarely pure and never simple." - Oscar Wilde How long did it take to arrive at the current low levels of efficiency, lack of cohesiveness and general malaise at LCPS? Does anyone else consider that it is unreasonable to expect Liz Marrufo, Bob Telles and Terry Dean to jump in and cure what ails LCPS while working with the SAME LEADERSHIP TEAM and the SAME SCHOOL BOARD that created the mess we're in all before the Interim Superintendent is even interviewed? Truthfully, there is a leadership void at LCPS and it will take strong, permanent leadership with the support of a school board that does not micromanage, interfere or exert undue influence because of their position to BEGIN to change that. There is no simple solution. Blogger Comment: True. The Board of Ed has placed these people in positions for which they were unprepared and without experience. Then the Board directs/micromanages every move they make.

How many leaders of the Las Cruces Public Schools does it take to screw in a light bulb? It's a trick question, WE HAVE NO LEADERS.
My children are preschoolers. Will this LCPS mess be cleaned up before I register them for Kinder?
Why do educators want to reinvent the wheel?
Zamora Inc. (Safe and Drug Free Schools) has two young female "gang specialists" who don't have a clue about about gangs. drugs, or what is really going on in our middle schools. Zamora is throwing programs at us and they do not work; in fact, the problem has gotten worst. My daughter knows more about gangs that these specialists and she's in the 7th grade. I was hesitant before but now I believe we need to bring back Mr. Peace. Let him stabilize the problem. We can definitely use him in my middle school.
My nephew is a band student at MHS. He has told us more than once that a few male staff members have tried to be overly friendly. School and district officials don't seem too concerned. After all, the China trip is almost here. Now what should we do?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

How many central office administrators went to Santa Fe at district expense to party and schmooze with legislators? What did that cost taxpayers?
I am getting real irritated with central office administrators who make a decision one day, then change that decision a few months later not realizing how much damage was caused because of the decision. This makes some peoples jobs a lot harder than they should be! Maybe a little more thought needs to be put into these unnecessary decisions in the first place. Blogger Comment: There is no leadership. That is the plain and simple truth.
Well, there is one central office administrator that comes to mind that reacts to circumstances (and I'm not just talking about the weather either... Remember the shooting near Sierra?- That was the most comical) rather than responding to them. It sure is funny to watch him run around frantically as if he were going to save the day while everyone else just stares...
no matter who we hire for supe etc. if we don't deal with drugs and gangs and make all our schools safe for the kids that want to learn NOTHING will matter. It is time for my kids and yours to be able to go to school in a safe environment. We need to take back our schools. If kids disrupt and cause trouble take them out of that school put them SOME PLACE. Yes, we all deserve an education but why take away from the kids that want to learn. Let the parents of disruptive kids deal with them.
When it starts cooling off in the afternoon the weather will change. Bus drivers deliver some kids later than most why take a chance on our most precious commodity.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The problem with the high schools is simple; it's the high school teachers and counselors!
Just a comment-- there is another candidate running in District 5 who is equally competent-- his name is David Morgan. David is willing to take on the challenges of the school board and the difficulties that will come with inheriting the seat. He would also appreciate campaign contributions and support!! Read all about him at or Google David Morgan & District 5!!
While the weather may be a non-issue, decision making is front and center. The crisis management style of managing creates one after another. Our leaders are hired to respond to circumstances, not react to them. Long range planning and those who possess this ability will prevent these mistakes in the future.
Sounds like a lot of bitter parents who again didn't want to be responsible for their children have to take a stab at "Lizzie" for making a smart decision to send the kids home. Did she put a damper in your schedule? Or did you have to be a responsible parent so that ticked you off? By the way, only someone that knows Liz well would call her "Lizzie". She must be in some pain with all the backstabbing going on!
With CRT looming over our shoulders, instructional time means everything to us!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Blogger Comment: We need to focus on the upcoming Board of Ed election. We have excellent candidates for both seats in Bonnie Votaw and Connie Phillips. Even if you do not live in the candidate's districts , please, please do what you can to support these candidates. Make a contribution ( no matter how small), volunteer to help with mailings or neighborhood walks, talk to your friends who live in the districts - all will make a difference. This election is the watershed. Is the community serious about its displeasure with the current Board of Ed? Then get busy and make a difference.
For those who profess to have read and understood Good to Great here are some key points as summarized in the Wall Street Journal: a) Five classes of productive people; at the top are self-effacing bosses... (as opposed to self-righteous or self-aggrandizing) b) Companies fare best when they focus on that which they are uniquely adept. c) Smart companies become very good at one thing in a world full of dilettantes. d)Poorly run companies constantly change their focus, loudly announcing new initiatives that amount to nothing. Regardless of how or by whom the book was introduced to the district, the concepts are sound and need be applied to programs, departments, committees and central administration as a whole.
Oh my God, I can't believe the cynicism in the string of posts about the "mistakes" LCPS made with the weather. There was no harm done, we don't get weather like this very often so we really don't know what to expect except what the National Weather Service tells us. After ABQ was so lackadaisical about their big snowstorm last month, all public entities were put on alert that they better be safe, not sorry--so LCPS did what they had to do! I really feel so many of issues posted here over the past few months have been really important and needed airing, but bitching about the minutiae isn't very productive. Hate to say it but the weather is a non issue--typical teacher's lounge-style, negative gossip and gripes that mean about as much as complaining about finding a candy wrapper on the floor again. MOVE ALONG! BIG PICTURE, FOLKS!!!
I read that Diaz will be seeking independent arbitration after the board upheld her firing. This basically comes down to her wanting money, and nothing else. What scares me is that she'll just find another city of saps to go after next. I intend on following her online and if I find that she is a front runner in a job anywhere, to contact that district and let them know how much of a crook this lady is. We need to make sure that her incompetence stops here with us.
And the winner is...
I haven't visited this blog in a while, and now I remember why. Taking potshots at those working hard on behalf of kids; it's disappointing. My street and entire neighborhood was full of cars slipping and sliding through black ice. Not EVERYONE lives in the city and unless someone had magical powers, there was no way to know for sure whether the weather was going to get worse. We couldn't make it into LC and I was glad to hear that the schools would dismiss early. Thanks bus driver for getting my son home safely. To those who whine all the time on this blog, for goodness sakes! stop it! These people are doing the best they can. What is so terribly wrong with having to dismiss early one time in how many years?

Monday, January 22, 2007

Well, ladies and gentlemen we got rid of Sonia but now we can sit back and enjoy the rest of the show. Seems like we are living through a season of Dumb and Dumber. Momma always said, "Be careful what you wish for." Sonia might have been Dumb but we got Dumber by committee. All of those creative quick thinkers downtown cancel school when the sun is shining and send kids home to empty houses. Way to go, administration! You did TO the kids exactly what we try to prevent! Our only hope, at this point, is the crack decision making skills of our administration will be nationally recognized and they will be offered jobs with FEMA.
It has been hilarious to see the blind leading the blind at central office lately. Liz, Bob, Terry, Larry and Jeff all posturing to be the "one in the know". Meeting and using their "vast" wealth of experience in making a decision to have school or not, to dismiss early or not. It would be comical if it weren't so sad.
Watching the actions of the district these last few days (in response to the 'snow') has convinced me that the Las Cruces Public School District is functioning either without leadership or with incompetent leadership. Liz Marrufo has shown her true colors, as someone who has no clue what she is doing. They cancelled school today, and as I look out my window, I see clouds. OH NO, CLOUDS, RUN!!! Somebody please step up to lead our district before these people downtown do something stupid (oh wait, they already did).
Our middle school has had a zero tolerance policy for as long as I have been there.(15 years) When a student shows up at school with a knife he was automatically long-termed. Just recently a student was let back in school when our acting super overrode the long-term hearing. What kind of message did this send to all the other students? My advice: Elementary principals don't have a clue about middle and high schools or how to run them. Help!!!
Another weather-related faux pas...early dismissal! Does this remind anyone of the "crying wolf" tale?
We need direction, and we are not getting it from central office. Let the State take over.

Since the announcement for an Interim Superintendent is posted on the LCPS website, I assume that the board went through with Sonia's dismissal? Blogger Comment: The "Chief of Staff" failed to get the notice of public meeting in the newspaper so the Board had to delay its public decision until today. Most expect they will uphold the original move to fire her. That opens the door for her to then sue the district. At least her salary will stop now.

Did anyone know that there was a survey on the LCPS website where the public had a chance to vote on how the Interim Supt. selection process would be timed? There were 3 choices. It was no surprise that the option selected has the current Board making the selection. One of the other options would delay that decision until after the new Board Members (that is plural) are seated. That option was not selected. What a surprise.
This district is in serious trouble. We have Liz Marrufo, Terry Dean and Bob Telles in charge. None of these has any experience in handling issues in a district this size. I see things being done and approved that are potentially disastrous and sometimes idiotic. NO one has any idea where they are on their budgets. We can't tell what our salary expenses will be. Telles is clueless about maintenance, food service and HR. And Liz, she can't make a move without Lonnie Briseno's approval.
The terror weather alert issued by the LCPS was, in my opinion, overkill! The kids are just back to school from the winter break, and they had just missed Monday for MLK day. Students didn't need another day off; kids needed to be in school! To read Lizzie's statement that parents have the right to keep their children home from school-even after the weather proved to be just a rainy day- seemed to go against the grain of teaching students that their responsibility to their job is to try and make to school...always; just like employees should do at their places of employment. I give high props to parents who chose to do the right send their children to school...and to the kids who, independently, made the decision to attend their classes! Good job!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The most important quality for service on the school board is passion for education - the belief in education to affect the future for the individual, for the community and for the country. Good School Boards have students as their focus. Not just lip service but a true commitment to serving the needs of the future. Individual agendas that do nor meet the criteria of serving all students are inappropriate for any person serving on any public board. Art is as important a part of the Fine Arts as music. Please don't use it to pass judgement on Ms Hosies' concern for music. Be patient I'm sure you will be pleased. Mary Tucker
In the 1960's, I was taught sex education in Junior High School (What it should be called now, but that's another argument). Back then the subject was a huge controversy. My parents were very conservative religious people, and had deep reservations about allowing the schools to teach this subject. They consented and were open for discussion of the things we learned at school. But you know what? The classes were handled with care, boys and girls were separated, and after many nervous giggles concerning human sexuality, I learned the basic facts of life and the consequences of "free" sex. Knowledge is power, and I used that knowledge to stay out of trouble. It must have worked. We have to be honest here. We have the most media savvy, well informed, most technology proficient students the world has ever seen, but...THEY ARE STILL KIDS AND NEED TO BE SUPERVISED AND GUIDED CONSTANTLY! Parents need to SUPERVISE and COMMUNICATE with their kids because: They are inundated with sex from almost ALL media. The social norms have changed....from "you better not" to "If it feels good Do It" It is not Rocket Science. If kids know you're always watching, there is less of a chance of something stupid happening. Believe me, with all the information out there, getting pregnant as a teenager is S-T-U-P-I-D. We know they are going to experiment...We know there are going to be extreme moments of temptation. I do not condone those types of action. But the alternative is unacceptable. Leaving the issue in the "Hands of God" is ludicrous. God gave us (most of us) common sense. He gave us a brain and free will to use. USE IT. The schools can dispassionately dispense sex ed as part of the health or science curriculum. That in concert with parent guidance is the key. Whoops....there's a Problem: How many of the students we deal with live with both their parents? Just one more justification for the schools to teach students what they need to know. Are the schools perfect? Right....but who is going to help correct this huge pregnancy problem? Opponents of sex ed in the schools are right in a way. In a perfect world, the PARENT should be the FIRST line of communication. There are many good parents out there that do a good job, but they are becoming fewer and fewer. It's a sad comment on our society that the majority of what SHOULD be taught at home is dumped on the schools. You know...things like manners, honesty, respect, a work ethic, that and education is important...etc. Unfortunately, the responsibility has fallen upon the schools to communicate with kids on a multitude of subjects. How many times have you administrators heard..."YOU do something with him/her...I can't?" In my opinion, there are "cultures" in this community that have failed miserably in this area. They need to step up to the plate and deal with changing the "culture" of segments of the community to one of enlightenment instead of ignoring common sense and sticking their heads in the sand.
At last, people are taking notice about Safe and Drug Free Schools. The new Napoleon spends most of his time investigating his employees and issuing letters of reprimand in order to cover his own stupidity and memory lapses. From what I have been hearing, the last of the Mohicans, Mr. Peace, may be leaving the district soon. We can not afford to lose him. The kids will dearly miss him and so will the teachers who look forward to his classroom seminars. Voice your opinions, maybe someone will pay attention and send Napoleon back into exile.
I see Sonia wore her new Russian hat...does it help her seem more intelligent?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Don't forget the forum tonight at 6:30 at Branigan Library. This is your opportunity to hear what the school board candidates have to say.

Also, Diaz has her hearing tomorrow and the Board will make its final decision on her status afterward in an open meeting. Too bad she didn't choose to make it an open meeting. I think everyone would be interested in what both sides have to say.
It is unfortunate that the most important discussions occur behind closed doors.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I find it interesting that Lonnie Briseno who fanatically supports certain Catholic doctrine such as no use of birth control, can ignore the other teachings of the Church and Jesus. He has no compassion or love for mankind. He is deceitful, disdainful of those who don't hold his same opinions, and hateful. If he is an example of the Church, I understand why so many young people are leaving the Church. They see the hypocrisy of the lives of the Church leaders.
I am not Catholic. But, even if I was, I would be offended to believe that Lonnie would be allowed to think and make decisions for me and my family.
Lonnie, do you really believe that such an important topic, like sex, should only be discussed in the home? Even if kids independently read advanced novels and study physics, the schools' curriculum can add different and important perspectives, to every student! After all, raging hormones know no boundaries, just like bad, killer germs.
My old high school home ec teacher was let go because she mentioned using the birth control pill in class. Seems like we haven't progressed very far during these past few decades.
Since the district is so bent on teaching kids through the use of computers, let's just hook them up to the x-rated sites and let them learn "the facts" from there.
I stand firm with my statement: Hosie knows nothing about music, and our district music programs will suffer greatly as a result!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

THE ARTS ARE IN GOOD HANDS. I do believe the comments concerning the middle school and high school music programs are out of line. 1. The term incompetent is hardly appropriate when the new coordinator has been on the job less than 6 weeks. (I can assure you that Bonnie Hosie has all the tools to succeed in this position. She is hard working, possesses great communicative skills, is an experienced arts teacher with background in visual arts and theatre. 2. Bonnie Hosie will be a great spokesperson for the arts. She has a firm grasp on the importance of learning in and through the arts across the entire curriculum. 3. What will happen to our music programs? Really great music teachers will continue to provide rigorous meaningful instruction in the arts by providing quality music programs that challenge the students, inspire learning and mastery of skills while teaching the lifelong love of music. All this while enjoying the administrative support that Ms. Hosie will provide. Good grief, give her a chance!!! 4. Bonnie Hosie enjoys the trust and support of the Principals of LCPS as well as the Central office administration and the school board. She will represent music and the arts to the community and school board with the same passion that I did for many years. 5. Bonnie is well respected statewide for her quality teaching, skill in curriculum development and program design and has served on many statewide arts committees. Bonnie was instrumental in the development of the LCPS Elementary Arts program and has served this arts community in an exemplary manner. I support Bonnie Hosie and have been working with her to help facilitate a smooth transition while she learns the many facets of the job.
John R. Schutz Retired- Coordinator for Visual and Performing Arts. LCPS
After reading today's article in the Sun-News I get the distinct impression that Lonnie Briseno is imposing his Catholic religious views against contraception use on the rest of us. Regardless of whether there are a lot of Catholics in the community, he has no right to decide my child or anyone else's should remain ignorant on these issues of human sexuality and biology as a "default". At what point is he going to insist we start teaching creationsim is a valid scientific theory, too? Having worked with girls this age who became pregnant, I saw a lot of ignorance and dangerous risk-taking, whether the information was available at the health department or not. They don't go down and get it, and they don't talk to their parents about it but they would listen when we brought the information to THEM. Besides, what is he protecting kids from--has he not stayed up past 12am and seen the "Girls Gone Wild" advertisements? You think the kids are not learning something from that? What an idiot. I guess he has just gone completely off the deep end and become a stark, raving, megalomanic with delusions of grandeur.
This is not the dark ages, Lonnie. As an educational entity, it is our responsibility to educate our children in all areas of the life cycle...not just the areas that you want to pick and choose for our kids.
You know, Lonnie of all people should in the back seat cause accidents and accidents in the backseat cause kids....geeez
With regard to the sex ed in the schools...I think every student should be required to take the class. Most of the students that need it would not take it unless they had to. Most of the responsible parents would probably understand why their child had to take it and if it prevents one, out of the fifty-three per month, birth to a teenaged mother, it would be well worth it. I think we as a society should step in and do the job of irresponsible parents wherever we can. It is pretty sad when you can see a teen mother with her baby and the baby's grandmother and greatgrandmother all under the age of 55. And if you don't think it happens, go to Wal-Mart any night of the week and you will see it.
I agree with the comment regarding the state taking over the district. Although it may not be possible at this point, someone should put a stop to the Lonnie, Liz and Joyce show. Where are the other board members in all of this? Surely they should reign in Briseno!
I absolutely refuse to let Lonnie make moral decisions for me and my family. His views DO NOT represent mine, nor the better half of this community. He can take his barefoot, pregnant, and still a teenager attitude and go to another country.
Why are you so afraid Lonnie? Too many sexual skeletons in your closet? This is 2007; not only is it necessary for the public schools to provide sex education, it is also our civic duty. Even though this curriculum is not tested by CRT, the real test will be when we see our students grow into responsible and viable adults!
Ah, the Safe and Drug Free person---a man with little integrity and marginal abilities! Since he took over, I haven't seen anything he has implemented that worked. He is also apparently hard to work for as his employees are dropping like flies. These are people who have proven records with the community and the district. He applied for lots of jobs with the district and finally got one. Oh, for the good old days of Rosalee and Eric! They had programs that really worked and addressed the needs of our at-risk students! They worked with agencies, students and parents and supported the schools with intervention programs! The current person has also taken a certain dislike to a former school administrator whom he told he "would get" for issues involving his own child and guess what, he got him! There is alot to this person that reeks of unprofessionalism and personal agendas. Anyone working with him, beware!
Here is the answer to your question: Marvin Allen retired this year but willing to come back if asked and under new leadership. Barry Peace is being "forced" to work in the Elementary Schools. The Safe and Drug Free Director hired two young social workers to work in the middle/high schools. One of these social workers just graduated with her BSW. Supposedly,according to a good source, will be trained as the new gang/drug expert. What a joke on the school system. Barry Peace has over 20 years experience in the fields of gang/drug prevention and intervention along with multiple licenses. I work at Onate and everyone wants him back but we keep hitting a brick wall. Guess who the wall is?? Everyone knows why this Coordinator was released from the LCPD....someone should pay closer attention to whom they hire in positions of power. God save us from our stupidity.
Lonnie has a new fundraiser idea for his program and the LCPS: chastity belts!
Here's an idea: First, someone distract Lonnie...tell him it's snowing. Then, pass the sex ed curriculum for the LCPS. Next, obtain funding to provide a surplus of condoms and birth control pills to have available to students who request them. Finally, just tell Lonnie that these items are balloons for science experiments and daily vitamins for the free lunch program kids.
Yeh, Rosalie and Joyce, what a combination of incompetent idiots that would be, but we can watch the hair do's. Rosalie at MHS is one big mistake that we can give credit to Ogas for, the one mistake.
I agree with the person who wants Rosalie back.....and bring back Eric Lopez....those two did a great job with safe schools and long term suspension hearings
Lonnie has everything he needs for controversy: gang and drug intervention programs are a joke; opposition to sex ed; keeping his hand in the mix of personnel issues in the district. What's his hidden agenda? More monies for his program? More foster kids to fatten his personal income?

Friday, January 12, 2007

If Mr. Briseno wants a sex education policy that reflects community values then my community value says let's close the free day care for teenage mother's at the local high schools. The old saying, "Accidents cause poeple" is true but we shouldn't have to pay for their irresponsible behavior.
Lonnie Briseno has a warped view for someone who works with troubled teens. He seems to be promoting more troubled teens having babies. Oh, wait! Maybe that's it. He is just making sure his programs have lots of future clients.
Let's organize another protest...down with central office! We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it any more!!
What's going to happen to the middle and high school music departments, now that John Schutz's job has been filled by an incompetent and inexperienced art person?
Where did Dorothy Anderson go? Why? How can Joyce live with herself, knowing her career has been based on sucking-up the ladder. Blogger comment: Dorothy Anderson went to work in HR at NMSU. Her involvement with both of the prior Supts probably had a bearing on her decision and made her future at LCPS less than rosy.
I hear ya. Safe and Drug Free Schools isn't helping my Middle School at all. Lets bring back Rosalee Gallegos; at least she listened to our needs and gave us the help we wanted. Whatever happened to the old war horses-Marvin and Barry? The current director is a farce. Who hired this clown anyway?
Amen to the person that posted regarding the condition of Safe and Drug Free Schools! It makes me wonder if all the ladies he has to work with know why he was let go from LCPD. I am sure there is someone else out there that can run this program better than he is!
Hate to say this, Y'all, but maybe its time to place a call into the State to request a takeover...
Blogger comment: Unfortunately, the state has to have proof of fiscal mismanagement or some egregious action or abuse by the Board of Education. This Board, especially Briseno, has violated the state law with its involvement in hiring. But no one has the guts to go public with the secret machinations for fear of retaliation.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wednesday Evening

The comment from the reader who worked in the non-profit is thoughtful and respectful. However, in the public schools of New Mexico, it is illegal for either a single Board member or for the Board as a body to have ANYTHING to do with personnel. The single exception is that the Board is responsible for the hiring and evaluation of the superintendent. Board members have absolutely no authority as individuals, only as a group. When one member exerts the influence that many think Mr. Briseno is responsible for (and I happen to agree), he is exceeding his statutory authority. The other four members have a responsibility to rein him in, and if they are not doing so, they also are guilty of violation of the authority delegated to them by law.
What is up with Leonel Briseno and the proposed sex ed policy? I have never heard a dumber thing in my life. The schools are full of pregnant teenagers and children who have borne children--how could it possibly be inappropriate to present our youth with sex education? Anything that might possibly cut down on the number of births to teen mothers should certainly be pursued, even if that means starting serious education about birth control in fifth grade and passing out free condoms.
San Andres HS is such a farce. Look at the administrators and trainees. Do they have a clue? Let's lock the doors from the outside-with Lonnie and Sharon joining in the fun-and wait to see who emerges as the survivor. Perhaps a new TV sequel: The LCPS Survival of the Dumbest!
Why should doing the right thing be so painful? Sharon Wooden needs to stay home with her frog or turtle collection. Lonnie needs to enter his own gang prevention clinic!
I'm ready with my noise maker...I'm all beaned-up and ready to fly into the next outrageously idiotic decision that will be fronted from central office. You may not want to stand behind me; so, instead, stand beside me and let's take on punk Lonnie together!

As a former high level-employee of a large non-profit, I can attest to to the inappropriateness and destructiveness of a Board Member entering into the running of day to day affairs of an organization, as Mr. Briseno is apparently doing. It nearly shut down the agency I worked for, and blemished its reputation in the community for years, not to mention the damage to employee morale and productivity it created. Unfortunately, you will find that it is probably not illegal if it is only done for a short time to stabilize a crisis (at least it isn't for non-profits anyway), but it does generally spell the ugly demise of that group of Board members who allow it, as well as the upper echelon of employees who work with the member closely. Boards are often tempted in times of organizational turmoil to break the rules and become administrators, but only those who have poor leadership abilities, bad judgement or who themselves are frustrated wanna-be's who aren't qualified to run organization under normal circumstances would try to do it. IT NEVER WORKS!!! There are always unintended and pretty much irreparable consequences for the boards and their syncophants. Based on what is being reported in this blog, I promise everyone, if you thought that getting rid of Sonia Diaz was all the "cleansing" that would need happen to LCPS, it is obvious that there is much, much more work to be done. This school system has some of the best and brightest teachers and leaders in the country who should be calling the shots. But unless we all wrench the steering wheel out of their hands, a tiny minority of complete idiots will define everything the good guys and the rest of us do with our kids. Speak out, folks--make a BIG NOISE!!!
I've known Liz for nearly all of her career in education, and believe that she is a competent, caring, pleasant professional. However, reading these blogs, and taking into consideration the turmoil that exists in this district... I think she may be facing insurmountable odds in trying to straighten out this mess.So, could we identify anyone else who might be willing to serve as interim Soup... someone who has proven his/her competence and devotion to our district? Two excellent administrators come to mind, both of whom I have known for many years and are eminently qualified. How about trying to get Charles White to return to his former postion with the district... and talk Don Noe into taking the superintendency for a year, or two. Central Office would become a 'tight ship', and only highly-qualified subordinate administrators would be employed.By the way, is it true that Dorothy Anderson has left the district? If so... too, too bad. She has been one of the few good, solid professionals in that snake pit... during the past three years.A simple, sensible piece of advice from an old administrator... when a school principal is failing in his/her position, fire (or demote) the person. Don't, for heaven's sake, promote them into a position at Central Office.
I've heard people talking about the interview process for the San Andres principal. Staff was involved in that process, as well as students from what I have been told. Is this true and how did their input play into the decision that was made?
So, in the end, will any of this blog-fussing make any difference at all in the lives of us teachers, students, and parents? Our homeboy, Lonnie, has spun totally out of control, yet no one is trying to stop his momentum. Lizzie Borden has taken her ax to the district's integrity in true "follow the leader" fashion. After she gives it her hundred wacks, who will she give one hundred one?
Picacho Middle School is in a total mess. I wonder when the Liz and Lonnie show will try an extreme school makeover for our sorry campus.
My Lonnie lies over the ocean;
My Lonnie lies over the sea;
My Lonnie lies over the desert;
Why won't he ever try representing me?
Sharon Wooden is a disgrace to all her former graduate students who listened diligently to her words and believed in her wisdom. I am ashamed to have known her!
The citizens of Las Cruces have a big chore on their hands in the search for a new superintendent. I read this column and all I see is the "wah-wah-wah" of so many "wise" people. With all these opinionated people, I'm surprised many of them haven't stepped forward to apply for the position or better yet, run for the school board. Oh, wait, that would mean you would have to replace words with actions- something that most of you probably can't do! Quit making the acting superintendent your new scapegoat in all of this drama. As an outsider looking in, there seems to be much jealousy amongst many of you. In my opinion, you are not working for the children as many claim to be doing! What person in their right mind would even think about relocating to Las Cruces to become the superintendent? The first step to success is to quit making everything so personal and look at the big picture! You can't expect the superintendent to bow to every individual's personal agenda! I'll send a box of Kleenex your way!
Has anyone been paying attention to the condition of Safe and Drug Free Schools under the leadership of the current Coordinator? There is only one knowledgeable and professional person left in that department and he's assigned to the Elementary Schools instead of the Secondary Schools where he is needed the most. From my understanding, this employee is currently being "run off" as three former employees last year. Maybe the upper crust of administration (or the Board) need to take another look at this "Coordinator" and his ability to maintain and secure a working relationship with the schools he is suppose to service. Hopefully, this Coordinator will be replaced by some competent professional who is more capable of fulfilling the needs of the schools and the employees who deliver these services.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

If you have served on an interview committee in the past few months you have seen what is going on in the district. Interview Committees are formed, interviews conducted and selections made. Then the Supt or now, the Administrator in Charge, appoints whoever Lonnie Briseno has selected for the position. Some appointments are payoff's for cooperation and support in other areas. If you are thinking of applying for a position at LCPS, think again. Don't waste your time and energy. You may be the best qualified for the job, but your relationships with the current power brokers is all that really matters. If you haven't played their game, you are will not be selected.
Joyce has only been promoted to the next level of incompetence....her first promotion was when she became middle school principal, then her next one was to a high school. What's after this one. Can she be promoted to a more incompetent level than this one.....oh wait, she could theoretically be promoted to super which would put her at the most incompetent position she could possibly obtain. Great job there Lizzy
Liz Marrufo has no credibility left after hiring Joyce Aranda. It was a done deal for a very long time. She makes decisions and does not even have the professional courtesy or knowledge to involve and inform those whom the decisions most effect. Let's hurry and get an interim in place. Too much more damage and LCPS is all the way down the tube.
The whole situation is pathetic! Check out the LCPS website and go to departments. Until a day or two ago, all of the top players were listed as "interim". Of course now, the embattled Joyce Aranda's picture is there and she is the only "permanent" person. That web page says it all! How can anyone viewing that page NOT see that the district is in real trouble! Its embarrassing and totally senseless! As to Lonnie getting into the everyday running of the district, that is illegal. The board is NOT supposed to get into the hiring and firing of anyone except the superintendent. Of course, now he has an "administrator in charge" who will do his every bidding and all with board approval as they chose Liz. As to Onate, who is minding the store there? How can Aranda go to sleep at night knowing she abandoned a sinking ship she claimed to love? She is responsible for its rating and rather than fix the problem, she jumps ship and lands a job no one on the committee felt she could handle either! As to Joyce packing up her office prior to interviews, why did Liz even bother? She should have just appointed her and that would have been seen as more honorable than the way it has been handled.
let me say this about that,,any business these days, be it small or large ...will need a HR why is the school district trying to run their BIG SHOW with elementary school teachers " YA GOTTA KNOW THE LAW"
Look and re-read what this B-log has become. Those who left the system - did so before the smell permeated them as well. Where are they all now? What goes around comes around.
I am confused regarding a blogger's comment about PLT's (which I think they meant PDT's). In my school the PDT does not do work to promote CRT curriculum and NCLB, but to help teachers help students learn to be proficient readers! Can anyone argue with that? I want the students that will take care of us in the future to be literate. Maybe you don't have a good PDT like we do or you would have a whole new opinion of their work!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Back to Work

I am so proud of this community for uniting and getting good people to run for the two open school board member slots. It is time that Las Cruceans address the poor performance of the school board, but let's not stop here, there is much work to be done. Please continue to be active in your child's education and every child's education in Las Cruces. They are all our children and they have been affected the most by these poor quality superintendents. Now, my question for anyone out there who knows is; Can we get rid of the three members of the board before their term expires in 2009? Can we do a petition or a recall? I can't imagine having them on the board for two more years after what they have done to the district, especially Lonnie Briseno.
For whatever reasons, Lonnie has emerged. The now visible Lonnie prefers to orchestrate day-to-day operations, to include employment decisions, for the district. That behavior is unethical and probably illegal. An irony is that he was swept into office on the heels of previous board members who behaved unethically and illegally. The difference must be that it is ok if he does it--but not ok that they did it. Liz threw her reputation away. Maybe she got caught up in the Queen-for-a-Day syndrome. Whatever her reasons, who can trust her now? Joyce has squandered her standing in the educational community for taking a job everyone knows she didn't not earn. The outcome is that Lonnie will be resented, Liz will be pitied, and Joyce will be scoffed.
And there's more of this yet to come. There is not much that we employees can do about these abuses. Not serving on these staged interview committees anytime in the immediate future might be one way to remove some of the smoke-and-mirrors. The good news is that the voting public is fed up. The upcoming election will produce a partial victory: Two down. Three to go.
Promoting Ms. Aranda to head secondary curriculum is an unfortunate error that will cost Liz Marrufo in the currency of "credibility". How can promoting Ms. Aranda after Onate is the only high school with such low scores be justifiably in the best interest of LCPS? Strike one Liz.
I have been watching with interest, the comments regarding the placement of Joyce Aranda in the position of Director of Secondary Instruction and would like to make a couple of comments myself. First, Joyce and Liz are 'buds". I feel its a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" scenario. Joyce campaigned for Liz's placement as Superintendent and I'm sure her placement as Administrator in Charge as well. To leave a struggling school that is in real trouble academically, one that you've managed for 6+ years and one you can't blame the current problems on the former administration and to receive a "promotion" that places you in charge of all middle and high school curriculums doesn't inspire much confidence in this person's abilities or her loyalties. As to failure to follow the committee recommendations after interviews is status-quo for the district. We shouldn't be surprised by this and should be wary when the board makes a decision on the interim super. Liz and Joyce will form a formidable alliance, all should be aware. Their management styles are similar, maybe Sonia isn't really gone!
The Co-Director for Human Resources job was posted some time back, but the pre-selected Lonnie/Liz candidate for this job could not make it through screening because she did not meet the qualifications. In a normal world this would be a problem. But Lonnie had Liz fix it. Liz had the job re-posted with new, lower criteria, so that their pre-selected candidate would now qualify. Here is a puzzle for blog readers: See if you can figure out what female principal has let it be known to people who work with her, that she was called by Liz and told to apply for the HR position after the criteria were lowered. If you answer this puzzle question correctly, the you'll know who Lonnie and Liz have already pre-selected for the job. Sit back. Relax. Watch the show.
Welcome to the Lonnie and Liz show. Rumors ran all over the district that Lonnie and Liz were going to move quickly to fill central office positions with people of Lonnie's choosing before an interim superintendent is named.

Lonnie and Liz had already picked their close friend Joyce for the Instruction job. Joyce was busy packing up her office at Onate a week before the interviews were held. Joyce didn't perform well though, and the interview committee ranked her dead last. The committee did not forward her name for further consideration. In a normal world this would have been the end of it for Joyce. But Lonnie fixed it. He had Liz disregard the very committee that Liz's own people had organized in the first place, and, once the new committee was disbanded, Liz appointed Joyce anyway. It's hard to see how the new Lonnie and Liz show that's playing now is much different from the old Lonnie and Louis or Lonnie and Sonia sideshows that played before. Pretty much another puppet performance produced by Lonnie, and acquiesced in by a cast of weak Board members.
Meanwhile, it can hardly go unnoticed that LULAC is suddenly mute over this fiasco.
In reference to the person who wrote about the recommendation of a committee not being considered I must ask, Is this the first time this has happened? With regards to the schools, I know that it isn't. Administrators use committees and community input to appear as if they are listening to a broader group and then they make the decision they were planning on from the start. Somehow the committees input or the community focus group seems to validate their preconceived process. I refuse to be on any committees or focus groups involved in making a recommendation for textbooks or report cards or any of those other groups who are treated like professionals at the beginning of the process but ultimately achieve mentally challenged status. How many of us googled the candidates for superintendent and sent the information to the board members and they ignored it. Let these administrators earn their high salary by making all of the decisions and let them ultimately suffer the consequences of their decisions. Remember, just because teachers are essential doesn't make us important!
Change is never embraced easily. I read the comments about the "thousands" spent to bring in colleagues to teach 2 days seminars, etc. Professional development is an essential tool in improving a school system, especially, one that apparently has been in disarray for quite some time. How better to strengthen and equip your staff than by bringing in experts from around the country to teach Best Practices and provide new methods and teaching modules? Of course this carries a high cost, but, what in our society is free?
As for example number four about the yelling and screaming. If such behavior took place then that needed to be corrected, but, certainly doesn't warrant immediate termination. This is where the HR dept needed to intervene and meet with the Superintendent and make sure she understands the importance of employee morale and after being warned and advised of such inappropriate behavior the correct action can be taken.
About the lockdown... Now, I am starting to believe that we are looking and searching for any little thing to make the Schools Chief seem evil or incompetent.
I don't believe that enough time was given to the Superintendent to do her job. In addition, I strongly believe that the Board acted in a manner of electoral safety as opposed to being objective in this matter. If it warranted, the Superintendent should have been disciplined, I certainly don't believe she should have been discharged. Has the board ever warned or discussed any possible inappropriate actions with the Superintendent for the sake of correction? If not, then the board didn't do their job honestly, efficiently and fairly. It is unfortunate that Las Cruces lost such a GREAT Superintendent. Had she been given the opportunity, after all the petty complaints she could have turned the district around. But, doing so most definitely means dollars, administrative adjustments, higher standards and above a strong and enforced zero tolerance policy.
Check out "Freedom Writers" with Hillary Swank...presents a valid perspective and urgency for teachers to bag the current NCLB and CRT curriculum and to be able to teach what will know will work with our students. Ooops...that would require us to truly listen to our students' needs and concerns, instead of placating our PLT's and central office gurus. --Dear Bloggmaster: I know you are probably taking some much deserved time off for the holidays but please do not give up this blog. The district is still in trouble and your willingness to allow people to air their concerns has been most beneficial. The work has only just begun, please keep up this blog! --Do we have another casualty of Sonia and the Board's ineffectiveness? Dorothy Anderson has left the district.
Happy New Year to all the bloggers! May all your new resolutions come to fruition! --To the 'watchful and vocal parent' have got to be kidding! Teachers have to call you before they 'say a word' to your little darlin regarding his/her behavior????
It's not teachers and principals who have ruined public education, but rather parents with their threats of lawsuits everytime somebody sneezes.
That is the sad but true state of public education.
I've heard it said that communities tend to have the kind of schools that they deserve. If that is a true statement, then the Las Cruces Public Schools must be what we as a community want and deserve. If Central Office, the schools and the community are not pulling together, how can we expect the schools to improve. It is those of us who live in this community who finally pay for the quality of our schools in more ways than one. It does us little good for our students to fail to develop those skills necessary for effective citizenship. I, for one, want our students to graduate from high school and be able to continue their education should they choose to do so. Then I want them to become effective and productive citizens either in this community or any other community where they may choose to live.
Just to clarify, if I am not mistaken, Terry Hurt was originally hired by Cynthia Risner-Schiller. Also, the position that Lynn Bryant was hired for was the IDEA-B Human Resources Specialist. Who better to hire for a SPED HR Specialist than the former director of the SPED department? As far as I know, these two positions were posted. The current position that Marcy Oxford was reassigned to upon Patricia Miller's departure, Grants Specialist, was not advertised.
i just dont understand,,,you all teachers and administrators,,don't you know everything you say andd do and discuss with ur fellow worker is letting the whole las cruces know what is going on in your know it was your friend that posted all that crap ,,if you don't say it it wont be posted shhhh shhhh.
God created woman.Woman became teacher.God created man.Man became coach.Man became principal, hired coach.Woman became principal, fired man and fired coach; woman hired friend.Woman became superintendent. Woman had God fire "W" and develop a PLC to fix the world, our country, and our pathetic LCPS system.God became administrator in charge, just as is should be!Merry Christmas